Call for proposals - Organization of Neutron and Muon Specialised or Advanced Schools


Education and Training within the SINE2020 networking activities has the mission of enhancing the preparation for new generations of future users of European neutron and muon facilities.

The last call for the last year of the SINE2020 project is launched now and refers to the period of 1 January 2019 – 30 September 2019. It is dedicated to the organisation of Specialised or Advanced Schools related to neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy.

The supported schools will focus on a spcific neutron or muons technique or specific related analysis tool or scientific discipline. They are dedicated for scientists looking for very specific training on new or specialised subjects using neutron scattering or muon spectroscopy. Schools may also focus on new instrumentation and science opportunities at ESS or other future neutron sources.

During this period a maximum of two events by the same proposer can be supported.

The proposals will be evaluated by a committee of experts (Selection Panel). The coordination committee will encourage the use of the e-learning platform and the involvement of local Universities. There is, however, a set of general rules that have to be respected by all the organizers of these events. These are outlined below.


Advanced schools

Contact Person and Project Leader

LLB, CEA-SACLAY, F-91191 Gif sur Yvette France


Announcement 2018 (213 kB)
Application form 2018 (233 kB)