Registration to the SINE2020 General Assembly is open

The SINE2020 GA will be held at the University of Coimbra in Portugal. Please don’t forget to register.


University of Coimbra. © François Philipp via Wikimedia Commons.


This year’s SINE2020 General Assembly will be held at the University of Coimbra, which is the oldest academic institution in Portugal, and part of the UNESCO heritage.

There is the possibility to organise satellite WP meetings on September 7, after which we will go on a tour to visit the university.

Preliminary program

September 7

September 8

This is an opportunity to meet project members, exchange ideas, and learn the status of each work-package. To take part of it please register at

HotelsPlease note that the local organisers have blocked rooms in a number of hotels in Coimbra, but the deadline to book them will expire soon.

SINE2020 GA 2016 - agenda (01/09/2016) (166 kB)