Call for proposals for funding of neutron and muon introductory schools

The deadline for applying for funding for Neutron or Muon Introductory Schools is January 24. The schools will be supported by the SINE2020 project.


2014 JCNS school 2014 JCNS school Crowded environment at the sample position of the neutron spin echo spectrometer. (C) Alexandra Steffen/JCNS

The JCNS Lab Course. © Alexandra Steffen/JCNS

Education and Training within the SINE2020 networking activities has the mission of enhancing the preparation of new generations of users of European neutron and muon facilities. There will be two calls for proposals over the next four years, until the end of SINE2020.

The present call is dedicated especially to the organization of Introductory Schools. The Introductory Schools will be based on the existing network of neutron schools organized on a regular basis throughout Europe, but new proposals are specifically encouraged. The proposals will be evaluated by a committee of experts (Selection Panel). The coordination committee will encourage the use of the e-learning platform and the involvement of local Universities. Calls and other details will soon be available here .

Overview of rules

There is, however, a set of general rules that have to be respected by all the organizers of these events. A number of these are outlined below. For further details on the rules of the call, please download the documents below.

How to apply for funding

To submit your proposal for funding, please send an email to according to the Application Form that can be downloaded below.


SINE2020 Schools: Call for Proposals (373 kB)
SINE2020 Schools: Application Form (128 kB)