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Sample Environment Work Package team meet in Prague
22-23 November 2018
Participants of Sample Environment meeting in Prague
22 researchers working on SINE2020's Sample Environment work package met at the Masaryk Dormitory Congress Centre in Prague, Czech Republic to report on progress and review their ongoing work. The team is well on track to produce the remaining deliverables (7 out or 23) within the SINE2020 project timescale.
- The first release of SECoP, the Sample Environment Communication Protocol, is now on-line and all facilities are invited to test and send feedback.
- The 4x fast-cooling procedure developed during the project is now being automated at ILL and ISIS to ease the use of furnaces.
- PSI and ILL are working closely with the attocube company to develop a non-magnetic goniometer for ultra-low temperature measurements on neutron beams.
- Thanks to the help of high-pressure experts from CSEC and IMPMC, double-layer clamp cells featuring in-situ pressure measurement and transparent anvils for Paris-Edinburgh cells are taking shape.
- Muonium chemistry is now becoming a reality and the hyperfine coupling of acetone measured at ISIS perfectly matches the results from the literature.