- WP8 ISTSI2019 ECNS Satellite Workshop and attendance at ECNS: St Petersburg, Russia 29 June 2019 and 30 June – 5 July 2019
- WP Meeting and General Assembly: Bilbao, Spain 28 May 2019
- Presentation of MCPL software: BNL (NOBUGS 2018), USA 22-25 October 2018
- Presentation of MCPL software and McStas Workshop: ORNL, USA 18-19 October 2018
- Co-organised MDANSE2018: Orotova, Spain 24-26 September 2018
- WP Meeting: Parma, Italy June 2018
- Presentation of MCPL software: ESS DMSC, Denmark 20-22 June 2018
- WP8-WP3 software meeting: Grenoble, France 22-25 January 2018
- SINE2020 Mid-term review: Brussels, Belgium 4 July 2017
- Presentation of MCPL software: ISIS, UK 26-28 April 2017
- Presentation of developments: ENDiX, UK 24-26 April 2017
- WP8 e-tools meeting at ICANS: Oxford, UK, 31 March 2017
The SINE2020 WP8 on e-tools met during the ICANS conference. SINE2020 participants to ICANS are welcome. The agenda covered progress reports and tour-de-table.
- Workshop “Neutrons: Cradle to Grave”: Coimbra, Portugal, 6-7 September 2016
Presentations and video recordings available at:
- 1st WP Meeting: Copenhagen, Denmark, 16 October 2015