About SINE2020
SINE2020: Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020
A European R&I project funded by the H2020 programme
SINE2020 is a consortium of 18 partner institutions from 12 countries. It is funded by the European Union through the H2020 programme.
It has two objectives:
- preparing Europe for the unique opportunities at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in 2020
- developing the innovation potential of neutron Large Scale Facilities (LSF’s).

Participants at the SINE2020 kick-off meeting in Copenhagen, 2015. © SINE2020
The SINE2020 Sustainability Report

The SINE2020 partners have worked together to produce our Sustainability Report. Here you can discover what has been acheived in the last four years, and what still needs to be done to ensure legacy. The full pdf document can be downloaded below.
Today’s society is being transformed by new materials and processes. Analytical techniques underpin their development and neutrons, with their unique properties, play a pivotal role in a multi-disciplinary, knowledge-based approach (for further information on the use of neutrons in research click here ).
Industry and the neutron research community must however work together more closely to enhance their innovation potential. Neutrons are only available at LSF’s, presenting specific challenges for outreach. National and European initiatives have combined to create a user community of almost 10000, mainly academia-based users, which is supported by an ecosystem of about 10, often world-class national facilities and the European facility, the Institute Laue Langevin. Europe leads neutron science and is investing almost 2B€ in the ESS, its construction, like Horizon 2020, spanning the period 2014-2020.
SINE2020's approach
New and improved services will be developed in SINE2020, by the LSF’s and partners, in an approach that includes outreach, samples, instrumentation and software.
- User Services: Improvements to the user-services for sample preparation (with focus on chemical deuteration, crystal growth), sample environment and data treatment at LSF’s, based on standardization across facilities.
- R&D Technology: Cutting-edge instrumentation and detectors are pillars supporting the world-class science that users can perform at LSF’s.
- Industry Consultancy: This networking activity will act as an intermediary between industry members who may go to the facilities to use neutrons and the LSF’s.
- Training: The e-learning platform e-neutrons will be extended to provide students and scientists around the globe with a free tool to learn about neutron scattering. A number of selected general introductory schools as well as specialized schools will be financially supported each year.
EU Funding
SINE2020 is supported by the European Union. It is part of the call INFRADEV-4-2014-2015 on “Implementation and operation of cross-cutting services and solutions for clusters of ESFRI and other relevant research infrastructure initiatives” and falls within the funding scheme RIA – Research and Innovation action.
SINE2020 on the Cordis webpages: http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/198195_en.html
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