Calendar of events -
SeptemberGarching bei München, Germany
DescriptionSupported by SINE2020
It is our pleasure to invite you to the “Neutrons for membrane biophysics” school that will take place in Garching (close to Munich) between the 15th and 19th of July. The event will focus on the use of neutrons and molecular deuteration to enable early career researchers to provide fresh insight into problems in membrane biophysics. The workshop’s aims are to give: a practical background in the design of experiments (including utilisation of molecular deuteration); preparation of samples; successful execution of a measurement program (with hands on experiments at two instruments of the FRM II reactor); and the analysis of data. We will introduce software packages suitable for the analysis of data as well as explore the exciting possibilities of directly comparing molecular dynamics simulations with neutron scattering data. The target audience is early career researchers, mainly PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, working with biophysical problems involving model membranes.
Lectures will cover the following areas:
- Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) – Neutron reflectometry – Grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering (GISANS) – Membrane lamellar diffraction – Molecular deuteration – Molecular dynamics
List of lecturers:
- Dr. Anna Leung (ESS) – Dr. Selma Maric (Univ. Malmo) – Dr. Alexandros Koutsioumpas (JCNS @ MLZ) – Dr. Sebastian Jaksch (JCNS) – Dr. François Boué (INRA – AgroParisTech – Univ. Paris Saclay) – Dr. Robert Georgii (TUM) – Dr. Chris Garvey (Univ. Malmo, LINX ) – Dr. Thomas Hauss (HZB) – Dr. Alan Mark (Univ. Queensland)
OrganiserJCNS, MLZ, ANSTO, Malmo Univ. LINXS
Contact URL PrintSaint-Martin-de-Londres close to Montpellier, south of France
The French Neutron Scattering Days (Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique, JDN) will be held in September, 16-19 2019 in Saint-Martin-de-Londres close to Montpellier, south of France.
The conference will be in English and is open to any scientist using neutrons.
This multidisciplinary 2-days workshop covers Soft Matter-Biology and Condensed Matter-Magnetism in two parallel sessions.
Invited speakers are:
– Arantxa Arbe, Centro de Física de Materiales, San Sebastian
– Markus Braden, Dept. of Physics, University of Cologne
– Giovanna Fragneto, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble
– Stéphane Pailhes, Institut Lumière Matière, Lyon
The deadline for abstract submission (oral or poster) is June 1st, 2019. Registrations are now open until July 15th. Further details and registration are avalaible on the website.
Note that the conference proposes a specially low fee for PhD students (100 €) covering full board and accomodation thanks to support by SFN/2FDN.
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadPrintGarching bei München, Germany
Juelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) is happy to announce that
application is open for the 23rd Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering
taking place September 2-13, 2019 in Juelich and Garching/Munich,
The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one
week of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities of
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ. It is the aim of the course to give
a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific
Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences are
invited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee.
Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits.
For further information and to apply for participation please visit
our website
Deadline for application is May 12, 2019.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Juelich and Garching!
OrganiserJülich Center for Neutron Science (JCNS) and the Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)
Contact E-Mail URL PrintIspra, Italy
DescriptionCo-organized by SISN and JRC, the school is addressed to PhD students, post-doc and early-career scientists.
The 5-day programme presents pedagogical lectures on the most advanced neutron and muon techniques followed by class exercises and hands-on tutorials using the best cutting-edge software packages for data reduction and analysis, data visualization, data fitting, and theoretical modelling of magnetic properties. Introductory lectures will provide insights into the application of magnetic materials. Lectures will be held in English.
The school registration fee is 200€. It includes full board and lodging. Partial support of travel cost may be provided through the SINE2020 funding.
Application closes at 24:00 GMT on Friday 31st May 2019. Participant places will be confirmed shortly thereafter.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintSt Anne’s College, Oxford, UK
DescriptionAbout the School: The school is intended primarily for scientists, student and postdoctoral researchers, who are new to the field of neutron scattering. It provides an excellent introduction to the field, which is developed through to its application in contemporary research. Lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of a variety of neutron scattering techniques will be given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique. The school has its origins in 1966,as the first one of its kind, and many famous neutron practitioners have attended the schools of the past 50 years.
Programme: The first week of the school introduces students to the core concepts of neutron scattering, neutron sources and instrumentation, neutron diffraction and spectroscopy. The second week splits tuition into three focused science areas, physics, chemistry and soft/bio, and provides lectures on neutron techniques and concepts which are most relevant to each area. Each lecture will be accompanied by a tutorial session. The students will be asked to make short presentations to their peers about their current research projects and work in pairs to write a beamtime proposal. The students will also have the opportunity to visit the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Facility in Didcot, and to attend a number of evening lectures from prestigious names from the neutron community. In addition, this year are providing an option maths refresher for those students who may want it.
Application: To apply for the school you will need to submit both a personal statement and a statement from your academic supervisor that will be used in the selection process. Applications should arrive no later than the 12th May 2019. The course is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply in plenty of time, as late applications will not be accepted. Applicants are selected for the course based on their requirements for neutron scattering techniques as part of their present and future research activities. Applicants will be notified shortly after of the outcome of their application. The school is open to all applicants worldwide.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
This will be a new theoretical school where advanced concepts of muon spectroscopy will be taught across a wide range of science areas. It will be the first school of this type since the 1998 Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics held at St Andrews University. Lectures and tutorials covering the theory and practice of muon spectroscopy and complimentary techniques will be given by the international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both continuous and pulsed muon sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique.
The first half of the school will introduce the muon spectroscopy technique and various science areas. The second half will focus on in-depth discussion of its application to various science areas. There will be a series of lectures and tutorials on each science subjects. The students will be asked to make short presentations (single slide for 2 min each) to their peers about their current research projects and how muon spectroscopy can help them. There will also be tutorial to work in pairs to write a beamtime proposal. The students will also have the opportunity to visit the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Facility and attend a number of evening lectures from prestigious names from the muon community.
Topics covered during the school include:
• Magnetic materials
• Superconductors
• Energy materials
• Semiconductors
• Molecular materials
• Studies of thin films and interfaces
• Reaction kinetics
• Muon spectroscopy under Extreme environments
• Muon site determination & DFT
To apply for the school you will need to submit both a personal statement and a statement from your academic supervisor that will be used in the selection process. Applications should arrive no later than the 3rd June 2019. The course is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply in plenty of time, as late applications will not be accepted. Applicants are selected for the course based on their requirements for muon spectroscopy techniques as part of their present and future research activities. Applicants will be notified shortly after of the outcome of their application. The school is open to all applicants worldwide.
To apply please visit the school webpage.
Fees: School fee is £520 per residential student which includes the cost of an en-suite room during the school, breakfast, afternoon and evening meals, teaching materials, drinks reception and the gala dinner. There are 50 residential places available. There are also 5 non-residential places for students who do not require local accommodation, at a school fee of £150, which includes teaching materials, drinks reception and gala dinner. Fees will be payable once the names of successful applicants have been announced.
OrganiserSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland Oxford University, UK
Contact NamePabita Biswas
E-Mail URL
PrintSaint Petersburg, Russia
the European Conference on Neutron Scattering 2019 (ECNS – 2019) will take place in Saint Petersburg, Russia, at the Moskovskye Vorota Congress Center from July 1 to 5, 2019. ECNS – 2019 will be the largest european platform for sharing and exchanging the latest exciting advances in neutron scattering science, which will bring scientists together from a wide range of disciplines.
The Moskovskye Vorota Congress Center is well equipped with modern conference facilities and closely located with a spectrum of hotel accommodations, museums, art galleries, and universities, making it a convenient and culturally vibrant venue for ECNS – 2019.
- Neutron Sources and Facilities
- Neutron Instrumentation, Optics, Sample Environment, Detectors and Software
- Fundamental Science
- Chemistry of Materials (Structure and Spectroscopy)
- Magnetism, Superconductivity and other Electronic Phenomena
- Functional Materials
- Glasses and Liquids
- Thin Films and Interfaces
- Soft Condensed Matter
- Health and Life Sciences
- Engineering applications
- Cultural Heritage and Archaeometry
- Planetary Sciences and Extreme Conditions
Holiday Inn St. Petersburg, Russia
DescriptionThe workshop brings together the partners of the SINE2020 WP8 that have contributed work in the areas of
- Integrated simulation using neutronics and Monte Carlo ray-tracing
- Innovative Shielding Concepts and Materials
- Compact Instrumentation for Larmor Labelling applications at the ESS
For more information and registration, please consult the website.
Contact URL PrintBilbao, Spain
DescriptionNeutrons are a unique probe to study structure and dynamics of matter. Large neutron scattering facilities are based on nuclear reactors or spallation neutron sources. However recent advances in accelerator technology and neutronics design have made possible the construction of high brilliance neutron sources based on low energy proton accelerator, that will be able to play a significant role in future neutron science and technology.
This new type of infrastructures will enable much broader and easier access to high-brilliance neutrons independent of the existing neutron sources and improve the problem of continuous overbooking at the current sources. Large universities or research centres will be able to host their own neutron institutes presenting new opportunities to perform neutron science, prepare experiments for large facilities, train students and develop instrumentation. The focus of this specialized school is in science and instrumentation adapted to CANS.
Contact NameSira Cordon
E-Mail URL PrintBizkaia Aretoa, Bilbao, Spain
Researchers from the 10 Work Packages from the SINE2020 project will meet and discuss their work for the next and final General Assembly for the project.
PrintLund, Sweden
DescriptionThis advanced school on X-rays and Neutrons techniques for the study of functional materials for energy is jointly organized by Swedish and French universities and research organisms.
Materials for the production, processing, storage or transportation of energy are essential components for current societal challenges. Knowledge of structural organization and dynamics at the atomic scale is therefore an essential prerequisite for the study of these materials, and is based, not exclusively but largely, on the use of short-wave radiation, neutrons or X-rays. Thus, an important aspect of the proposed school is to emphasize the complementarity between similar techniques based on one or the other of the radiations, too often ignored.
Contact URL PrintDESY, Hamburg
DescriptionOn behalf of the ACCELERATE Project, we would like to invite you to our conference on Advanced Imaging and Probing for Energy Application.
For industrial R&D specialists, characterisation and imaging tools become useful when standard means fail and a trial and error approach is too expensive.
Special probes such as synchrotrons, neutron sources and high energy laser sources make processes visible that are otherwise impossible to observe. This enables, for example, the characterisation of materials, imaging components and even the observation of systems in real-time.
These tools and probes provide greater insight that could lead to better or even game-changing products.
The event is aimed at companies working in the energy sector and will show the potential for the different tools and probes to be helpful to industrial R&D.
The event will also be of interest to academics working in the challenges faced by industry and who want to partner with them to find solutions.
This conference is part of the EU funded project Accelerate, supporting the long-term sustainability of large-scale research infrastructures (RIs).
During the event we will introduce companies to a breadth of technologies available to them, provide examples on how they have been used and what has been achieved. We will also inform you on how you can access those facilities and what funding support, local, national and EU, might be available to you.
Topics will include energy storage, generation, transmission and conversion.
Entry to the conference is FREE. Click view the agenda and to sign up here. We look forward to seeing you there.
Contact URL PrintHeraklion, Crete, Greece
DescriptionWP4 meeting and joint discussions with CALIPSOplus ILOs about future joint activities (e.g. in the frame of LEAPS and LENS initiatives).
PrintLyon, France
SYNERGI is an event that gives you an insight into neutron and synchrotron characterisation techniques for R&D, introducing techniques that allow materials and device investigation far beyond conventional laboratory capabilities.
• Chemical engineering and catalysis
• Food, agriculture and consumer products
• Biochemistry and pharmaceutical development
• Petrochemicals & gas
• Environmental chemistry
Registration now open!
Contact E-Mail URL PrintHerrsching/Ammersee (near Munich) and at the FRM II in Garching/Munich
DescriptionThe MATRAC 2 School will provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials and will focus on neutron scattering and imaging experiments. Students and young scientists from research and industry from all of Europe interested in this field are welcome to participate.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintZaragoza, Spain
Neutrons are a non-destructive way of investigating biological and biotechnological materials. They can be used to study membranes, interfaces, surface morphology, solubility, macroscopic properties, crystal structure, colloids and much more. Neutrons can also locate individual hydrogen atoms on biological molecules and determine interactions between drug-molecules and their binding sites in the target.
Join us at the Aragon Materials Science Institute, ICMA (CSIC – University of Zaragoza) for SINE2020’s Neutrons for the Biotech Industry event where you can find out how neutrons can help your company and your research. At this event you will meet experts from the field of neutron scattering who will introduce you to several examples in their presentations. They will also be ready to discuss your particular questions in topic-related working groups.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintWashington, DC
The 2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC, from January 14 – 18, 2019. The Joint MMM-Intermag Conferences, convened every three years, are the combination of two annual premiere international conferences on magnetism: the IEEE International Magnetics Conference (Intermag) and the Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM). Members of the international scientific and engineering communities interested in recent developments in fundamental and applied magnetism are cordially invited to attend the Conference and actively participate in its technical sessions. The Conference provides an opportunity to share your research and interact with a large and broad collection of magnetism researchers, and to learn about the most recent developments in the field.
Technical Subject Categories
This Conference will include basic and applied science and technology related to the field of magnetism and magnetic materials. The technical subject categories are as follows:
- Fundamental Properties and Cooperative Phenomena
- Critical Phenomena
- Highly Frustrated Magnetism and Spin Glasses
- Quantum Spin Liquids
- Heavy Fermions and f-electron Magnetism
- Molecular and Organic Magnets
- Magnetoelectronic Materials and Phenomena
- Multiferroics and Magnetoelectric Phenomena
- Complex Oxides
- Topological Insulators and Dirac Materials
- 2D and Layered van der Waals Materials
- Magnetic Semiconductors
- Heusler Alloys
- Soft Magnetic Materials
- Ferrites and Garnets
- Crystalline Alloys
- Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Materials
- Hard Magnetic Materials
- Rare-Earth Compounds
- Intermetallic Alloys
- Nanostructured Hard Magnetic Materials
- Other Hard Magnetic Materials
- Structured Materials
- Thin Films and Surface Effects
- Multi-Layered Films and Superlattices
- Patterned Films
- Exchange Bias
- Nanoparticle and Nanowire Arrays
- Individual Nanoparticle and Nanowire Behavior
- Materials with Coupled Magnetic Functionality
- Magneto-Optical Materials
- Magneto-Elastic Materials
- Magneto-Caloric Materials
- New Coupled Magnetic Phenomena
- Spintronics: Fundamentals and Devices
- Magnetoresistance and Hall Effect (homogenous materials)
- Magnetoresistance in Heterostructures (GMR, TMR, TAMR)
- Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy and Switching
- MRAM, Magnetic Logic, and Related Devices
- Spin Injection and Spin Transfer Torques
- Spin Currents, Spin Pumping, Spin Hall, and Related Effects
- Antiferromagnetic Spintronics
- Skyrmionics and Noncollinear Spin Textures
- Spins in Graphene, Topological Insulators, and 2D Materials
- Magnetization Dynamics and Micromagnetics
- Magnetization Dynamics, Damping, and Ultrafast Switching
- Spin Waves
- Domain Wall Dynamics and Devices
- Micromagnetic and Hysteresis Modeling
- Magnetic Recording
- Recording Media
- Energy-Assisted and Optical Recording
- Recording Systems and Modeling
- Sensors (not Magnetic Recording), High Frequency and Power Devices
- Sensors (non-recording)
- Microwave and Millimeter Wave Materials and Devices
- Power and Control Magnetics
- Transformers and Inductors
- Shielding and Levitation
- Motors: Control and Drives
- Motors: Modeling and Simulations
- Motors: Applications
- Motors: Actuators
- New Applications
- Magnetic Characterization
- Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques
- Interdisciplinary and Emerging Topics
- Bio-Magnetism and Biomedical Applications
- Magnetic Fluids and Separations
- Chemical Magnetism, Geomagnetism, and Emerging Topics
The program will consist of invited and contributed
papers falling broadly within the scope of the categories listed
above. There will also be a Tutorial Session on Monday afternoon,
a Plenary Session on Wednesday afternoon, and Special
Evening Sessions during the week.
Suzanne G.E. te Velthuis
Contact URL DownloadPrintGarching bei München, Germany
What is BornAgain?
BornAgain is an open-source software framework for modelling and fitting reflectometry and grazing-incidence small-angle scattering (GISAS) data from multilayer samples probed by neutrons and x-rays.
BornAgain is actively developed by the Scientific Computing Group of JCNS-MLZ.
Purpose of the workshop
The school is focused on providing hands-on experience of simulation and fitting experimental data with BornAgain, featuring tutorials and practice sessions. Besides, the scattering theory implemented in the framework of the code as well as the software design will be outlined during compact introductory lectures.
Topics addressed
• Python programming basics
• BornAgain functionality overview
• Fitting and simulating reflectometry data
• Fitting and simulating GISAS data
• User meeting and open practice session
At the User Meeting, BornAgain users are kindly invited to share their experiences, suggest improvements or request missing features. The meeting also features open practice sessions, where attendees will be assisted in simulating and fitting their own data.
In order to attend the workshop please fill in the registration form on workshop webpage until 30 November, 2018.
The number of applicants is limited to 30. Notification on accepting the application will be sent via e-mail right after the deadline.
Jülich Center for Neutron Science (JCNS) and the Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)
Contact URL PrintPavel Strunz, UJF -NPL
Contact NameCaroline Boudou
E-Mail DownloadPrintVienna, Austria
ASMET, the Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials and voestalpine, invite decision-makers, engineers, developers, industry experts, scientists and students to the third Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference with exclusive focus on the processing of metals.
Contact NameMarc Thiry
E-Mail URL PrintStrasbourg, France
The MATERIAUX 2018 conference is organized under the aegis of the French Federation of Materials (FFM – which currently brings together some thirty scientific and technical associations concerned with materials. It is part of the series of MATERIAL conferences held every four years since 2002 and which have now established themselves as the essential Francophone event for all players in the world of materials (academics, researchers, engineers and PhD students). whether academic or industrial. Places of meeting and exchange conducive to the establishment of new collaborations, they allow to take stock of the latest scientific and technological innovations and better understand the prospects, in the short and medium terms, in terms of design and implementation. of materials.
OrganiserFerderation Francais des Materiaux
Contact NameCaroline Boudou
E-Mail URL PrintChaville, France
DescriptionBringing together the most representative and innovative companies in the sector, from SMEs to multinationals, this event is the meeting place for suppliers and principals using the metallic material. During 2 days, plenary conferences, round tables, workshops, business meetings and exhibitions will be held in parallel with the aim of addressing both the market, technological and human aspects of the sector.
Contact URL PrintLondon, UK
The ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy Group will hold its next science meeting at the Department of Chemistry, University College London on 6th and 7th of November 2018.
Registration is now open. To register, please click here.
Exciting advances in neutron science and molecular spectroscopy will be discussed across the following thematic areas:
- Industrial Challenges
- Environment
- Looking Back: Archeometry & Cultural Heritage
- Back to Fundamentals: Water & Aqueous Media
Confirmed keynote speakers
- Dr Paul Collier
- Prof Maria Paula Marques
- Prof Paul McMillan
- Prof Angelos Michaelides
- Prof Neal Skipper
Keynote lectures will be followed by a number of oral presentations in each thematic area. These talks are intended for early-career researchers aiming to present their work in a friendly, supportive environment.
There will be a poster session at the end of the first day, including rapid one-minute poster presentations ideal for scientists at any stage of their career.
Those wishing to contribute an oral or poster presentation should submit the title during registration to the event. The organising committee will distribute the final programme based on the submissions received. Registration closes 30th September.
Organizing Committee
- Dr Christoph Salzmann, University College London
- Prof Roberto Senesi, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
- Prof Felix Fernandez-Alonso, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
- Dr Hamish Cavaye, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
- Mrs Emma Roberts, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
University College London
Contact NameDr Hamish Cavaye
E-Mail URL
DownloadPrintLyon, France
At the Rendez-vous Carnot, your innovation project becomes reality thanks to the unique portal of connection.
Save time, find in one place scientific expertise and advice for your innovation (Intellectual property, international, financing, etc.)
A simple and effective search engine to identify the essential partners to carry out your innovation project.
- 11,000 Business meetings scheduled in advance
- 94,5% of participants identified new R&D partners (satisfaction survey 2017)
- 2,800 Innovation project leaders
Contact URL Phone+33 (0)1 46 90 22 33
PrintSydney, Australia
When designing new food products for the market-place, it is of increasing importance to understand the relationships between the structural and functional properties of food constituents and implications on their processing, nutritional, physiological and sensory behaviour. The creation of novel functionalities of ingredients in complex food systems requires knowledge of not only the structure of native agricultural materials but also the changes in their structure across a wide range of length and time scales brought about by food processing. It is the inherent complexity of modern food systems that calls for interdisciplinary scientific approaches to be applied.
In addition, there are significant challenges in the food arena that transcend national borders arising from increasing food demand governed by a growing population, rapidly changing food preferences, increasing demand for healthier food to combat disease and to improve diet, higher standards of food quality associated with economic development, concerns of the impact of agriculture on the environment, and the effect of climate change.
To explore the opportunity neutron scattering techniques offer, the Neutrons and Food conference started in 2010. The conference has been held every two years since with attendees showcasing how neutron scattering techniques have been used and, often, in concert with other complementary measurement methods including X-ray and light scattering. In 2018, the conference returns to Sydney.
With neutron scattering remaining at its core, we also wish to extend and showcase nuclear-based techniques more broadly and how they are increasingly being used. Such examples include neutron activation analysis and isotopic fingerprinting techniques to combat food fraud.
The conference welcomes participants and contributions from the wide community of food science and product development, food packaging, and nutrition, as well as exponents as nuclear-based methods including scattering. In particular we intend to have a mixture of talks from food scientists and technologists with problems where scattering methods may be applicable, as well as talks from those already using scattering and other nuclear-based methods. We also anticipate the opportunity for one-on-one discussions to provide advice on specific problems as well as pre-conference presentations on what some of the techniques have to offer the food science community.
As always, the primary goal is to bring together the community of food scientists and materials scientists to address the most significant challenges in food.
Previous Meetings
Sydney 2010
Delft 2012
Paris 2014
Lund 2016
You may also be interested in attending the 17th International Small-Angle Scattering conference in Traverse City, Michigan, the week prior to Neutrons and Food.
OrganiserElliot Gilbert
Contact E-Mail URL
PrintTraverse City, Michigan, USA
DescriptionSasView user meeting will be held in connection with SAS2018 conference Grand Traverse Resort & Spa, Traverse City, Michigan, October 12, 2018 at 2.15pm. The objective of this half day workshop is to demonstrate SasView 5.0, which comes with the completely refactored GUI, new features and improved user experience.
The tentative agenda for the workshop include:
• Welcome and intro (goals and outline) 10min
• What is SasView
• What is SasView structure: sasview, sasmodels, bumps
• Demo of existing functionality 1h ?Going through menu items
• Loading different data types (1D/2D) data
• Fitting 1D and 2D models
• Simultaneous and batch fitting
• Pr inversion, Invariant perspective
• Correlation functions
• Calculators
• Break 15min
• How to write and distribute user models 45min ?Writing models using plugin editor
• Category manager
• Python and C model
• Distributing models on SasView marketplace
• Break 15min
• SasView CLI 25min ?SasCalc example – e.g. P® inversion
• Calculating form factor from sasmodels
• 1D fitting using sasmodels and bumps
• 2D fitting
• Batch fitting
• Documentation, Tutorials and Bug reporting 10min
• How to become a SasView Developer 5min
• User feedback 5min
Contact URL PrintGrenoble, France
The neutron landscape in Europe is going through a period of dramatic change. Two major, national facilities will close by 2020 while substantial investment in a new European facility, ESS, will deliver transformative capabilities and extend the technique to new domains by the middle of the next decade. After the Millennium upgrade programmes, ILL is currently executing phase one of the Endurance programme to further enhance its instruments and infrastructure and is now preparing a second, more extensive phase of Endurance that will be the basis of future operations well beyond 2023.
The future of neutron scattering is bright, but both the landscape of facilities and the community of users must take a proactive and strategic approach to navigating and managing these changes in a holistic way, in order to ensure the sustainability and vitality of this important research technique.
ILL and ESS therefore feel that it is timely to review recent achievements and the current status and, above all, look forward to new scientific opportunities with neutrons for the next decade.
The User Meeting programme foresees ten keynote speakers on future directions in neutron science, as well as reports on recent achievements and ongoing work at ILL and ESS. There will be ‘focus sessions’ in the User Meeting to highlight several key techniques while satellite workshop events, in parallel with the User Meeting, will allow participants to delve deeper into specific areas of neutron science.
OrganiserILL / ESS
Contact E-Mail URL PrintBerlin, Germany
ConferenceSeries Ltd welcomes you all to the ‘4th International Conference on Physics’ during September 17-18, 2018 at Berlin, Germany. The theme of the conference is “Innovative technologies and outcomes in Physics”. The Committee is looking forward to organize an exceptional meeting with new and interesting sessions and discussion and to meet new people where you can share your subject and passion. At Physics 2018 you can acquired new information and will be very useful for expanding the knowledge in the field and generating new ideas to improve yourself and your professional career.
Importance and Scope
Physics 2018 conducts a wide range of sessions and Tracks which provides the participants and all the attendees with an opportunity to extend their information in the subject and interact with professionals in the field of Physics. The agenda of the conference highlights new and advanced science and current topics with interesting Sessions, Symposia, Workshops, and Plenary talks, Keynote Presentations, Young Researchers Forum and Poster Sessions.
Conference Highlights
- Classical and Modern Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Astro-Particle Physics & Cosmology
- Material Physics
- High Energy Nuclear Physics
- Atomic,Molecular & Optical Physics
- Quantum Science & Technology
- Nano-Technology
- Plasma Science
- Electromagnetism and Electronics
- Applied Physics
ConferenceSeries Ltd
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadPrintKraków, Poland
The topic for the 2018 European School on Magnetism will be Magnetism by Light, part of the Series of the European School on Magnetism. The School will take place from Sep 17th to Sep 28th 2018 in Kraków, Poland. The School is chaired by Marek Przybylski, under the auspices of the Academic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Kraków is the second largest and one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Poland. The history of the city dates back to the 7th century. It hosts 10 public and 13 private universities, several Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Center, delivering its first beam for users in 2017. Kraków is conveniently connected by plane.
Like previous editions of ESM, the 2018 School aims at providing a thorough understanding of magnetism based on a broad series of fundamental lectures, while offering the latest insights into up-to-date aspects of magnetism with lectures focusing on a special topic. The topic covered in 2018 is Magnetism by Light. This covers a wide range of fundamental phenomena deeply rooted in condensed matter physics, specific instrumentation and opportunities for applications. Focused lectures will cover ultrafast light-induced magnetization processes, magnetoplasmonics, microwave magnetism, magneto-optics, spectroscopic and synchrotron-based techniques etc. The School will be an opportunity for young scientists from the two fields, to meet, share their expertise and network.
The School is addressed at young scientists, mainly PhD students and post-docs, both experimentalists and theoreticians. It will consist of a ten-day training of lectures and practicals provided by prominent scientists active in today’s research, interactive question sessions, access to a library of magnetism-related books, and industrial contributions. The detailed program will be disclosed on September 2017, and the lecturers in November 2017. Request for participation will be launched in the Spring 2018.
OrganiserAcademic Centre for Materials and Nanotechnology and AGH University of Science and Technology
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+33 6 84 20 68 71
PrintGarching near Munich, Germany
A wealth of excellent research results have been obtained in the last years through the use of large facilities for the investigation of condensed matter. Experiments with neutrons, synchrotron and ion radiation offer complementary possibilities to illuminate the properties of matter in all its facets. For the fourth time (following the conferences in 2006, 2010, and 2014), scientists from a variety of disciplines will gather at a SNI for presenting results and exchanging ideas at this showcase of joint research at research centres and universities. A special open session will be devoted to presenting research highlights tailored to the general public.
Registration opens March 4, 2018.
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+49 (0)89 289 10794
PrintClausthal – Zellerfeld, Germany
September 17, 2018
Basics of crystallographic textures
- Introduction in crystallographic textures
- How to present crystallographic textures?
- Open discussion with some examples, in which areas crystallographic textures are needed?
September 18, 2018
How to measure crystallographic textures
- Measurement of crystallographic textures (X-rays, EBSD, Neutrons, synchrotron)
- Open disscussion with some examples, how to define which methode shall be used?
Clausthal University of Technology
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadPrintMunich, Germany
A wealth of excellent research results have been obtained in the last years through the use of large facilities for the investigation of condensed matter. Experiments with neutrons, synchrotron and ion radiation offer complementary possibilities to illuminate the properties of matter in all its facets. For the fourth time (following the conferences in 2006, 2010, and 2014), scientists from a variety of disciplines will gather at a SNI for presenting results and exchanging ideas at this showcase of joint research at research centres and universities.
OrganiserMLZ, KFS, KFN, KFSI
Contact NameMarc Thiry
E-Mail URL PrintCarqueiranne (France)
The 2018 edition of the thematic School of the Neutron French Society (SFN) will be dedicated to “Neutrons and Biology” and will take place in Carqueiranne (France) on September 16-19, 2018.
The School “Neutrons and Biology” will present an overview of the use of neutrons to probe the structure and dynamics of biological systems. Lectures will be presented by researchers from neutron international facilities and from academia and will include basic tutorials on the principles of neutron diffraction and scattering, a description of the neutron sources and instrumentation, as well as seminars on the application of neutron diffraction and scattering to different biological subjects. Students will also be introduced to the reduction, analysis and interpretation of experimental data and to the writing of an experimental proposal.
The target audience includes graduate students, PhD students and postdocs or experienced scientists not familiar with the application of neutrons to biology.
The list of topics includes:
- Neutron diffraction/crystallography
- Neutron reflectometry
- Elastic, quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering
- Small angle neutron scattering
- Integrated approaches
- Industrial applications
Neutron French Society (SFN)
Contact URL PrintFenestrelle (Italy) / Grenoble (France)
Introduction to neutron techniques for condensed matter studies, with applications to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth sciences
First part: Theory
14-20 September
Hotel Pracatinat
Loc. Prà Catinat
Fenestrelle (Italy)
Second part: Experiments
21 – 24 September
Institut Laue Langevin
Grenoble (France)
The SISN ‘Learning Days’ is an interdisciplinary school for students, graduates and young researchers interested to acquire the core elements of neutron spectroscopy, to understand its benefits and potentialities and to learn how apply it to own research.
OrganiserAndrea Piovano (Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble), Marco Zanatta (Università di Verona)
Contact URL PrintGarching, Germany
DescriptionAdditive Manufacturing – New Challenges for Nondestructive Testing
Mon-destructive testing for additive manufacturing is the focus of the 7th VDI-TUM Expert Forum. Here, different starting materials such as metal, plastic and ceramic as well as various testing techniques with X-ray, neutrons, ultrasound and optical methods are presented. In addition, new test methods are described.
Experts from industry and research report on their requirements for a suitable test technique and which new problems were solved with the aid of non-destructive testing methods. In the form of one-to-one interviews and a panel discussion with all participants, you will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to the experts and to introduce your own problems.
Contact NameRalph Gilles
E-Mail URL PrintESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands
The Industry Space Days event is organised by the European Space Agency to bring together the main European players in the space sector. Take part in the most important event dedicated to space technology, products & services in Europe:
- 1.500 participants
- 15.500 B2B meetings (90% scheduled in advance)
- Technical exhibition
- Conferences & workshops
Contact URL Phone+33 170 614 685
PrintTartu, Estonia
The Nordic Neutron Science Programme (NNSP) and the Swedish Neutron Education for Science & Society (SwedNess) programme are proud to present the second Graduate School on Neutron Scattering. The school will take place in the university town of Tartu, Estonia, September 8-21st, 2018.
The school is aimed as an introduction for starting Ph.D. students, but Master students and Post-docs are welcome to participate as well.
The school covers an introduction to neutron scattering, with the topics:
- Principles of scattering and neutron instrumentation
- Diffraction
- Small-angle scattering
- Reflectivity
- Imaging
- Inelastic scattering
- Quasielastic scattering
- Magnetic diffraction and inelastic scattering
- Use of polarized neutrons
In addition, there will be inspirational lectures on
- Neutrons for Life science
- Neutrons for energy materials
- Neutrons for industry
- Neutrons for quantum materials
- Scientific possibilities at ESS
A coherent set of lecture notes will be available, and there will be frequent use of e-learning for practical’s.
The course will start with two optional introductory days, September 8th and 9th, covering the topics:
- Complex numbers and complex exponentials
- Fourier transformation
- Connection between matter and waves
- Mathematical description of waves in one and three dimensions
We recommend that students from Life science consider joining the introductory days, while students from Physical Sciences would likely not need to.
The last day of the School will be formed as a small project exam. Upon passing the exam, the students will receive a course diploma. The course organizers have valued the School to 4 ECTS.
More information can be found in the detailed program.
To register please go to registration page.
Deadline for registrations is August 1th.
The school will accommodate maximum 60 students. The course is designed for PhD students early in their studies, but also Msc students ans Post Docs can participate. I case of overbooking, participants from the Nordic/Baltic countries have priority. In addition, PhD students have priority over others participants.
For the Nordic students, the NNSP and SwedNess funds will cover
- Registration fee
- Accommodation in shared rooms at a hotel (if you wish a single room, this must be paid by your institute or yourself)
- Breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks
- Welcome dinner 9th September and Conference Dinner 14th September
- Optional leisure activity 15th september: Adventure trail at Otepää –
- Reimbursement of transport to and from the School, economy class flight tickets + bus, maximum 250 EUR. Buss booking site
For Baltic students, other funding will be available, to be decided individually. If you are a Baltic student, please contact Indrek Tallo:
Please note that
- Transport must be ordered individually, to be reimbursed later
- Dinner is not included, except for the two days specified
For special requirements, please contact the School secretariat at:
OrganiserKim Lefmann, Univ. Copenhagen (NNSP), Martin Månsson, KTH (SwedNess)
Contact E-Mail URL PrintLauenburg/Hamburg, Germany
The MATRAC 1 School will provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials. Students and young scientists from research and industry from all of Europe interested in this field are welcome to participate.
The next school is taking place from 3 to 7 September 2018. The venue will be in Lauenburg (near Hamburg) and Hamburg. The focus of the practical training will be on synchrotron experiments. Neutron data analysis will also be practised. Therefore, the participants will spend two days doing experiments at GEMS/DESY in Hamburg.
The MATRAC 1 School is significantly funded by German and Swedish authorities for their respective students. Furthermore, we are currently applying for financial support for students from other EU countries in the frame of the SINE2020 Neutron and Muon Advanced Schools.Therefore, the participation fee amounts to 100 €.
The fee includes board and lodging for the duration of the school as well as the book “Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science” which has resulted from previous summer and autumn schools with the same title.
The application process is further explained on the events website.
Contact NameNicola Kampner
E-Mail URL Phone+49-4152-87-2555
AddressInstitute of Materials Reseach
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Centre for Materials and Coastal Research
Max-Planck-Str. 1
21502 Geesthacht
Jülich/Garching, Germany
If you are a student in the field of physics, chemistry, material science or biosciences with a BSc (or an equivalent qualification), you are welcome to apply for a place on this year’s JCNS Laboratory Course – Neutron Scattering, organized by Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Each year, the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University (Prof. T. Brückel, Prof. G. Roth, and Dr. R. Zorn) organizes a laboratory course in neutron scattering with experiments at the neutron scattering facilities of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ.
The course consists of two parts: a series of lectures, combined with the opportunity to take part in neutron scattering experiments. The lectures encompass an introduction to neutron sources, along with scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research are be presented.
Lectures are held at Forschungszentrum Jülich and the experiments take place at the neutron facilities of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Garching near Munich.
The laboratory course is part of the curriculum at the RWTH Aachen.
The aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental techniques of neutron scattering and their scientific potential.
Forschungszentrum Jülich supports students coming from outside the Aachen area by offering free accommodation and half-board. Travel expenses will also be reimbursed within reasonable limits.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich
Contact NameDr Reiner Zorn
E-Mail URL
Phone+49 2461 61-5275
PrintPortsmouth, UK
Diamond Light Source, the Mary Rose Trust and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, will organise SR2A-2018, The 8th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons in Art and Archaeology in Portsmouth, UK.
The conference will consist of a 4 day programme of oral presentations and poster sessions, opening with a welcome reception on the 3rd September. During the week delegates will also have the opportunity to take a tour of the UK’s National Synchrotron Facility, Diamond Light Source and explore Portsmouths Historic Dockyard, home to the Mary Rose Trust.
The SR2A conference focuses on the innovative use of synchrotron and neutron radiation to investigate artistic and archaeological materials and artefacts. The 2018 conference will specifically focus on Technique Advancements for Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons, Multi-technique Analytical Processes and Complementary Methods, the Impact of Analytical Techniques, Conservation & Monitoring methods, Materials & Processes and Archaeological & Paleontological Advances
The conference is open to all interested professionals, including archaeologists, conservation scientists, conservators, geochemists and material scientists, researchers with experience utilising large-scale research facilities and other analytical techniques, curators, cultural heritage managers, art historians, students and potential users of synchrotrons.
OrganiserDiamond Light Source, the Mary Rose Trust and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
Contact E-Mail URL PrintLjubljana, Slovenia
The series of SMARTER meetings aims to bring together scientists in the areas of computation, diffraction, geometric crystallography, and spectroscopy to promote combining various techniques and develop SMARTER approaches for structure determination of complex inorganic, organic and biological materials.
After Aveiro (2007 and 2011), Versailles (2012), Durham (2014), and Bayreuth (2016), the sixth SMARTER meeting will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from the 2nd to the 6th of September 2018.
The venue of the SMARTER6 meeting will be Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Faculty is located on the outskirts of Ljubljana.
Invited Speakers
The following speakers have already confirmed their participation:
- Sharon Ashbrook, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
- Vladislav Blatov, Samara University, Russia
- Francoise-Xavier Coudert, Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, France
- Goran Dražić, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia
- Lynne B. McCusker, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Marcus A. Neumann, Avant-garde Materials Simulation, Germany
- Jeffrey A. Reimer, UC Berkely, United States of America
National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia
Contact E-Mail URL PrintPotsdam, Germany
The successful series of the 10th International Workshop on Sample Environment at Scattering Facilities is celebrating its 10th edition and will be held in Potsdam and Berlin, Germany. The workshop is held under the patronage of the International Society for Sample Environment (ISSE) and will focus on two main topics:
- Sample environment at neutron scattering facilities
- Sample environment at synchrotron radiation facilities
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, housing the neutron facility BER II in Berlin-Wannsee (Lise-Meitner Campus) and the X-ray synchrotron facility BESSY II in Berlin-Adlershof (W.C. Röntgen Campus), invites technicians, engineers and scientist from all over the world to discuss and present sample environment related topics such as directed, switchable and ultrahigh magnetic fields, electric fields, extremely low and high sample temperatures, samples under ultrahigh vacuum conditions or extreme pressure.
The realization of complex setups for the investigation of gaseous, liquid and solid samples in different physical and chemical environments as well as its standardization and modularity are core elements of large scale facilities to collect valuable data with high efficiency, precision and reliability in limited beamtime periods.
We are looking forward to seeing many of interested people from science, engineering and industry to foster the exchange of new ideas and to intensify international cooperation. The capacity of the workshop is aimed at more than 100 persons. Excursions to BER II and BESSY II are planned as well as social events to bringing together the sample environment communities of neutron and synchrotron science.
The foundation of this continuing series was laid in Berlin in 1999 chaired by Michael Meißner. After being organized by various scattering facilities worldwide (Villigen/CH, Abingdon/Oxfordshire, Argonne/Illinois, Villard de Lans/Grenoble, Herrsching/München, Sydney/AUS, Eynsham/Oxfordshire, Gettysburg/Maryland) the biennial workshop returns to its origin in 2018. Your participation is highly appreciated. Please register as soon as the registration is open!
Contact NameMatthias Neeb
E-Mail URL
PrintOviedo, Asturias
ECM31 is setting up an attractive programme covering the latest advances in crystallography and related sciences to attract young and senior scientists as well as companies and general public. One extensive agenda for accompanying people will be offered, with special attention to babies and children, with a specific programme of baby-care and children activities.
Asturias, and the city of Oviedo in particular, is an historical, active and organized city of open minded, hospitable and altruist citizens and it may be reached by air, train or car. The PEC has a spectacular urban design and offers a modern, functional and versatile infrastructure with all facilities.
For all these reasons, ECM31 will be an effervescent and fruitful scientific, social and commercial meeting with many learning opportunities in every current aspect of crystallography.
Registration for ECM31 opens on November 30th, 2017.
All participants who want to register by the “early bird” rate, must ensure that their payment arrives to the ECM31 account by April 22nd, 2018.
All participants who want to register by the regular rate, must ensure that their payments arrive to the ECM31 account by June 15th, 2018.
University of Oviedo
Contact URL PrintLondon, UK
The Global Conference series event organizer Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants from all over the world to attend the prestigious scientific “4th International Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics” which is to be held during August 16-17, 2018 at London, UK. It is among the World’s leading Scientific Conference which hosts scientific sessions and sub-sessions on cutting edge research and latest innovations in the field of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics across the globe. The attendees can find some exclusive sessions and panel discussions on latest originations in Condensed Matter and Materials Physics.
Condensed matter and materials physics is the science of the material world around us. The curiosity about the natural world led to queries about condensed-matter systems, such as water, rocks, snow, ice, and how these react to light, heat, and mechanical forces. This hunger for fundamental understanding has been inextricably tied to the desire to manipulate nature by creating new materials to serve human needs. Condensed matter physics is the branch of physics that studies the properties of the large collections of atoms that compose both exotic and ordinary materials. Condensed matter and materials physics advances led in turn to the innovation of devices that now form the basis of much of our technological world, including the transistor, the integrated circuit, the laser, magnetic resonance imaging, liquid-crystal displays, and, more recently, high-efficiency solid-state lighting. At present, it is so important to the modern computer and communicating industries
Our Mission
International Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics which is going to be the biggest conference dedicated to Condensed Matter and Materials Physics professionals providing a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest new generation technologies developed during the course of time along with discussing their applications. Events include most fascinating topics presentations from all over the world and professional networking with industries, leading working groups and associations.
Meet Your Objective Business sector With individuals from and around the globe concentrated on finding out about Polymer, Material science and Semiconductor materials, this is the best chance to achieve the biggest collection of members from everywhere throughout the World. Conduct shows, disperse data, meet with current, make a sprinkle with another product offering, and get name acknowledgment at this occasion. Widely acclaimed speakers, the latest methods, strategies, and the most up to date overhauls in Condensd Matter and Materials Physics are signs of this meeting.
Highlights of the Conference
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Soft Condensed Matter Physics
- Solid State Physics
- Materials Physics
- Theoretical & Computational Materials Physics
- Experimental Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
- Magnetic and Optical Materials
- Meta Materials and Meta Surfaces
- Superconductivity
- Semiconductor Materials
- Nano-scale Physics
- Bio Physics
Target Audience
- Condensed matter physics Scientists
- Research students and Research Institutes
- Professors, Students, Researchers from Physics
- Managers and Business Intellect Professionals
- Business Professionals from Electronic Industries
- Advertising and Promotion Agency Managers
- Delegates from Physical and Materials Science societies and Associations
Related Societies
- American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- American Physical Society (APS)
- Australian Institute of Physics
- Canadian Association of Physicists
- Colombian Society of Physics (in Spanish)
- Chilean Society of Physics (in Spanish)
- European Physical Society
- European Materials Research Society (EMRS)
- The Egyptian Materials Research Society
- French Physical Society
- International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP)
- Institute of Particle Physics, Canada (IPP)
- Institute of Physics, United Kingdom
- International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers
- International Union of Crystallography
- International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
- Italian Physical Society
- Physical Society of Germany (DPG)
- Physical Society of Japan
- Portuguese Society of Physics
- Swiss Physical Society
- Italian Association of Physics Students
- The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
- The International Liquid Crystal Society
- The International society for optics and photonics
Conference Series Ltd
Contact URL PrintGrenoble, France
Soft matter pervades into daily life under several forms: biological matter, foams, food products, ink, tires, and many others. In contrast to their very different appearance, all these systems are governed by the same, fundamental physical laws. Aim of the school is providing an overview of the forces governing the behavior of soft matter systems and introducing the most relevant techniques to probe such interactions.
The school proposes frontal lectures for doctoral students working in the field of soft matter given by recognized experts from all over Europe. Poster sessions will be opened for discussion on research topic and experimental results between students and invited lecturers.
Pre-registration is necessary because of the limited number of places in the school.
A short description of research activity and a CV should be sent to
The organising committee will examine your application and inform you in April 2018.
Leonardo Chiappisi
Contact E-Mail URL PrintCastelldefels, Spain
The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research will highlight exceptional methodological research in cultural heritage, which has an impact on fundamental knowledge, interpretation, and conservation. This is the first GRC on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research to be held in Europe. It is also the first to incorporate the emerging utilization of computational and data science in cultural heritage research. The keynote speakers will provide overviews of the status of conservation science and of the growing impact of data science and artificial intelligence on cultural heritage research and applications.
The featured topics for oral presentations are:
- data science and computational science for image processing, image search, process modeling, and manufactured materials similarity analysis
- advanced analytical methods for tracing object origin and biological applications
- understanding production and degradation experimentally and analytically
- new strategies for treatment-based and preventive conservation.
The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research will also include thematically complementary poster sessions.
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by June 24, 2018. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed (full) before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated on the original webpage. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the conference chair if more seats become available due to cancellations.
OrganiserC. Richard Johnson and Robert Van Langh
Contact URL
PrintSan Francisco, California, USA
ICM is a major international conference series with more than 2000 attendees expected from all over the world. It continues a series of meetings held every three years, most recently in Barcelona, Busan, Karlsruhe, and Kyoto. You should attend ICM2018 if you are interested in fundamental or applied research related to magnetism. ICM2018 is your opportunity to share your research with the largest and broadest collection of magnetism researchers assembled in one place, and to learn about their latest results.
OrganiserProf. Allan MacDonald (University of Texas Austin, USA)
Contact URL AddressSan Francisco Marriott Marquis
780 Mission St.
San Francisco,
CA, 94103
City University of Hong Kong
QENS 2018 aims to cover the broad scientific activities in the investigation of material dynamics, in the domain of both space and time, using quasi-elastic neutron scattering with emphases on new applications in relevant emerging industrial areas. It will offer a platform for discussion and exchange of scientific ideas among the experts in this field. It will provide an overview to newcomers about the capabilities of QENS in exploring dynamic and relaxation processes of novel materials.
The following topics in related to material dynamics and relaxations will be covered:
- Confined matter in nanoporous materials relevant e.g. for catalysis, pharmacy, nuclear waste storage, metal-organic frameworks, hydrogen storage…
- Biological, bio-related system, e.g. in relation to function
- Polymer dynamics in bulk, blends, gels, membranes, films, composites or as additives
- Dynamics of water or other polar or amphiphilic liquids under different environments
- Relaxation phenomena during glass formation for various glass materials
- Dynamics of ionic and protonic conductors, electrolytes, e.g. for fuel cells, battery and supercapacitors
- Dynamics of soft matter, liquids, liquid crystals, liquid mixtures, complex liquids, ionic liquids, micelles
- Dynamics of novel materials for industrial applications, e.g. thermoelectrics, ferrielectrics, ferroelectrics and multiferroics
- Spin dynamics of magnetic systems
- Theory and numerical simulations in relation to QENS
- QENS instrumentation, sample enviroment and complementary techniques
WINS 2018
The 8th workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers – WINS2018 will cover innovative aspects of the instrument design as well as reports on progress of new spectrometer projects, following the theme of “New idea, New concept, New design, New instrumentation for New sciences”. New development of sample characterization such as polarization, magnetic field, pressure will be covered. Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation will be also part of the program. Participation of the young scientist is particularly welcome.
The pogram of the workshop will include:
- New idea, new concept, new design for neutron spectrometers.
- Novel devices, detectors and sample enviroments: polarization, magnetic field, pressure.
- Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation.
City University of Hong Kong, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Contact URL PrintSaint Malo, France
The 15th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids is the continuation of a series of successfull meetings started by Pr. V.D. Fréchette (USA), in 1958. 13 conferences have been organized subsequently, with the latest one organized bt Pr. Cormack, from Alfred University (USA) in 2015. Continuing the tradition, PNCS XV will provide an international forum for the most recent developments on the physics of non-crystalline materials.
ESG Conference is the largest meeting organized by the European Society of Glass. The aim of this 14th conference is to present and discuss ways to improve the quality and the performance of glass products in their various applications.
The conference will maintain the quality of the previous congresses while incorporating new features to learn about the latest developments in glass technology and European Regulations.
We are happy to organize in France these two conferences together. The two communities are both interested in glass with slightly different scientific or technologic emphases, and lot of topics can be in the 2 conferences. By organizing jointly the PNCS and ESG, we give the opportunity for the international glass community to meet in a very nice area, for scientific and technological exchanges as well as for French food specialty. We hope that you can come and enjoy these join meetings.
PNCS-ESG 2018 will be held in Saint Malo, France. Saint Malo a port city in Brittany in northwestern France, on the English Channel. It was founded in the 1st century B.C and is notorious in French history as the home of the corsairs, French privateers and sometimes pirates who raided the seas until the late 1800’s. Noawadays, the Corsair City cultivates its sailing image and is the scene of many great events such as “la Route du Rhum” or the Transatlantic race Québec – Saint-Malo, every four years. Saint Malo is close to several famous touristic sites and, in particular, the Mont Saint Michel, 50 km away.
Important dates
- Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: January 15, 2018
- Notification of abstract acceptance: February 28, 2018
- Opening of the registration: January 15, 2018
L. Cormier, X.H. Zhang, D.R. Neuville
Contact E-Mail URL PrintCity University of Hong Kong
The Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering, a 5-day intensive course, is an introduction to neutron scattering aimed at postgraduate students and early-career researchers. Building on the success of prior summer courses, the 2018 Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering will continue to focus on fundamental scattering theory and hands-on data analysis. The techniques to be covered include diffraction, small angle scattering, quasielastic neutron scattering, and inelastic neutrons scattering.
The last few decades have brought about tremendous advances in neutron scattering sources and instrumentation. This includes the new China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) in Dongguan, about 60 miles north of Hong Kong. CSNS produced its first neutrons at the end of August, 2017. Three Day-1 instruments are being commissioned and the first scientific paper is already in press. This summer course will be a rare chance for students to become familiar with the techniques that will be employed there.
The registration fee for the summer course is $3000 HKD ($400 USD), which includes a hotel room (based on double occupancy), five days of lunches, lecture notes, and the final day excursion. The students are responsible for their own travel expenses and incidentals.
For more information and to apply, please visit In the box for personal statement, please describe your research plan, and indicate how neutron scattering can be applied in your research. Be sure to include sufficient details so that the selection committee to make an informed decision.
The deadline for application is May 25!
The 2018 summer course will be followed immediately by two other special events: the 13th International conference on quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS), and the 8th Workshop on inelastic neutron scattering (WINS), also at City University of Hong Kong. These conferences provide the students opportunities for continuing learning, especially for those who are interested in applying quasielatic and inelastic neutrons scattering techniques. For more information on QENS and WINS, please visit,
Limited scholarships are available to support students who are in genuine need.
OrganiserCroucher Foundation, City University of Hong Kong
Contact URL PrintErice, Sicily, Italy
The School focuses on neutron instrumentation, mainly for large-scale facilities and foreseen compact neutron facilities. Participants are selected for the course based on their need to utilize neutron instrumentation design techniques (including sample environment and software) as part of their present and/or future research activities. Preference is given to early stage researchers from neutron facilities, universities or other research institutions but more experienced researchers are also welcome to apply.
School Objectives
- Educate graduate students, early-career scientists and engineers on neutron scattering techniques with a focus on instrumentation
- Foster interactions between students, research centres and university groups
- Help train the next generation of instrument builders for today’s and tomorrow’s neutron facilities
With a target audience of 25-30 students, the school is intended to promote activities in instrument design and form the next generation of instrument designers.
Course Objectives
The Vth course “Neutrons for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications” within the ERICE School “International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation” is organized as a two-part master class. It provides a coherent set of introductory lectures on design, construction and implementation of instrumentation, sample environment and software to address the scientific requirements of the user community. The specialized topic focusses on software, concentrating on chemistry and materials science applications. Foundation lectures on structural analysis, using average structure (Rietveld) and local structure (total scattering) methods, and dynamics, using experimental data analysis techniques and theoretical modelling, will introduce the participants to the rapidly growing combined approaches available to neutron scatterers today. The further growth of optimized instrumentation, sample environment and software are crucial to addressing the myriad of scientific problems investigated by the user community.
The Course will consist of lectures and specialised seminars directed towards graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and junior scientists working at universities and large-scale facilities. It will provide a broad overview of the field, including the most recent ideas and advances in instrumentation, modelling and experimental capabilities, as well as a critical discussion of the development issues involved. Evening lectures will highlight the historical role of neutron scattering techniques. With a target audience of 25-30 students, the school intends to promote collaboration in instrumentation design, including sample environments, and successful implementation of reliable software for current and next generation large-scale neutron facilities. By gathering participants with different backgrounds, the course encourages cross-fertilization of ideas. Continued success at large-scale facilities need strong interactions in instrumentation, sample environment, software and modelling development programmes between facilities and university-based researchers.
Deadline for student, lectures registration and travel forms is the 4th June 2018.
Registration fee for all participants – students and lectures – : €1100 should be paid by bank transfer by 4th June 2018.
Supported by GRANT 654000 —SINE2020 — H2020-INFRADEV-2014-2015/H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1
OrganiserEttore Majorana Foundation And Centre For Scientific Culture
Contact E-Mail URL
Phone+39 06 7259 4117
PrintErice, Italy
The Vth course “Neutrons for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications” within the ERICE School “International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation” is organized as a two-part master class. It provides a coherent set of introductory lectures on design, construction and implementation of instrumentation, sample environment and software to address the scientific requirements of the user community. The specialized topic focusses on software, concentrating on chemistry and materials science applications. Foundation lectures on structural analysis, using average structure (Rietveld) and local structure (total scattering) methods, and dynamics, using experimental data analysis techniques and theoretical modelling, will introduce the participants to the rapidly growing combined approaches available to neutron scatterers today. The further growth of optimized instrumentation, sample environment and software are crucial to addressing the myriad of scientific problems investigated by the user community.
The Course will consist of lectures and specialised seminars directed towards graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and junior scientists working at universities and large-scale facilities. It will provide a broad overview of the field, including the most recent ideas and advances in instrumentation, modelling and experimental capabilities, as well as a critical discussion of the development issues involved. Evening lectures will highlight the historical role of neutron scattering techniques. With a target audience of 25-30 students, the school intends to promote collaboration in instrumentation design, including sample environments, and successful implementation of reliable software for current and next generation large-scale neutron facilities. By gathering participants with different backgrounds, the course encourages cross-fertilization of ideas. Continued success at large-scale facilities need strong interactions in instrumentation, sample environment, software and modelling development programmes between facilities and university-based researchers.
OrganiserUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata
Contact E-Mail URL PrintMilton Hill near Abingdon, UK
The conference will cover the latest condensed-matter investigations using polarised neutrons and state-of-the-art methodologies and techniques of polarised-neutron production and utilisation for novel instrumentation and experiments, with emphasis on prospects for new science and instrument concepts as well as combining neutrons with complementary techniques and in-situ secondary measurements.
PNCMI is the most comprehensive conference on the latest scientific research using polarised neutrons and on related instrumentation development. The topics will include:
- Multiferroics and chiral magnetic structures
- Strongly correlated electron systems, including superconductors
- Highly Frustrated Magnetism
- Magnetic nanomaterials
- Thin films and multilayers
- Soft matter and biology
- Imaging
- Instrumentation and methods, including nuclear polarisation, Larmor techniques, and depolarisation
The conference will include a tour of the polarised-neutron facilities at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. There will also be a Polarized Neutron School for students held before the main meeting on the 1st – 2nd of July 2018 at ISIS.
Contact NameRoss Stewart
E-Mail URL PrintŽofín Palace, Prague, Czech Republic
The 45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics will take place in Prague from 2nd to 6th July 2018.
Organised by the European Physical Society (EPS) Plasma Physics Division, this annual conference covers a broad range of plasma science spanning from nuclear fusion to low temperature plasmas, and astrophysical plasmas to laser plasma interactions.
Magnetic Confinement Fusion
- Edge and plasma-wall interactions
- Turbulence and transport
- Equilibrium and MHD
- Scenario development and control
- Diagnostics
- Heating and fuelling
- Burning plasma issues
Beam Plasmas & Inertial Fusion
- Inertial confinement and high gain target design
- Hydrodynamics and instabilities
- Ultra-intense laser interaction and fast ignition
- High energy density matter
- Inertial fusion energy drivers and reactors
- Laser and ion beam coupling with plasma
- Laser and plasma based accelerators
- Radiation and particle sources
Low Temperature and Dusty Plasmas
- Discharge modelling
- Plasma kinetics
- Diagnostics (including LIBS)
- Plasma processing and applications
- Basic processes in dusty plasmas
- Strongly coupled plasmas
Basic Plasmas & Space & Astrophysical Plasmas
- Solar, space and astrophysical plasmas
- Laboratory astrophysics
- Fundamental plasma physics
- Waves and turbulence in laboratory plasmas
European Physical Society (EPS)
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadPrintVienna, Austria
This event provides a combined research platform for both Theoretical and Applied Physics, which includes potent Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions from the eminent professionals in the field of Physics and its disciplines.
ConferenceSeries Ltd organizes 1000+ Global Events every year across USA, Europe & Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ open access journals which contains over 10,000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about conference organize worldwide.
Importance and scope
The main objective of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2018 conference which is going to be an elite event is to bring together the main aspects of Theory and Applications of Physics such as
- Theory of Relativity
- Quantum Field Theory
- Unconventional Superconductivity
- Many Body Systems
- Lasers & Optics
- Semiconductor Devices
- Graphene and its Applications
- Spintronics
- Nanophotonics & Nanodevices
Physics is one of the most seasoned discipline and may be the most established through its consideration of Astronomy. Physics intersects with numerous interdisciplinary territories of research such as Astrophysics, Biophysics, Computational Physics, Quantum Chemistry and others. New thoughts in Physics frequently clarify the essential components of other sciences while opening new avenues of research.
Why to attend?
Latest advancements in the applications of Physics play a very vital role part in the basic existences of individuals and making their way of life in the front line. The meeting arrangement plans to disperse the progressions of research in Theoretical and Applied Physics to the worldwide group by making a stage for dynamic investment, trade of skill and horizontal intuition from specialists, researchers, and instructors.
This is a best opportunity for you to learn and explore the fascinating connection between theoretical and practical concepts of Physics.
Target audience
- Professors and Technical staff from Physics and other related disciplines
- Researchers
- Scientists
- Lecturers and Students
- Research Institutes
- Managers and Business Intelligence Experts
- Delegates from Physical Science Societies and Associations
- Advertising and Promotion Agency Executives
Major Physics Associations around the Globe
- International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
- International Astronomical Union
- The International Society for Optics and Photonics
- International Union of Crystallography
- Society of Non-Linear and Dynamics Econometrics
- The International Association of Mathematical Physics(IAMP)
- The International Society for Optics and Photonics(IUPAB)
ConferenceSeries Ltd
Contact URL PrintMcMaster University, Hamilton ON, Canada
International Workshop on Status and Perspectives in Research on Membrane Structure and Interaction
Biomembranes are essential to create life as they provide the containment of a living cell. Their structure and interaction with biological molecules is investigated for decades leading to a continuously growing understanding of the processes and function of these basic biological systemes.
To highlighting recent approaches and developing ideas in research on membrane structure and interaction the International Workshop Membranes Beyond is organized at McMaster University in Hamilton ON, Canada, on July 2-4, 2018. International experts working in the field will review recent developments and discuss future perspectives. All relevant topics related to research with biomembranes will be tackled. Topics include
- Membrane phase behaviour
- Membrane mixtures and rafts
- Membrane dynamics
- Lipid-peptide interaction
- Lipid protein interaction
- Simulation of membrane systems
- Drug delivery systems
- Membranes and signalling
- Membrane fusion
Local Organizers:
Maikel Rheinstaedter, McMaster University
Thomas Gutberlet, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science
Dr. Rheinstadter Maikel
E-Mail URL PrintAmsterdam, Netherlands
The DSL conference has as its aim to create a binding platform for scientists, researchers, those in industry, laboratories, as well as students, to network, learn and share their knowledge. Furthermore, it will provide new insights in overcoming the current challenges which are faced by academics and industrialists related to diffusion in its many areas.
The event will provide ample opportunity for conference delegates to network and improve their knowledge in an attractive, cultural and friendly environment: Amsterdam, in the Netherlands!
Conference Topics:
Mass Transfer
- Basics of diffusion
- Carburisation and Nitridation
- Internal precipitation
- Alloy heat treatment
- Particle growth and coarsening
- Microstructural and crystallographic texture evolution
- Reactive diffusion
- Phase transformations
- Multiphase diffusion systems
- Microelectronic and nanoscale systems
- Interfaces
- Diffusion in crystalline and amorphous materials
- Diffusion in porous media
- Surface oxidation and corrosion
- Phase diagrams
- Ad- and ab-sorption
- Diffusion coefficients
- Solute trapping at solid liquid interfaces
- Mathematical modelling
- Numerical methods
- Experimental methods
- Industrial applications
Heat Transfer
- Mathematical modelling
- Numerical methods
- Experimental methods
- Industrial applications
Microstructure &Properties
- Mathematical modelling
- Numerical methods
- Experimental methods
- Industrial applications
Nanodiffusion & Nanostructured Materials
- Nanomaterials
- Nanocomposites
- Biomaterials
- Industrial applications
Alternative Energy
- Solar
- Bio
- Hybrid
- Hydro
- Hydrogen
- Geothermal
- Wind
And many Special Sessions!
OrganiserProf. A. Öchsner
Contact E-Mail URL PrintGrenoble, France
The ILL holds the 5th International Workshop on Neutron Delivery Systems from 25 to 27 June 2018 at the ILL Grenoble, France.
Neutron delivery systems play a major role for the performance of neutron scattering instruments.
Taking into account the last technological progress, neutron guide optimization is one of the most efficient ways to increase the performance of an instrument suite.
Its goal is to share new concepts of neutron delivery systems for future facilities and to review the state and recent progress in neutron guide technologies: amongst other topics neutron guide design, coating performance substrate materials, ageing and preventive maintenance will be discussed during the workshop.
The workshop is dedicated to engineers and scientists involved in the use, the design and the manufacturing of neutron delivery systems and their compounds.
Abstract submission opening day: 24 January 2018
Abstract submission deadline: 01 May 2018
Main Topics
- Progress in neutron guide design, innovative concepts and materials
- Review of newly installed neutron guide systems worldwide – Neutron guide ageing
- Advances in mirror and super-mirror science and technology
- Moderation of neutrons for the production of cold and ultra- cold neutrons
- Simulation of neutron sources and neutron transport
- Neutron optical devices
Contact E-Mail URL PrintCopenhagen, Denmark
Soft condensed matter systems are of ever increasing importance for a wide variety of technological applications, ranging from material science, biophysics, biotechnology to food processing and micro- and nano system technology. Such systems are, however, of such complexity that it is difficult to extract molecular level information by typical experimental methods. The use of powerful neutron sources with advanced instrumentation, coupled with even more powerful computational modeling and direct analysis of experimental results from such sources, is opening new opportunities for elucidating the dynamics in complex soft matter systems.
An optimal extraction of molecular level information contained in experimental data of soft matter systems depends heavily on the use of advanced data analysis and modeling for its interpretation by close collaboration between experimentalists and theoreticians as well as the application of complementary experimental techniques. The school will accordingly offer a series of lectures on ways in which inelastic neutron Scattering (INS), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Molecular Dynamics (MD) and other theoretical modeling methods can be combined to extract unique information on the dynamical behavior of a variety of soft matter systems.
The school is structured as follows: select topics will be introduced by motivating lectures, which describe recent breakthrough results and also include basic information on data interpretation and complementary aspects of different techniques. The students will then select a small project and will be guided by a lecturer toward a solution. The goal of the school is for the students to become more familiar with forefront neutron scattering and molecular dynamics methods and their application to current research in complex soft matter systems.
Registration is open from 23 Feb 2018 to 10 Jun 2018.
OrganiserNiels Bohr Institutet
Contact URL PrintCollege Park, Maryland, USA
The American Conference on Neutron Scattering (ACNS 2018) will provide essential information on the breadth and depth of current neutron-related research worldwide.
Hosted by the Neutron Scattering Society of America, this year’s Conference will feature a combination of invited and contributed talks, posters sessions, tutorials and an industrial exhibit. Mark your calendar today and plan to attend ACNS 2018!
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Opens: Early January, 2018
- Abstract Submission Deadline: March 2, 2018
- Preregistration Opens: Mid-April, 2018
Scientific Program
The five-day conference will feature oral and poster presentations covering:
- Plenary and Prize Sessions
- Advances in Neutron Methods
- Hard Condensed Matter
- Soft Matter
- Biological Structures and Dynamics
- Neutrons for Energy and Sustainability
- Materials Chemistry and Synthesis
- Structural Materials and Engineering
- Neutron Physics
Neutron Scattering Society of America
Contact URL PrintLondon, UK
DescriptionThe University-Industry Interaction Conference on 20-22 June will bring close to 500 university leaders, practitioners, CEOs, policymakers and academics from more than 60 countries to London. Now in its 6th year, it is the largest event in the field of university-industry interaction and entrepreneurial universities.
Contact URL PrintUniversity of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
Neutron diffraction: One of the most powerful techniques for exploring the magnetic materials and compounds is neutron scattering. When a material develops long-range magnetic ordering, neutron diffraction is the perfect technique to determine the struture of such ordering. In this school, you will be working with neutron data from both single crystal and powder neutron diffraction and learning the basic concepts of representational analysis to interpret the data.
Representational analysis: Modern science has given rise to exotic materials with interesting bulk properties, which can only be understood in light of their magnetic structures. However, these magnetic structures are increasingly complex and characterized by a large number of parameters. In order to reduce this complexity one must apply representational analysis to take advantage of the inherent symmetries in the crystallographic systems studied.
Target audience: The school is intended for advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and young scientists working in condensed matter physics, materials science, and related fields. The main goal is to provide an overview of this rapidly growing field so that young scientists will have the opportunity to work at the frontiers of this new exciting field.
Topics will include
- Representational analysis of complex magnetic structures
- Symmetry and magnetic structure determination: developments in refinement techniques and examples
- Geometrical frustration and incommensurate magnetic ordering
- Magnetic structure refinement with neutron powder diffraction data using Fullprof, MODY, SARAh, etc.
Both theoretical and experimental aspects will be covered.
OrganiserNCNR, UMD, ORNL
Contact URL PrintLenggries, Germany
Modern scientific methods have led to a wealth of information in archaeology, cultural heritage research, and art conservation concerning the composition of artefacts both on a molecular level and on the mechanical built of objects that can not be dismantled without destroying them. X-ray methods from radiography to fluorescence have become widespread, but also neutron methods gain increasing interest. Due to the non-destructive nature of neutrons they have been developed to an invaluable tool in analysing precious archaeological objects.
Neutrons can penetrate deep into the cultural artefact or beneath the surface of paintings to unveil structures at the microscopic scale and thus determine the chemical composition, provide 3D images of the inner parts of the artefacts, and reveal organic material like wood, leather or bones in sealed metal or stone containers. Whole artefacts can be placed in the neutron beam and analysed at room conditions, without sample preparation. Measurements are made in real time, which can be useful for testing conservation materials and methods.
Two- and three-dimensional imaging provides visual information, while neutron activation analysis delivers elemental composition information, and neutron scattering reveals alloys and textures. Thanks to modern detectors, neutron imaging can even be performed at low-power research reactors, which allows the application for cultural heritage research also at small research reactors throughout the world.
The MLZ Conference Neutrons for Culture and Arts addresses archaeologists and conservators from museums and universities and aims to illustrate the potential of neutron methods in cultural heritage research. Talks and posters will be presented by renowned international researchers, physicists, and archaeologists in the field to demonstrate state-of-the-art methods and applications.
- Archaeometry
- Ceramics
- Textiles
- Numismatics
- Paintings and provenance
- Statuettes and figurines
- Wood and soil
- Fossils
- Ancient technologies
- Non-destructive characterisation with neutrons
- Neutron Radiography and tomography
- Neutron activation analysis
- Prompt gamma activation analysis
- Bragg edge scanning, phase gratings, texture
- Scattering and diffraction methods
- Others
Keynote speakers
- Jacopo Corsi, Università degli studi di Tornio, Italy
- Anna Fedrigo, ISIS, United Kingdom
- Francesco Grazzi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
- Martina Griesser, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Austria
- David Mannes, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
- Ina Reiche, Rathgen Forschungslabor, Germany
- László Szentmiklósi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
- Alan Williams, The Wallace Collection, United Kingdom
- Nikolay Kardjilov, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Germany (to be confirmed)
- Claudia Laurenze-Landsberg, Gemäldegalerie Berlin, Germany (to be confirmed)
- Judit Zoeldfoldi, Universität Stuttgart, Germany (to be confirmed)
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) and Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Contact E-Mail URL AddressArabella Brauneck Hotel
Münchner Str. 25
83661 Lenggries
Gaithersburg, MD, USA
The twenty-fourth annual Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering (CHRNS) “Summer School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectivity” will be held from Tuesday, June 19 to Saturday, June 23, 2018. This year’s summer school is devoted to methods and applications of small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and neutron reflectometry (NR) techniques.
The school is targeted at those with little or no previous experience with neutron scattering methods. The combination of introductory lectures and training in scattering techniques will provide participants with a unique opportunity to become familiar with neutron scattering methods and their application to current research topics.
Attendance for the summer school is limited to 35 students and to people affiliated with US universities and US industry.
The Summer School is sponsored by the NCNR and by the National Science Foundation under the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering (CHRNS) cooperative agreement number DMR-1508249. Financial support for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty may be requested on the summer school application form.
Seven instruments will be featured in this year’s summer school, 4 SANS instruments and 3 NR instruments. The SANS instruments featured will be NGB 30 meter SANS, NGB 10 meter SANS, NG7 30 meter SANS and BT5 USANS. The NR instruments featured will be the NGD Off-Specular Reflectometer, NGD Polarized Beam Reflectometer/Diffractometer and NG7 Horizontal Sample NR.
Immediately following the summer school, the American Conference on Neutron Scattering (ACNS) will be held at The Hotel at the University of Maryland, College Park, from June 24-28, 2018. Summer school students who submit an abstract to the ACNS can request financial assistance (subject to availability of funds) for subsidized housing, reimbursement of the registration fee, and bus transportation to the conference. The ACNS encourages submission of abstracts on investigations that utilize or have the potential to utilize neutron techniques.
ACNS Abstract Deadline: March 9th, 2018.
The deadline for submitting summer school applications is midnight on April 2, 2018.
For additional information, please visit the ACNS conference website.
OrganiserNIST Center for Neutron Research National Institute of Standards and Technology
Contact URL
PrintBolzano, Italy
The present Advanced School organized by the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy is addressed to specializing students, PhD students, post-docs and researchers (with no limitation in age) with some experience in neutron scattering and interested in deepening their knowledge about the statistical and computational methods of typical aid in neutron data analysis and interpretation. A highly interactive environment is expected: with lecturers, tutors and participants in continuous interaction, in the spirit of a workshop or symposium. Data handling, specific correction procedures, main analysis programs, and simulation techniques will be dealt with for neutron diffraction, inelastic and quasi-elastic spectroscopy, and small-angle scattering, in the attempt of facing the main difficulties that can be encountered AFTER the, sometimes trivial, collection of count rates in a file. Innumerable details regard welldone neutron data analysis, and the ways to reach some confidence about the reliability of the results, based either on comparison with simulation data or by statistical checks, or finally by physical soundness.
The lectures are generally envisaged to be in English. Only in the absence of non-Italian people in the audience (composed of both lecturers/tutors and participants) the spoken language might be agreed to be Italian. The general lectures will be followed by equally very important tutorials, which are meant to be the core of the school and the topic moment for discussion and exchange between tutors and participants. Tutorials are intended to give specific information on the typical tools used for data treatment and evaluation of the results in the various areas relevant to neutron scattering.
OrganiserItalian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy (SISN)
Contact NameAlessio De Francesco
E-Mail URL DownloadPrintArgonne National Laboratory; Argonne, IL, USA
The fourth “Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis” will be held from June 17-22, 2018, at the Advanced Photon Source of Argonne National Laboratory in close partnership with Bruker-AXS, ANL, and the National Science Foundation.
The primary goal of this school is to teach participants methods for evaluating crystal structures from powder diffraction data with an emphasis on data collected on national user facility beamlines such as the 11-BM, 11-ID-B and 17-BM synchrotron beamlines at the APS at Argonne National Laboratory, the POWGEN and NOMAD time-of-flight neutron diffraction beamlines at the SNS of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the XPD and PDF beamlines at the NSLS-II synchrotron at BNL. This course will emphasize traditional non-molecular solid state compounds and uses the TOPAS software as the platform for Rietveld refinement and other forms of structural analysis (complementary trial license will be provided to participants). The combination of advances in instrumentation and advances in software algorithms now allow many challenging structural problems to be resolved solely from powder diffraction data, and an up-to-date instruction in modern methods of structural analysis will be provided.
OrganiserArgonne National Laboratory
Contact URL PrintOslo, Norway
Understanding the relationship between the structure, dynamics and properties of matter is at the heart of modern science. From the kinetic processes which control intra-cellular trafficking and signaling in our bodies to the influence of crystal structure on the lifetime of batteries and catalysts, huge strides are being made in our understanding thanks to the ability to investigate functional structures in real time under working conditions. The toolbox for in situ time- and space-resolved characterization is rapidly expanding. A new generation of brighter synchrotron and neutron sources and free electron lasers promises time-resolved scattering studies with sub -millisecond resolution. At the same time, more efficient computational methods are allowing us to simulate processes at these timescales with increasing level of molecular details.
During the TWF-2018 workshop, we will discuss the current state -of-the-art and future developments of time-resolved synchrotron and neutron techniques in the context of diverse scientific applications ranging from inorganic materials for energy and catalysis applications to soft matter and biological systems for biomedical applications. The workshop will provide a convenient forum for leading specialists, end users, and instrument scientists to share their views and discuss challenges in this fast -growing field.
The workshop will consist of four sessions including plenary lectures, talks by invited speakers, and presentations by selected participants. You are invited to submit abstracts for oral presentations or posters.
Scientific topics
- Catalysis
- Materials synthesis
- Soft Matter
- Biological Materials
- Energy Materials
- Chemical Dynamics
- Functional Inorganic Materials
Key dates
Abstract submission deadline: 15.04.18
Note of acceptance: 20.04.18
Registration deadline: 29.04.18
Plenary speakers
- Nitash Balsara, University of California, Berkeley (USA)
- Bert Weckhuysen, Utrecht University (Netherlands)
- Kazuo Sakurai, University of Kitakyushu (Japan)
- Sebastian Westenhoff, University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Invited speakers
- Paul Shearing, University College London (UK)
- Theyencheri Narayanan, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (France)
- Pascale Deen, European Spallation Source (Sweden)
- Joao Cabral, Imperial College London (UK)
- Samuli Urpelainen, MAX IV Laboratory (Sweden)
- Michael Wulff, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (France)
- Lutz Willner, Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)
- Grethe Vestergaard Jensen, National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)
Contact URL PrintGöteborg, Sweden
12th ECNDT provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen global collaboration. It is a unique occasion to see and to be seen by a large number of specialists in the field of NDT from all over the world. Take the opportunity to promote your organization in a unique exhibition environment where researchers and leading experts meet to share ideas and expertise.
SINE2020 will be present. Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Contact NameMarc Thiry and Caroline Boudou
E-Mail URL
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in conjunction with NC State University, present the 7th annual workshop on neutron scattering applications in structural biology.
The unique potential of neutron scattering in structural biology arises from the strong interaction of neutrons with hydrogen (H) and its deuterium (D) isotope. This property makes the information available from neutron scattering unique and a valuable complement to data obtained from other structural techniques. Individual hydrogen/deuterium atoms are visualized in neutron density maps from crystallographic data at the resolution typical of most protein structures (2.0 – 2.5 Å). Using H/D exchange and contrast variation, proteins and nucleic acids are sequentially modeled and mapped in large biological complexes using small angle neutron scattering, protein-membrane interactions are revealed using Reflectometry and protein and water dynamics measured using spectroscopy.
The workshop includes a symposium, lectures and tutorials and tours of the High Flux Isotope reactor and Spallation Neutron Source, the world’s leading neutron research facilities.
The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty with knowledge of protein function and structure but no or limited experience of neutron sciences.
Subjects include:
- Crystallography
- Small Angle Scattering
- Reflectometry
- Spectroscopy
- Imaging
- Labeling techniques
Course Objectives
- Educate participants in neutron scattering techniques, instrumentation and data collection, analysis and interpretation.
- Expose participants to cutting-edge research in neutron structural biology.
- Build interactions between participants, their university groups, and ORNL neutron scattering experts to develop new research projects.
Course Information
- 3-minute pitch tall session: A 3-minute pitch talk session will be held on Monday, June 11, 2018. Each participant will presents her or his interest in a concise 3-minute presentation using up to 3 slides. This session will offer participants an excellent opportunity to open the door to further discussions with ORNL neutron scientists. Abstract for the presentation should be emailed to the workshop organizers no later than Monday, May 28, 2018.
- Fellowships: Travel and accommodation costs are reimbursed for participants from U.S. institutions. There are no registration fees for any participant.
- Application Deadline: Applications must be submitted by April 30, 2018 (8:00 a.m.) to be considered for admission.
ORNL, NC State University
Contact NameMeilleur, Flora
E-Mail URL PrintLondon, UK
Conference Series LLC cordially invite all the participants interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the field of nuclear and plasma physics at International conference on Nuclear and Plasma Physics going to be held on June 07-08 at London, UK.
The organizers expect more than 100 members around the world with thought provoking keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations. The attending delegates include Editorial Board Members of related journals. The confernce highlight the discussion around the theme *“Convergence of Nuclear, Plasma and Space Sciences”* by bridging the gap between the intellectuals across the globe to enlighten their reasech and findings at Plasma Physics – 2018 .
The scope of Plasma Physics – 2018 is to bring the advancements in the field of physics of all the relations of nuclear and plasma physics. Plasma Physics – 2018 covers all parts of plasma physics, including Astrophysical and space plasmas, magnetic and inertial confinement fusion, Plasma Surface interactions, high energy physics, plasma applications and plasma diagnostics.
OrganiserConference Series LLC
Contact URL PrintSoragna, Parma province, Italy
This meeting focuses on development. Discussions will centre on user requests, interface design, development practices, as well as tools and platforms. We will also present our ongoing projects in some detail.
This meeting is obligatory for developers and team leaders of the SINE2020-funded software projects. Other developers of neutron scattering analysis software are welcome to join us.
Registration and Programme
Registration: Deadline is 15 February 2018. Registration includes reservation of a single room in the conference hotel. There is no conference fee. Each participant will pay accommodation and breakfast directly to the hotel (136 € for 2 nights). Dinner on June 6 and 7, and lunch on June 7 and 8 will be taken in charge by SINE2020.
There will be no invited talks, and no poster session. All participants are invited to propose oral contributions by submitting an abstract using the link below.
Abstract submission: Please submit a title and a short informal abstract for a proposed oral contribution. Submissions are possible until 15 April 2018.
OrganiserJCNS-MLZ, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Contact E-Mail URL
PrintUniversity of Parma, Italy
The SINE2020 General Assembly will take place at the University of Parma in Italy, from June 5th – 6th in 2018.
This is an opportunity to meet project members, exchange ideas, and learn the status of each work-package. These meetings are extremely important to foster collaboration among all of our 18 partners.
In addition we provide the opportunity to meet with your WP on Monday afternoon and/or Tuesday morning.
For more details, please check out the programme
SINE2020 Coordination Team
PrintChassieu, Frankreich
With over 6,000 participants attending the 2017 edition, 3D PRINT has become the event that brings together the entire ecosystem.
3D PRINT, the event for additive manufacturing becomes 3D PRINT, Congress & Exhibition to enhance the event’s international standing.
- The largest number of reference actors in the additive manufacturing unit
- A congress consisting of experts, research centers, and organizations
- Technical workshops carried out by exhibitors highlighting their latest technologies
- Machines and hardware demonstrations
- An exceptional award ceremony that will reward the best industrial approach incorporating additive manufacturing
3D Print
Contact NameMs. Isabelle MAGERAND
E-Mail URL Phone+33(0)474731425
PrintChasseneuil-du-Poitou, France
On the occasion of its return in Europe, the Congress will be hosted for the first time in France, and more precisely on the Futuroscope area located in the “Grand Poitiers” agglomeration.
This venue, with its unique mixture of cultural heritage and modernity, will constitute a memorable experience for all attendees.
The Organizing Committee will also help delegates who wish to extend their stay by proposing tours with many outstanding attractions (Chateaux of the Loire Valley, Atlantic Coast, vineyards, ).
The Fatigue 2018 Congress will be the twelfth in a series of major international conferences held since 1981. This series aims to provide a discussion forum for both fundamental aspects and practical applications of fatigue, covering all aspects of fatigue, all type of materials, and all fields of interest (transportation, energy, electronics, civil engineering, medicine ,…).
More precisely, potential authors are invited to submit an abstract to the conference secretariat before the deadline in one of the topics, classifiied in 6 main themes:
- General topics
- Theoretical and Numerical approaches
- Innovative approaches
- Fatigue of non-metallic materials
- Specific Domains
- Industrial case studies.
French Society for Metallurgy and Materials, SF2M
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+33(0)1 46 33 08 00
PrintGrenoble, France
The Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) and the Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC) continue a decennial series of particle physics workshops held at the ILL.
The workshop will focus on:
- Properties of the Neutron
- Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions
- Hadronic Parity Violation
- Search for eV-Neutrinos
- Fundamental Constants
- New Techniques and Ideas
The workshop will consist of invited review talks introducing these topics, contributed talks, and a poster session. Contributions will be published in a refereed journal.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintGrenoble, France
DescriptionThe objective of the matchmaking event is to facilitate inter-regional / cross-border cooperation between regional public and private sector actors in the development of joint initiatives /partnerships or joint demonstration projects in Metal 3D Printing – matching S3 priorities and exploiting identified synergies and complementary resources and strengths. Inter-regional or cross-border cooperation can help to exploit complementarities/synergies (i.e. different value chain positions, technologies, etc.), pool resources and infrastructures across Europe, address non-technological issues (e.g. standards) and enlarge the potential user-base.
Contact URL PrintAachen, Germany
DescriptionThe one-day forum of the Research-Cluster “AMAP” is all about “One day together with AMAP, a small but efficient network for innovation”.
In twenty keynote speeches important aspects around the lightweight material aluminium will be highlighted.
The Research-Cluster AMAP at RWTH Aachen University is operating this open cooperation between industry and university since five years.
Contact URL
PrintJülich (near Aachen), Germany
The availability of highly efficient, large-area, position-sensitive neutron detectors is still of the highest importance in current and future research with neutrons. Intense upgrade programmes at existing facilities and the advent of future spallation sources have fostered the development of new advanced detection systems. Huge progress has been achieved in the field of alternative detection technologies, some of which are now close to the application stage. This Workshop focuses on the development of a wide range of neutron detectors and offers an outstanding opportunity for scientists and engineers interested in neutron detection methods and technologies to meet and discuss their ideas with colleagues and exhibitors from around the world.
The Workshop will take place at Forschungszentrum Jülich in the main lecture hall. Here we will have oral presentations, a poster session and an exhibition. A reception in a delightful atmosphere will encourage the continuation of discussions with colleagues about future projects and plans. Hotels have been arranged in Aachen with a special rate for the Workshop. Bus transportation will be provided to and from Aachen.
Abstract submission will be available on the website from 02 January 2018 with a deadline of 15 March 2018. Registration and hotel reservations will be available on the website in January 2018. Please make an early reservation and be prepared for an early reservation deadline.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Contact NameRalf Engels
E-Mail URL
Phone+49 2461 61-2878
PrintRoquebrune sur Argens (Var, France)
The French Neutron Society (SFN) organises with the Institut Laue Langevin and the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin neutron facilities the Neutron Diffusion Meeting 2018 (JDN2018), in the Vacanciel holiday village of Roquebrune sur Argens (Var, France), from May 14 to May 16, 2018.
This multidisciplinary workshop (traditionnally entitled “Rencontres Rossat-Mignod”) will be dedicated to new results, obtained using neutron scattering techniques, in various scientific domains representative of the whole neutron users community.
Five sessions will be organised, in Magnetism, Soft Matter and Environment, Condensed Matter, and Biology. Each session will be introduced by an invited talk, which will be followed by a series of shorter oral communications. A Poster session, encompassing all the scientific topics cited above, and an Instrumentation session, will also take place.
Abstracts for oral presentations should be sent by e-mail before April 2nd, 2018. To do so please follow the link Abstract submission.
The aim of this meeting is :
- to strengthen links between French neutron scattering users
- to provide a place where advances resulting from neutron scattering experiments can be presented and discussed in a friendly and stimulating environment,
- to inform the user’s community about the evolution of neutron facilities in France andr abroad, and about the development of new neutron techniques, instrumentation, and their applications
- to welcome and promote the work of young neutron users
French Neutron Society (SFN)
Contact E-Mail URL PrintPeterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Cremlin workshop “Engineering for advanced neutron instrumenation and sample environment” is jointly organized by NRC “Kurchtov Institute” – PNPI and the German Research Reactor FRM II operated by the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
The Russian PIK Reactor will become operational and open to the neutron user community towards the end of this decade. In order to define PIK’s specific position within the European neutron landscape and to meet the demands of both European and Russian researchers, the workshop is aiming at developing guidelines for a general instrumentation concept for the PIK reactor and for the supporting structure of sample environment.
More specifically, the topics include mechanical construction, neutron components, electronic components, detectors, automatization, instrument control and differents aspects of sample environment. In order to cover different methods and approaches speakers from the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL), Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), ESS (European Spallation Source), Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG), the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, and from the organizing institutes PNPI and FRM II/MLZ will be invited.
The talks will be presented either in Russian or English, translation will be provided. The two poster sessions offer a platform for discussion, since every talk will be summarized in a poster. Furthermore, participants who would like to share their ideas and developments are warmly encouraged to hand in their posters.
The social events, the conference dinner on Monday evening and the visit of the Grand Peterhof Palace on Tuesday offer another opportunity to deepen scientific and personal exchange.
We cordially invite scientists and engineers to share their experience and views in order to contribute to the success of this workshop.
OrganiserNRC, FRM II (TUM)
Contact URL PrintBudapest, Hungary
The 12th Central European Training School on neutron techniques will be held from May 6 to May 11, 2018.
Application is now open. Deadline is the 15th of March.
CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists.
Since the restart of the refurbished Budapest Research Reactor in 1992 international meetings are regularly organised in order to promote the national and Central European regional user activity, to contribute to instrument development as well as to facilitate the access of new users. Using the experimental stations, training of students and newcomers to the field is also regularly held for Hungarian university groups. Since 1999 a yearly joint Austrian-Hungarian training course used to be organised as well. Since February 2000 the cold neutron research facility is in operation, a liquid hydrogen cold source and the adjoining supermirror neutron guides provide excellent research opportunities on six experimental stations located in the neutron guide hall and the reactor hall. Therefore, the regular Austrian-Hungarian training course was extended, and we offer the possibilities of the cold neutron instruments for a hands-on-training for the European user community.
Anticipated attendance
We are welcoming PhD and master students, post-doc scientists as well as newcomers to the neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology, material science etc. The number of participants is limited to 25 (because of the training facilities available). There is no limit for the theoretical lectures.
The training consists of 2 days of lectures, 3 days of experimental work and 1 additional day of poster presentation and e-learning presentation. The lectures will give an introduction on neutron sources, neutron scattering techniques and recent developments in the field of neutron optics. The experiments will demonstrate to the students the art of utilization of instruments at a large-scale facility. They will get acquainted with sample preparation, experiment planning and running as well as data processing and interpretation of results. The participants will be divided into groups of maximum 5 students in order to facilitate individual involvement in the performance of the experiment. Each group will perform one or two neutron scattering experiments per day and each group will work at 5 different instruments. The official language of the lectures and practical works is English.
Available instruments
- Small Angle Neutron Scattering (YS)
- Reflectometer (GINA)
- Material Test Diffractometer (MTEST)
- Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA)
- Neutron imaging (RAD/NIPS-NORMA)
- Time of flight diffractometer (TOF)
- Neutron diffractometer (PSD)
See detailed presentation of the instruments at BNC site by clicking here.
Poster and Flash presentations
The participants will have the possibility to present a poster on the first school day. The Poster section will give the opportunity to the participants to present their field of interest as well as to have discussions with the instrument scientists about their research topics. The required poster size is A0 (841mm x 1189mm), portrait.
The Poster section has a special part, the so called Flash presentations. The participants are welcomed to present in 5 minutes and maximum 3 projected slides their poster. Preparation of a poster and a flash presentation will be highly appreciated in the selection of the participants and the award of a grant.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintHannover, Germany
From individual components to the complete intelligent factory, as well as topical trends such as energy efficiency, lightweight construction and additive manufacturing – at HANNOVER MESSE you’ll get a complete picture of the industrial value-adding chain under one roof – in Hannover and worldwide.
Five trade shows, one platform. At the world’s largest industrial trade fair, you will find the full range of technical innovations throughout the whole value chain – from automation to supplier solutions. With such a high number of key decision makers in attendance, HANNOVER MESSE is the ideal place for networking and new business. Get to know groundbreaking technologies, benefit from valuable synergies, and launch new projects – all in one place. This is an opportunity that only comes once a year.
Participation for neutron sciences will be ILL in partnership with FZ-Jülich.
OrganiserHANNOVER MESSE worldwide
Contact URL PrintGrenoble, France
From process qualification until component certification, additive manufacturing presents big challenges as a new field of material processing with multiple new parameters. Therefore, new insights concerning characterization are envisaged for process and component standards and certification, as well as for experimental benchmark input for modellings.
European large installations ILL and ESRF offer a common frame for additive manufacturing industrial investigations, where unique static (scanning) and dynamic (in-situ) studies on stresses and imaging, from the nanometre until several centimetres range, are possible. To foster industrial escalation of additive manufacturing, we aim at bringing together industry and applied sciences to address key manufacturing issues regarding final quality assessment of products.
To have a look at the Program follow this link.
Why neutrons?
- For non-destructive and bulk characterization: neutrons can penetrate several cm into matter.
- For new information: neutrons interact in a different way with matter, hence giving another contrast, i.e. for hydrogen!
- For sample environment and in-situ studies
Why Synchrotron?
- High energy X-rays, allowing higher penetration depth for real 3D imaging of high density samples.
- High intensity X-rays for non-destructive probing of material structure and devices with high spatial resolution from millimetres to nanometres.
- High intensity X-rays for real time measurements with less than a microsecond time resolution and high-throughput analysis under real manufacturing and operating conditions.
Contact NameSandra Cabeza
E-Mail URL
PrintGrenoble, France
From process qualification until component certification, additive manufacturing presents big challenges as a new field of material processing with multiple new parameters. Therefore, new insights concerning characterisation are envisaged for process and component standards and certification, as well as for experimental benchmark input for modellings.
European large installations ILL and ESRF offer a common frame for additive manufacturing industrial investigations, where unique static (scanning) and dynamic (in-situ) studies on stresses and imaging, from the nanometre until several centimetres range, are possible.
To foster industrial escalation of additive manufacturing, we aim at bringing together industry and applied sciences to address key manufacturing issues regarding final quality assessment of products.
OrganiserILL and ESRF
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+33 (0)4 76 20 81 04
PrintManchester, UK
Magnetism 2018 is the premier conference organised by the UK and Rol magnetism community. It welcomes and encourages participation from Europe and further afield, and from industry. It follows the highly successful conferences that have been held annually since 2014.
A mixture of invited talks and submitted contributions will showcase the breadth of magnetism research in the UK and Rol covering the areas of thin films and nanostructures, spintronics, permanent magnetic materials, correlated electrons, nanoparticles and biological/biomedical applications of magnetism, computational magnetism and general magnetism.
In keeping with the conference’s broad remit, we encourage participation from those working in all aspects of magnetism and magnetic materials. The meeting will include oral sessions on a range of subjects including spintronics, spin textures (domain walls, dynamics, vortices, skyrmions), permanent magnetism and energy efficiency, correlated electrons and topological systems, spin ice and 2D materials, nanoparticles, ab initio and micromagnetic theory.
We encourage abstracts from across the community and particularly from students as the conference provides an excellent opportunity to showcase latest research in a collegiate and stimulating environment.
Plenary Speaker
- Professor Albert Fert, University of Paris-Sud and UMP CNRS/Thales, France
Wohlfarth Lecture
- Professor Gino Hrkac, University of Exeter, UK
Organised by the IOP Magnetism Group
Early registration deadline: 23 March 2018
Registration deadline: 3 April 2018
IOP Magnetism Group
Contact NameJon Roe
E-Mail URL PrintPhoenix, Arizona, USA
Time and time again, “multidisciplinary” research is touted as essential to innovation. That is why, from April 2-6, 2018, researchers working in seemingly unrelated fields will gather in Phoenix, Arizona, to promote, share and discuss issues and developments across disciplines.
The 2018 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit is the key forum to present research to an interdisciplinary and international audience. It provides a window on the future of materials science, and offers an opportunity for researchers—from students and postdoctoral fellows, to Nobel and Kavli Prize Laureates—to exchange technical information and network with colleagues.
The Materials Research Society has developed a far-reaching series of programs that expose students, teachers, and life-long learners to the excitement of discovery and the significance of science in their daily lives. For interested MRS members, these programs provide an opportunity to participate in outreach activities, support national STEM education initiatives, and play a significant role in developing and nurturing the next generation of materials scientists.
The scientific process is no longer just about generating ideas, but about freely sharing those ideas with broader audiences. Now more than ever, the ability to recruit students, attract collaborators, and secure funding is tied to the ability to successfully bring research out of the laboratory and to the general public. Through its continuum of broader impacts programming and professional development sessions at MRS meetings, an ever-expanding awards portfolio, a University Chapter program that is now international in scope, and so much more, MRS, with the support of the Materials Research Society Foundation, is well positioned to engage, educate and fascinate into the next decade.
OrganiserEdward Botchwey, Catherine Dubourdieu, Quanxi Jia, Shane Kennett, Cheolmin Park
Contact E-Mail URL PrintBariloche, Argentina
Advances in science and technology in the field of neutron science have been dominated by a fruitful combination of major international facilities supported by networks of smaller regional facilities. Recent advances in accelerator technology and neutronic design have made it possible to construct small-scale accelerator-driven neutron facilities that would be able to play a significant role in neutron technology and science. The neutron applications using compact accelerator driven neutron sources are now becoming more and more important since it can cover various fields such as material science, engineering, nuclear physics, cancer therapy, soft error, cultural heritage and so on, and therefore they would play a more significant role in the future.
The Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources (UCANS) was formed in 2010 to support the ongoing development of small accelerator based neutron sources around the world. Since then, fruitful meetings were held in Beijing (China) 2011, Bloomington (U.S.A) 2012, Bilbao (Spain) 2013, Sapporo (Japan) 2014, Legnaro (Italy) 2015, and Xi´an (China) 2016.
UCANS-VII, the 7th. International Meeting of the Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources, will be held in San Carlos de Bariloche), Province of Rio Negro, Argentina. The dates are March 11 – 15, 2018, and the venue is Hotel Amancay) located in the beautiful LLao-Llao area, at 25 Km from downtown Bariloche.
- Accelerators and beam optics,
- Target radiation damage and heat removal,
- Moderator neutronics,
- Optical devices,
- Neutron detection,
- CANS Projects and Innovative instrumentation,
- Material characterization.
- Other applications of CANS,
- Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Data,
- Medical applications,
- Computer simulations and data-analysis software,
- Education
Neutron Physics Department, Nuclear Engineering, CAB, CNEA
Contact E-Mail URL PrintBerlin, Germany
DPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) with the following divisions and working groups:
- Biological Physics
- Chemical and Polymer Physics
- Thin Films
- Dynamics and Statistical Physics
- Semiconductor Physics
- Crystalline Solids and their Microstructure
- Magnetism
- Metal and Material Physics
- and the working group Metal and Material Physics
- Surface Science
- Physics of Socio-Economic Systems
- Low Temperature Physics
- Vacuum Science and Technology
- Working Group Equal Opportunities
- Working Group Industry and Business
- Working Group young DPG
- Working Group Philosophy of Physics
CMD27 of the EPS Condensed Matter Division with the following Sections and Divisions:
- Liquid Physics
- Low Temperature Physics
- Magnetism / European Magnetism Association
- Semiconductors and Insulators
- Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics
- Structural and Dynamical Properties of Solids
- Surfaces and Interfaces
- Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division
- EPS Young Minds
The conference takes place at the :
Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin
Hashtag: #DPGB18
App for DPG Spring Meetings
Download the DPG Spring Meeting App for Android (v.5+) or iOS (7.1+) and create your own conference programme. In addition to the scientific programme, the app also provides information about the supporting programme and supplies you with relevant information about the venue and conference office. Take a look in the App-Store or PlayStore for „DPG Spring Meetings“ and install the free app!
OrganiserDPG and EPS
Contact URL Print
SYnchrotron and NEutron Radiation Go Industrial
New analytical tools for engineering materials science
Key note speeches on engineering applications
of neutron and synchrotron facilities:
- Daigo Setoyama, Toyota Central R&D labs Inc., JP
- Axel Müller, OHB System AG, DE
- Hjalmar Staf, SANDVIK AB, SE
Business to Research Matchmaking
(in cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network)
Exhibition, research service providers
and research infrastructures
Detailed information and registration form are available a:
SYNERGI 2018 will demystify analytical Research Infrastructures (RIs)
for industry in the field of engineering, energy- and microtechnology.
Learn how RIs are already working with a wide range of buisnesses
and build with us a future vision of how RIs could be better integrated
into the regional and European innovation processes.
SYNERGI2018 event hosted by SINE2020
Contact NameDr. Marc Thiry
E-Mail URL Phone+49-(0)40-8998-6914
AddressGerman Engineering Materials Science Centre (GEMS) Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (Außenstelle DESY)
Notkestr. 85
22607 Hamburg
SYNERGI 2018SYNERGI 2018 Flyer
PrintEssen, Germany
The venue of the Annual Meeting is Essen in the heart of the Ruhrgebiet that is actually not as grey as some of you might expect. In the contrary, after coal and steel industries have contracted and shifted to more environmentally friendly processes, this area has undergone a remarkable transformation. Notably, in 2010, Essen was the center of the European Capital of Culture, and in 2017, it is the European Green Capital.
Many scientific disciplines rely on crystallography, covering inter alia fields like materials sciences, geosciences, crystal structure determination, and protein crystallography. The University of Duisburg-Essen with its two campi at Duisburg and Essen (and a third campus for the University Hospital) has two central research units with direct relevance to crystallography: Nanosciences, as represented by the Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CeNIDE), and biological sciences, as represented by the Center for Biomedical Technology (ZMB). Both have supported the Annual Meeting. In the direct vicinity there are other major research institutions like the Universities at Bochum and Dortmund and a number of Max-Planck Institutes and Fraunhofer institutes, many of them relying on chemical, physical and biological crystallography.
A number of prominent Plenary Speakers have agreed to give presentations at our Annual Congress:
- Leonid Dubrovinsky (Bayreuth/DE): Crystallography taken to the extreme
- Holger Dobbek (Berlin/DE): Carbon oxide activation at biological Ni,Fe centres
- Kenneth Harris (Cardiff/GB): New experimental techniques for exploring crystallization pathways and structural properties of solids
- Randy J. Read (Cambridge/GB): TAn unexpected crystallographic insight into renin secretion
- Sven Lidin (Lund/SE): Structure Dynamis in Crystaline Solids
- Erdmann Spiecker (Erlangen/DE): The new era of in situ electron microscopy: From qualitative observations to quantitative studies on the nanoscale
- Paulina Dominiak (Warszawa/PL)
Directly after the Annual Meeting of the DGK, a workshop on methods and applications of neutrons on hot topics will take place.
The conference will be accompanied by a specialised industrial exhibition. Interested companies are requested to contact Conventus.
OrganiserGerman Crystallographic Society (DGK)
Contact NameAnja Hannawald
E-Mail URL Download26th Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK) - Programme
PrintDidcot, UK
The annual ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques at ISIS.
The course runs annually for 10 days at ISIS and takes around 35 students.
We stress that this is a hand-on course using the ISIS neutron instruments aimed at complete beginners to neutron scattering.
Registration is via the form in the link below and will close on November 30th, 2017
Outline of Course
- Basic Principles (Neutron Time-of-flight, Detectors, Neutron materials and interations, Instrument Components, Neutron Scattering Theory)
- Chemistry and Materials (Powder and single crystal diffraction, Rietveld refinement (GSAS), Molecular Spectroscopy, Diffuse scattering, Non-crystalline materials scattering)
- Physics (Neutron diffraction, magnetic Rietveld refinement (Fullprof), inelastic scattering – polycrystals and single crystals, and reflectometry)
- Soft Matter (Sample preperation and deuteration, Small-angle neutron scattering, Neutron reflectometry)
- Optional Modules (Computational methods (DFT), Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Quasi-elastic Scattering, Biological SANS data reduction, Polarized reflectometry for soft matter, Strain in Materials)
The course includes accommodation at Cosener’s House in Abingdon, and travel expenses (within the UK) – and is free to participating students
Selection criteria for applications to the Neutron Training Course
The number of applications to attend the Neutron Training Course has always exceeded the number of places available on the course, and hence it has been necessary to have a selection procedure for allocating the places. One ISIS representative for each of the three modules attends a selection meeting together with one external ISIS user. The criteria used in making the selection are as follows:
- Preference is given to students funded from the UK. This is interpreted broadly and it includes University, Research Council or UK Industry funding.
- Preference is given to students at the beginning of their studies in neutron scattering.
- Preference is given to applicants who, in the judgement of the selection committee will make a major use of neutron scattering, particularly at ISIS, in their studies.
In the assessment of applications, the statements submitted by the applicant and their supervisor carry the greatest weight, and so we would encourage applicants to ensure that they submit a strong statement emphasising the significance of neutron scattering in their research. In the event of a dispute concerning the outcome of the selection procedure, an ombudsman who has no involvement in the current course will be appointed.
Course Organizers
Helen Walker 01235 446720
Alex Hannon 01235 445358
Christy Kinane 01235 446043
Walker, Helen (STFC,RAL,ISIS)
E-Mail URL
Phone01235 446720
DownloadPrintCopenhagen, Denmark
Big Science Business Forum 2018 will be the first one-stop-shop for European companies and other stakeholders to learn about Europe’s Big Science organisations’ future investments and procurements worth billions of euros. The forum will offer your business the chance to:
- Learn about business opportunities in the coming years, within a wide range of business areas.
- Meet representatives from Europe’s Big Science organisations and their key suppliers.
- Network and establish long lasting partnerships via business-to-business meetings (B2B), business-to-customer meetings (B2C) and in the open exhibition area.
- Get insight into procurement rules, IPR, technology transfer and how businesses can interplay with the Big Science market.
Big Science as a business area – 16 parallel sessions
BSBF2018 will address 16 topics of Big Science as a business area. Extensive parallel sessions will focus on Big Science investments in the coming years in the following areas:
- A1 Procurement, IPR and standards
- A2 Remote handling systems
- A3 Cryogenic technology
- A4 Affiliated Big Science organisations I (TBC)
- B1 Technology transfer
- B2 Superconductivity and superconducting magnets
- B3 Safety systems, licensing and protection of hazardous installations, access control, fire and gas detection
- B4 Affiliated Big Science organisations II (TBC)
- C1 Electrical, electronics, electromechanical and RF systems
- C2 High precision and large mechanical components – manufacturing and assembly
- C3 Instrumentation and Control and CODAC
- C4 Engineering methodologies and tools
- D1 Diagnostics, detectors and instruments
- D2 Vacuum and leak detection technologies
- D3 Basic material technologies and advanced manufacturing techniques
- D4 Information and Communication Technologies
The investment potential of Europe’s Big Science market – plenary session I
In the program’s pleanary session I, delegates have a unique opportunity to get to know the investment potential of Europe’s Big Science market when high level speakers from the nine organising Big Science organisations will present their individual organisations.
Best practices of the Big Science market – plenary session II
In plenary session II, delegates will get to know the best practices there is on the Big Science market when prime contractors, SMEs and Industry Liaison Officers participate in a roundtable discussion.
Contact E-Mail URL Download RegisterYou must be a NMI3 Member to register for this Meeting
PrintDESY Hamburg
The aim of the workshop is to discuss the needs of the German X-ray and neutron user community in terms of digitalization.
Topics to be addressed
- IT infrastructures
- algorithms (e.g., machine learning)
- data management
- data policies (embargo, open data, open access)
- possible funding measures
- training junior scientists
- additional
Universität Siegen, TU Wien
Contact NameChristian Gutt
E-Mail URL PrintPrague, Czech Republic
ESP is inviting you, together with CERIC, ESS, and HZG, to take part in the Nanotechnology from Materials to Science conference, which will take place at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, on 15-16 February 2018. The event is organized in the framework of the ACCELERATE project.
Who can attend?
The event is open to researchers, industry experts and science enthusiasts in the fields of nanostructures and nano-analytics. It is a two-day conference with the objective of sharing knowledge in those fields, discussing the innovative applications of nanotechnology in different sectors (such as ICT, health, energy and more) and exploring diverse collaboration opportunities between research organizations and companies.
What is the scope?
The conference aims at providing answers to highly up-to-date questions in the industrial research and development in the area of nanotechnology, and will present the offer of large-scale research infrastructures to answer those questions. A guided tour through the CERIC Czech Partner facility will complete the program.
How to register?
Register for the event here.
More details related to the topics that will be discussed and organisations which will facilitate the sessions can be found here.
The provisional programme of the event and the sessions’ abstracts can be found here.
ACCELERATE is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 731112
OrganiserCharles University
Contact URL PrintPrague, Czech Republic
DescriptionUnlike other disciplines, nanotechnology is multi-sectoral by nature, and combines several methods and techniques that aim to influence properties and structures at the molecular level. Developments in nanotech uncover innovative applications that can be used in a wide and diverse range of industries and areas in a variety of fields: electronics, materials, energy efficiency, surface coating, medicine etc.
Research in High Energy Physics has allowed for the development of accelerator and detector technology that can be applied in other research fields, and nanotechnology is a very attractive field for these sorts of synergies. On the other hand, conventional techniques and methods for the characterisation and analysis of these nanostructure have reached their limit, therefore further development is an essential precondition for the success of nanotechnology research.
This event will aim to bring together companies, experts and researchers active in the field of nanostructures and nanoanalytics together with other research fields, like high energy physics or medical science, to discuss and explore synergies fostering knowledge transfer and collaboration for the development of further innovative technologies and applications in the field of nanotechnology.
Contact URL PrintOrly, France
DescriptionTechinnov is the annual meeting of innovation decision-makers.
Contact URL PrintSzeged, Hungary
The organizers of NEUBIAS are pleased to welcome you to the 2nd NEUBIAS Conference, in Szeged!
The 2nd Annual Conference of NEUBIAS, gathering the whole BioImage Analysis Community into a multi-faceted event, offers two Training schools, a Working Meeting (Taggathon) and a Large Symposium dedicated to Scientific Developments and Open Tools in BioImage Analysis.
The event will be organized and hosted by Dr. Peter Horvath, Principal Investigator at the Biological Research Center (BRC) of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Szeged.
Topics Highlights of the Symposium
- BioImage Analysis in Life Science, Developments,
- Machine Learning, Bioimage Data Mining, Storage, etc…
- Open source Software Lounge, Call4help, Open Tools,
- Industry workshops, Panel Discussions and more
Prof. Peter Horvath
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+36 30 470 4261
PrintGaithersburg, Maryland, USA
The NIST Bureau of Standards Reactor is celebrating its 50th anniversary of going critical on December 7, 2017. It has had a long and distinguished history of providing neutrons to the scientific community and has established itself as a leader in the global enterprise of neutron science. The NCNR is now poised for continuing the legacy long into the future. This symposium is to recognize the accomplishments of those who worked closely with the facility as well as celebrating the potential science that will be emerging from the facility in the future. The symposium will last from the morning of December 7th and continue into the afternoon on the 8th. There will be a reception dinner the evening of the 7th at the Gaithersburg Marriott—Washingtonian Center.
Contact NameMarcus Schwaderer
E-Mail URL
Phone(301) 975-5816
AddressNIST 100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, MD
20899 – NCNR
Conference Room K04.
Magurele, Romania
ELI-NP (Extreme light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics), in collaboration with CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research), ERF (The European Association of National Research Facilities), ESS (The European Spallation Source), and ARIES (The Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society), will host on 23-24 November 2017, in Magurele, the forth Workshop on Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures Facilities.
Volatile energy costs, a tight budget climate and increasing environmental concerns are all inciting large-scale research facilities across the globe to devise mid- and long-term strategies for sustainable developments at their research infrastructures, including the aim for reliable, affordable and carbon-neutral energy supplies.
This workshop will bring together international sustainability experts, stakeholders and representatives from research facilities and future research infrastructure projects all over the world.
One of the main goals of this event is to identify the challenges, best practices and policies to develop and implement sustainable solutions at research infrastructures. This includes the increase of energy efficiencies, energy system optimizations, storage and savings, implementation and management issues as well as the review of challenges represented by potential future technological solutions and the tools for effective collaboration.
Some of the main topics to be discussed are:
- Energy Management at Laboratories
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy Recovery
- Advanced Energy Technologies and Future R&D
This workshop is the latest event of the series “Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures” that is organized by ERF, CERN, ESS and ARIES, holding biennial workshops at various places.
Contact E-Mail URL Print31st EFFoST International Conference 2017
Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century – Research to Progress Society
13-16 November 2017 | Melia Sitges, Sitges, Spain
The 31st EFFoST International Conference was held in Sitges, Spain from 13-16 November 2017. The conference theme: Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century – Research to Progress Society.
The 2017 conference explored solutions to current and future challenges such as food safety and security, food fraud, waste reduction and sustainability, analytical techniques, novel technologies, functional foods, nutrition and health, gastronomy, entrepreneurship, open innovation & strategic alliances and knowledge transfer management.
Conference Topics
Food safety and security
Food fraud
Waste reduction and sustainability
Advanced analytical techniques
Novel technologies for food processing
Functional foods
Nutrition and health
Open innovation & strategic alliances
Knowledge transfer management
Sitges, Spain
Every year EFFoST organizes this prestigious international food science and technology conference, an important scientific event that brings together world-renowned researchers, scientists, policy makers, professionals and students from multidisciplinary food-related fields to share the latest developments, meet old friends and form new partnerships. See here for details of our previous conferences.
The 31st EFFoST International Conference will be held in Sitges, Spain from 13-16 November 2017 under the theme: Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century – Research to Progress Society.
The 2017 conference will explore solutions to current and future challenges such as food safety and security, food fraud, waste reduction and sustainability, analytical techniques, novel technologies, functional foods, nutrition and health, gastronomy, entrepreneurship, open innovation & strategic alliances and knowledge transfer management.
Conference Topics
- Food safety and security
- Food fraud
- Waste reduction and sustainability
- Advanced analytical techniques
- Novel technologies for food processing
- Functional foods
- Nutrition and health
- Gastronomy
- Entrepreneurship
- Open innovation & strategic alliances
- Knowledge transfer management
EFFoST, IUFoST, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Uniuversitat de Lleida
Contact NameMarc Thiry and Caroline Boudou
E-Mail URL PrintGaithersburg, MD, USA
The second biannual ISSE training school on sample environments will be held from Monday, November 13 to Friday, November 17, 2017 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR). This year’s training school is devoted to soft matter sample environments.
The course is targeted towards technical staff, engineers, instrument scientists or facility users interested in learning about sample environments for scattering instruments. The combination of introductory lectures and training will provide participants with a unique opportunity to become familiar with the sample environments deployed at the beam instruments and their applications.
Examples of the sample environment topics that will be covered are: basics of rheology, advance flow measurements, ultrasonic, vapor flow, langmuir troughs, liquid cells, syringe pumps, humidity chambers and several others.
Attendance for the training school is limited to 20 students.
For further information, and/or to apply, please go to:
Early application is advised since attendance is strictly limited and we typically receive more applications than the maximum number of participants.
Registration Closes November 6th, 2017
OrganiserYamali Hernandez (School Principal), Tanya Dax and Paul Butler
Contact NameYamali Hernandez
E-Mail URL
PrintStokholm, Sweden
Tighter collaboration between industry / SMEs and the research sector could exploit a hitherto untapped potential to unleash the full capability of the knowledge and innovation system in Europe. Global competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region – as well as other regions across the globe – highly depends on the continuous development of new products and innovative services based on sophisticated research. Bearing in mind the outstanding innovation performance showcased by the Baltic Sea Region in the European Innovation Scoreboard 2017, Baltic TRAM partnership is committed to advance the on-going dialogue on science-business cooperation.
This conference takes place at the helm of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, thus shedding more light on the implementation of Swedish Presidency´s priorities – sustainability, continuity and adaptability.
The conference will highlight various activities, projects and framework conditions for a better support of access opportunities for Industry/SMEs to analytical research facilities. It will have a true added value for industry by presenting practical offers, how to collaborate with analytical facilities.
During the first day of the conference the discussion will revolve around the innovation policy issues. The second day of the conference will give an overview of existing or upcoming support offers of high importance to the industry / SMEs.
Contact NameMarc Thiry
E-Mail URL PrintStockholm, Sweden
DescriptionAnalytical Research for Industry – Novel Options for Enhanced Cooperation
Contact URL PrintFrankfurt, Germany
Synchrotron radiation and neutrons play an important role for understanding catalytic reactions and controlling material properties. The GeCatS information day aims to give an overview of the latest research in these fields.
The workshop will bring together new and established users from academia, large scale facilities and industry.
How do catalysts, fuel cells, batteries or sensors work on an atomic mesoscopic and macroscopic scale? What kind of changes occur under reaction conditions with gas exposure, temperature, time or with start up or interruption of the reaction?
These questions are of high relevance for the knowledge-based development of catalysts and new materials and, in particular, inspire breakthrough innovations, equally in academic and industrial research.
Synchrotron radiation and neutrons play an important role for understanding catalytic reactions and controlling material properties. The GeCatS information day aims to give an overview of the latest research in these fields. It is intended to promote the exchange and provide a platform for new and strengthened collaborations at both academic and industrial levels. We will bring together new and established users from academia, large scale facilities and industry.
Synchrotron radiation and neutron sources offer completely new insight. It is not only possible to obtain atomic structural information on functional materials but also to generate an image from the molecular system to the reactor or a battery. Thanks to new beamlines at synchrotron radiation sources, higher brilliance and tremendously improved computer power, tomographic images and 3D-investigations can now be obtained over many orders of length scales. In addition, processes can be directly followed, for example, the preparation of materials as well as the life of a catalyst under reaction conditions, i.e. in gas, liquid or high pressure environment. Another very important aspect is the tracking of temporal changes: new research approaches allow the data acquisition in the ms area, “pump-probe” experiments and X-ray lasers face even much shorter temporal information down to the fs range.
Such facilities are also highly interesting for industrial research and have great future potential. Many methodological synergies between synchrotron and neutron measurement techniques are currently available and lab infrastructure already exists to some extent, or is presently put into position. With the construction of FLASH and XFEL as well as the upgrade of BESSY or PETRA III, completely new possibilities arise in Germany and with MAXIV, ESRF, ILL, ISIS upgrades and the ESS at European level. Now it is important to familiarize the fundamental sciences and applied disciplines equally with the new potential created in recent years and to tap them as best as possible. The techniques and new potentials will only be used optimally if the right infrastructure is established and scientific questions are addressed and tackled in the right way.
Gain an overview of the possibilities. Get involved in this discussion and shape the future.
OrganiserKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)/D
Contact NameCaroline Boudou
E-Mail URL PrintFrankfurt, Germany
DescriptionGeCatS Infoday “Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons for Catalysis, Materials Research and Development”
Contact URL PrintBerlin, Germany
SEPAWA Congress and European Detergents Conference
SINE2020 will be present. Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Contact NameMarc Thiry
E-Mail URL
Paris, France
The yearly business convention bringing all major actors in R&D and support for business innovation in France. There were more than 2700 attendees in 2016.
OrganiserProximum Group
Contact NameCaroline Boudou
E-Mail URL PrintBerlin, Germany
DescriptionNew materials and materials can change the world and drive innovation. The high-tech transfer day and the IHK technology forum, which meet this year at the Potsdam-Golm Science Park, are dedicated to these exciting topics. Be there when entrepreneurs and scientists from our region present the latest research results and products on topics such as state-of-the-art biomaterials, innovative composite materials or functional material systems. Experience interesting examples of best practice and establish contacts with companies, research institutions, business development agencies and regional chambers of commerce and industry.
Contact URL
PrintDresden, Germany
Der Kongress verspricht zum Pflichttermin für alle Entdecker, Entwickler und Entscheider der Werkstoffbranche zu werden. Viele hochrangige Vertreter aus Wissenschaft und Industrie haben bereits zugesagt. Mit zahlreichen Vorträgen, Symposien, Seminaren und Workshops schlägt auch die WerkstoffWoche 2017 den Bogen von neusten Erkenntnissen und Trends in die Anwendung.
Einen Schwerpunkt bildet das Thema „Additive Fertigung und Leichtbau“.
Die gleichzeitig stattfindende Fachmesse „Werkstoffe für die Zukunft“ ist der Treffpunkt für alle Produzenten, Bearbeiter und Anwender von Werkstoffen sowie für Hersteller von Maschinen, Anlagen und Prüfeinrichtungen.
SINE2020 will be present. Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Contact NameMarc Thiry
E-Mail URL
Split, Croatia
At MTSM2017 leading scientists and experts from Croatia and abroad will present their latest achievements in areas of advanced mechanical technologies, energy engineering and new mechanical structures.
The Conference will also provide an opportunity for collaboration and discussions which may form the basis of future cooperation among the scientific society and manufacturing businesses.
Croatian Society for Mechanical Technologies (CSMT)
Contact NameMr. Tibor Kun
E-Mail URL PrintISIS, Harwell Oxford Didcot, UK
SINE2020 WP10 QENS fitting workshop will be held at the ISIS Facility 11-12th Sep 2017.
PrintMetz, France
The workshop addresses innovation and education in the field of lightweight material solutions for the automotive market as well as aviation and aerospace. There will be room for discussions, matchmaking and finding new partners for future collaboration activities.
EIT RawMaterials
Contact NameCaroline Boudou
E-Mail URL PrintMetz, France
DescriptionLightweight materials are key to the Mobility of the Future in order to increase energy efficiency and driving distance. Introducing new materials and materials combinations come with challenges and opportunities for new kinds of designs and manufacturing methods. Key challenges lie in optimization of material performance, safety, production costs, the use of critical raw materials, and recyclability.
On 5-6 September, to discuss the next generation of lightweight material solutions, EIT RawMaterials is organising the second Expert Forum Materials and Technologies for Future Mobility in Metz, France.
The workshop addresses innovation and education in the field of lightweight material solutions for the automotive market as well as aviation and aerospace. The event will be used as a platform to present results of EIT RawMaterials projects in the field and to reach out to external partners from industry and academia. High strength steels, fiber reinforced composites, aluminum and magnesium alloys, as well as ceramics and biomaterials, will be considered. There will be room for discussions, matchmaking and finding new partners for future collaboration activities.
OrganiserEIT raw materials
Contact URL
PrintJuelich and Garching/Munich, Germany
The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one week of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ. It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific power.
Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences are invited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee. Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS. Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich in cooperation with RWTH Aachen
Contact URL
St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford
The school is intended primarily for scientists, student and postdoctoral researchers, who are new to the field of neutron scattering. It provides an excellent introduction to the field, which is developed through to its application in contemporary research. Lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of a variety of neutron scattering techniques will be given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique.
OrganiserVictoria García Sakai, Ross Stewart, Luke Clifton and Sean Langridge (ISIS); Andrew Boothroyd (Oxford University).
Contact E-Mail URL
Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea
ICNS2017 will be the latest and largest international platform for sharing and exchanging recent advances in neutron scattering science. On behalf of our organizing committee, we cordially invite you to submit your research and join the exciting international conference.
Conference Topics:
- Soft Matter
- Biology and Biological Interface
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Magnetism and Thin Films
- Chemistry / Earth Science
- Engineering Materials
- Energy Materials / Environmental
- Imaging / Radiography
- Neutron Physics
- Industrial Applications
- Sources and Instrumentations
- Sample Environment and Software
Important Dates:
Are you expecting to participate in ICNS 2017 conference next year? You better mark these dates on your schedule calendar!
- Abstract Deadline Feb. 24, 2017
- Notification of Acceptance April. 7, 2017
- Early registration deadline May. 19, 2017
- Proceedings Deadline: August 9, 2017
Organized by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and Korea Neutron Beam User Association
Contact NameMs. Kelly Kim
E-Mail URL Phone+82-42-472-7460
PrintDaejeon, South Korea
DescriptionThe ICNS 2017 will be the largest international platform for sharing and exchanging the latest exciting advances in neutron scattering science, which will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines including physics, biology, chemistry, materials science, engineering materials, earth science, neutron sources and instrumentations. The ICNS is held every four years cycling through Europe, America and Asia-Oceania regions. Previous ICNS includes ICNS2013 (Edinburgh, UK), ICNS2009 (Knoxville, US), ICNS2005 (Sydney, Australia), ICNS2001 (Munich, Germany), ICNS97 (Toronto, Canada), ICNS94 (Sendai, Japan), ICNS91 (Oxford, UK), ICNS88 (Grenoble, France), ICNS85 (Santa Fe, US), and ICNS82 (Hakone, Japan).
Contact URL PrintSapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
The 14th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (µSR2017) will be held in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, for 25-30th June, 2017. The conference is organized by Hokkaido University (Graduate School of Science and Institute for Catalysis), the Society of Muon and Meson Science of Japan and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization.
The µSR conference is an international event held every three years. The last conference was held in Grindelwald, Switzerland (2014).
The topics of ?SR2017 cover a wide range of research domains using muons and related particles, such as,
- Magnetism
- Superconductivity
- Hydrogen isotopes in matter
- Spintronics and Battery
- Polymers and Biomaterials
- Thin films, surface and interfaces
- Facilities and techniques
The Conference will consist of invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions. The proceedings of the µSR2017 conference will be published as a volume in Journal of Physical Society of Japan: Conference Proceedings (JPS Conf. Proc.).
OrganiserHokkaido University
Contact URL DownloadµSR2017µSR2017 Program
PrintErfurt, Germany
DescriptionThe trade fair and user conference Rapid.Tech is aimed specifically at users and developers of additive manufacturing technologies. With participants from over 20 countries, it is one of the most important European information events on the subject. A unique component of Rapid.Tech is a high caliber congress with user conference for new technologies and forums on science, tools, aviation and medical technology. This conference booklet contains all the contributions from the Congress, making it an indispensable source of information for anyone wishing to keep abreast of the latest developments in this technology of the future.
Contact URL PrintValetta, Malta
EuroNanoForum 2017 will focus on how nano and materials technologies can strengthen competitiveness across all European industries.
The discussion will also extend to framework conditions such as education, standards, regulations, IPR and safety issues, as well as entrepreneurship and industrial policy. The programme will include sessions on finance and funding through European and National programmes, in particular Horizon 2020, smart specialisation and public-private partnership initiatives.
SINE2020 will be present with a stand, and a poster.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions related to using neutrons to investigate your company’s materials!
OrganiserThe EuroNanoForum 2017 is organised under the auspices of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
Contact NameMarc Thiry (SINE2020 contact)
E-Mail URL
Lyon, France
Le seul salon business en France qui rassemble tout l‘écosystème de la fabrication additive.
Découvrez les dernières solutions et technologies, et échangez avec des acteurs clés!
SINE2020 will be present as a visitor in one of the days. Please contact us beforehand to arrange a meeting.
Contact NameCaroline Boudou
E-Mail URL
Berlin, Germany
Description250 delegates representing leading biotech companies, global pharmaceutical organisations and internationally renowned academic institutions
55 presentations, case studies and panel discussions focused on the key issues in drug discovery and medicinal chemistry
6 Interactive Streams:
- Drug Discovery Innovation and Strategies, Enabling Technologies
- Novel Drug Target Discovery for Immuno-Therapy, Autoimmune Diseases and Oncology
- Successful Phenotypic Drug Discovery: High Content Screening
- RNAi Screening, Cancer Genomics and Gene Editing for Drug Discovery
- Discovery Chemistry, Medicinal and Computational Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design: Novel Approaches.
14 pre-scheduled one to one meetings, exhibition and informal networking opportunities.
SINE2020 will present a poster to showcase neutron scattering applications and our offer of free measurements. – Don’t hesitate to contact us!
OrganiserOxford Global
Contact NameMatthew Blakely (ILL)
E-Mail URL
Dublin, Ireland
The University-Industry Interaction Conference is the annual conference of the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN), through which UIIN brings together over 400 managers, practitioners and researchers in the field of entrepreneurial universities, collaborative innovation and university-industry interaction. Now in its 5th year, this conference is one of the largest conferences in this field and provides its participants with 3 days of sharing knowledge and interacting with peers. In order to best facilitate this, the conference is built around a number of key principles:
SINE2020 will be present with a stand, and a poster (tbd).
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any questions related to using neutrons to investigate your company’s materials!
OrganiserUniversity Industry Innovation Network (UIIN), the Irish Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the Irish Research Council (IRC).
Contact NameMarc Thiry (SINE2020 contact)
E-Mail URL
Garching (near Munich), Germany
Communicating the importance of science to society
Science is exciting, enlightening, complex, fundamental, precise, logical, and creative, all at the same time. However, for the public to get in touch with it and understand why it encompasses all these concepts, efforts need to be made to bridge science and society. With this aim, communication teams at research infrastructures work with a range of methods and channels. They make complex information more tangible and disseminate it as broadly as possible so that the public can understand and be engaged.
This conference aims to be a hands-on forum for communication officers and public relations staff to share their experiences and expertise. The aim is that participants return home with new ideas for their work, by learning how and with which means other research institutions are communicating the importance of science and of research infrastructures to society.
Deadline for abstract submission: February 10, 2017
OrganiserMLZ, ERF-AISBL, EIRO forum, ESO
Contact E-Mail URL PrintGrenoble, France
DescriptionA community of 23 pan-European environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRI RIs), members of the European Commission Horizon 2020 project ENVRIplus, will meet with Private Industry partners to explore opportunities for new joint innovation projects. The meeting, organised for the first time, will take place in Grenoble, France, from 18–19 May 2017.
ENVRI RIs serve more than 10,000 users, deploying sensors and services worldwide and providing unique information on the long-term evolution of environmental air, ocean and earth ecosystems. So far more than 100 international industries, including infrastructure suppliers, co-developers and users, have established special partnership with ENVRIs.
Most importantly, because ENVRIs play a strong role in influencing funding of new EU innovation programs to mitigate climate change risk, they make for valuable partners for private sector companies, particularly for companies interested in new joint research and technology development projects.
The Joint Innovation Partnering Forum with current and potential Private Sector Partners will be held in the frame of the 4th ENVRIplus meeting in Grenoble, France. The one and half day conference with industry will be organised in four sessions on technological innovation, metrology and standards, and public-private partnership. New products and technologies will also be presented at the exhibition.
Contact URL
PrintOxford Spires Hotel, Oxford, UK
Deuteration underpins the ability of neutron scattering techniques to elucidate the structure and dynamics of complex multicomponent materials that are typical in soft condensed matter and life sciences. With a wide range of advanced neutron facilities and instruments either in place or under development across Europe, it is of crucial importance that a strong emphasis is also placed on preparing deuterated samples that will maximise the quality and impact of current and future research. This workshop, organized jointly by the STFC Deuteration facility and the DEUNET European chemical deuteration network, brings together the user community with existing and developing deuteration laboratories to present recent advances in soft matter and life sciences and to discuss the needs to development of new methods, materials and deuteration services to fully leverage the investments made in neutron instrumentation in Europe.
The workshop will consist of a series of talks by user groups presenting their science using deuteration and neutrons, as well as presentation of the current capabilities and work done at the participating deuteration laboratories.
The workshop will collect valuable input from the user community on current and future deuteration needs for the DEUNET collaboration funded by the SINE2020 project ( Read more about the DEUNET at
Registration is now open and limited to 60 participants. Abstracts for posters are welcome until the 2nd April 2017.
OrganiserPeixun Li, Marek Jura, John Webster STFC Giovanna Fragneto ILL, Juergen Allgaier FZJ, Hanna Wacklin ESS
Contact NameHanna Wacklin
E-Mail URL Phone+46468883044
PrintBordeaux, France
Contact URL
PrintCsillebérc Campus (former KFKI) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists. Apply by March 15.
OrganiserBudapest Neutron Centre
Contact NameZoltán Dudás
E-Mail URL
Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble
The current tentative plan is to discuss the integration of captured requirements into plans for development as well as having the usual status updates.
On the second day, the plan is to have parallel sessions on the different software that we are looking at. Expert users and developers and other people we would like to see as early adopters and / or contributors to the codes are welcome. We will demonstrate the codes and how it is possible to contribute to the code. Feedback is welcome.
The parallel sessions will be on SANS, reflectometry, Mantid, imaging, and muons, and QENS.
OrganiserThomas Holm Rod and Miguel A. Gonzalez
Contact NameThomas Holm Rod
E-Mail URL DownloadPrintHannover, Germany
DescriptionHANNOVER MESSE 2017 opens in about ten weeks’ time. The show, which runs from 24 to 28 April, will sport a rich array of highlights, including a record 500-plus Industry 4.0 applications, self-learning robots with near-human touch sensitivity, and advanced technology solutions for a more sustainable energy future. “The technologies needed for the successful digitalization of industrial production are fully developed and ready to go,” commented Deutsche Messe Managing Board member Jochen Köckler.” “The task now is to ensure that decision makers from industry and the energy sector understand the direct, long-term benefits that digitalization can offer them and their organizations, business models and employees,” he added. “Challenging people to ‘think outside the box,’ highlighting all the various ways in which digitalization can add value, and opening up new markets – that’s what this year’s HANNOVER MESSE is all about, with its lead theme of Integrated Industry – Creating Value .” The show will have around 6,500 exhibitors and feature Poland as its official Partner Country.
OrganiserDeutsche Messe
Contact URL PrintICANS in Oxford, UK
The SINE2020 WP8 on e-tools will meet during the ICANS conference on Friday March 31st in the afternoon, likely 12:00-15:00 (when a tour of ISIS is scheduled in the ICANS programme).
SINE2020 participants to ICANS are welcome. The agenda covers progress reports and tour-de-table.
To register for the conference please go to .
Contact NamePeter Kjær Willendrup
E-Mail URL PrintFRM II, Garching, Germany
WP4 on Industry will meet in Garching.
Contact NameMarc Thiry (SINE2020 contact)
E-Mail URL
Hamburg, Germany
SINE2020 will be present as a visitor. – Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Contact NameMarc Thiry (SINE2020 contact)
E-Mail URL
Auditorium, Medicon Valley Alliance, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2300 Copenhagen
Participants will have the opportunity to learn what big science facilities like ESS can offer to industry and how companies can enhance their research capacity to carry out experiments at these facilities. The event will also address strategic market players, which have their own research infrastructure, as human capital transfers and knowledge transfers are crucial for further development within individual branches of industry.
The coordinator of the SINE2020 Industry WP, Marc Thiry, will participate in the structured discussion in the afternoon.
OrganiserMedicon Valley Alliance
Contact NameHelen Pettersson
E-Mail URL PrintLise Meitner Campus / Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
The school program consists of three days of lectures giving a theoretical introduction to the fundamentals of neutron scattering and the principles of various neutron scattering techniques. After the lectures, there will be three and a half days of hands-on experiments on seven different neutron scattering instruments. The students will be divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and will do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of experienced scientists. Furthermore, there will be a students’ poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss with the HZB scientists how neutron scattering could benefit their research. – The school will finish with lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in the areas of biology, chemistry, engineering and physics etc. This course is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the Technical University Berlin.
Closing date for application: 15th October 2016
OrganiserProfessor Bella Lake
Contact E-Mail URL
Oxfordshire, UK
The ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques at ISIS. We stress that this is a hand-on course using the ISIS neutron instruments aimed at complete beginners.
OrganiserHelen Walker, Alex Hannon, Christy Kinane
Contact URL
PrintGrenoble, France
Neutron and synchrotron radiation for science
This 1-month school, established in 1991, provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications).
It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities: ELETTRA and FERMI in Trieste, ESRF, ILL in Grenoble, Soleil and LLB in Paris-Saclay, and SLS/PSI in Villigen.
OrganiserUniversité Grenoble Alpes & Grenoble Institute of Technology
Contact URL
Utting/Ammersee and Garching/Munich, Germany
MATRAC 2 Winter School ‘Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science with special focus on Fundamental Aspects of Materials’
The Winter School will provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of materials. The school starts with the fundamentals of synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering. The focus is subsequently shifted towards neutron techniques and their application to specific problems in materials science. Different classes of modern functional materials are presented and it will be shown how neutron scattering, on the one hand, and synchrotron radiation, on the other hand, can be used to explore the microscopic mechanisms that are responsible for their properties. While fundamental aspects are dominating, application related phenomena will be covered as well.
After a two-day theoretical course in Utting/Ammersee the participants will spend two days at the FRM II in Garching (near Munich) doing practicals. The fifth day of the school offers further talks and a final discussion. All relevant experimental methods will be covered.
For more information please visit the following websites which will regularly be updated: or
OrganiserJens Birch (Linköping University, Sweden), Götz Eckold (Universität Göttingen, Germany), Thorsten M. Gesing (Universität Bremen, Germany), Maths Karlsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), Andreas Schreyer (ESS, Sweden), Jürgen Neuhaus (TU München, Germany), Martin Müller (HZG/CAU Kiel, Germany)
Contact NameNicola Kampner (Ms)
E-Mail URL Phone+49-4152-87-2555
AddressInstitute of Materials Reseach
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Centre for Materials and Coastal Research
Max-Planck-Str. 1
21502 Geesthacht

Paris-Orly, France
Caroline Boudou will represent the SINE2020 Industry WP at the event.
Don’t hesitate to contact her for any questions related to using neutrons to investigate your company’s materials!
Contact NameCaroline Boudou
E-Mail URL
ESS, Lund, Sweden
This workshop of the WP10 on Data Treatment will focus on “Mini-codecamp on using and interfacing to the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE)”.
OrganiserThomas Holm Rod
Contact NameThomas Holm Rod
E-Mail URL PrintWTC Rotterdam
Innovation for Health is the Netherlands´ premier conference for key players in Health and Life Sciences. It brings together key players and stakeholders who play decisive parts in the development, funding and implementation of innovations for prevention and healthcare. Innovation for Health is a high-end conference, it offers a dynamic exhibition and a central meeting place. It provides a great opportunity to meet leading innovators, to catch up on the latest trends, to present cutting-edge innovations and to engage leaders and decision makers in healthcare innovation.
SINE2020 will be present as a visitor.
Contact NameMenno Blaauw
E-Mail URL
Lund, Sweden
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
- 09:00 – 17:00: Updates on the WP 7 tasks
- 18:00 – 22:00: Dinner
Thursday, 26 January 2017
- 09:00 – 13:00: Further discussions and wrap up
Contact NameEddy Lelièvre-Berna (WP Coordinator)
E-Mail URL PrintInstitute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France
Scientific scope:
This workshop aims to contribute to the training of scientists in the treatment of neutron diffraction data for magnetic structure determination, putting the stress in the new improved methods and tools made available in the last years. In particular, the methods that make a combined use of magnetic symmetry groups and representational analysis will be shown and practiced (both for commensurate and incommensurate structures). The workshop will be based on selected lectures together with intensive hands-on sessions using the most popular computer programs (Isodistort, Bilbao Crystallographic Server, FullProf Suite, Jana2006, etc.).
The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary to determine complex magnetic structures, and show the most recent capabilities added to the traditional software.
The Workshop consists on 5 days dedicated to acquire a general overview of the methods of magnetic structure determination and analysis, in the frame of the specific free software presently available.
The Workshop is intended for PhD students with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques, magnetism and crystallography, and also for experienced scientists, who wish to get a practical overview of the new important developments in the field that have taken place in the last years.
OrganiserJuan Rodríguez-Carvajal, Juan Manuel Pérez-Mato, Oscar Fabelo
Contact E-Mail URL PrintHeinz Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum Garching, Germany
BornAgain ( is a novel software package to simulate and fit small-angle neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence. It provides a generic framework for modeling multilayer samples with smooth or rough interfaces and with various types of embedded nanoparticles.
This School will introduce students, instrument scientists, and both novice and experienced researchers working in the field of GISAS or reflectometry at large to new opportunities for simulating and fitting their data. In compact introductory lectures, we will outline the theory implemented in BornAgain, and explain the design of the software. Extensive hands-on tutorials will highlight practical aspects of GISAS simulation.
Registration is available at
At the User Meeting, users of BornAgain are kindly invited to share their experiences, to present first results, but also to report on difficulties, to suggest improvements and to request missing features. This feedback offers a unique opportunity to influence the further development of BornAgain.
For convenience of colleagues from overseas, this event is scheduled as a satellite of the GISAXS2016 workshop (, which takes place on November 16-18 in Hamburg.
OrganiserMLZ Scientific Computing Group
PrintLondon, UK
London Space Week is one of Europe’s major B2B Space events dedicated to space applications, launch vehicles, satellites and space related technologies.
SINE2020 will be at a table for B2B meetings.
Contact NameChristopher Frost
E-Mail URL
Baltic Development Forum’s office, Copenhagen, Denmark
DescriptionThis meeting will bring together communicators of a number of projects in Europe that aim at approaching industry users and connecting them to research and science.
Contact NameMarc Thiry (SINE2020 contact)
ESS Headquarters in Lund, Sweden
NBIA6 will focus on the understanding of the complex behavior of water and other molecules under confinement. This is key for a variety of fields ranging from biology and medicine to molecular magnetism.
Detailed information and registration form are available at
Differently from the successful formula from the last years, NBIA6 will consist of an intensive scientific meeting only. Carefully selected topics of relevance of current interest will be presented and we expect an extensive discussion between experimental and computational scientists.
This workshop is sponsored by the Niels Bohr International Academy and the Institut Français du Suède.
The meeting is free of charge but limited to 25 participants.
Registration is required.
Registration opening day: 03 October 2016
Registration deadline: 03 November 2016
Heloisa N. Bordallo, Jonathan Taylor, Cedric Dicko
Contact E-Mail URL PrintBratislava, E – Seminar Room 1
- Unique large-scale facilities.
- Offer characterisation of materials under processing and end-use conditions.
- Widely used for fundamental research.
- Open to proprietary and collaborative research by companies.
- Opportunity to enhance the competitive and innovation capacity of European industry.
This session will demystify Analytical Research Infrastructures for industry, demonstrating how they already work with a wide range of businesses, and will discuss a future vision and expectation on how they should be better integrated into Regional and European-wide innovation processes.
Contact E-Mail URL Download
DESY Hamburg
Baltic TRAM opening conference
Investments in research and innovative capacity boost competitiveness and growth in Europe. Large-scale research infrastructures such as DESY and XFEL in Hamburg and Max LAB and ESS in Lund offer huge potential in testing state-of-the-art solutions. But how do we secure efficient and balanced access to these facilities? At the conference we will present the state of play, highlight new initiatives in Europe and discuss what structures are needed for better research-industry cooperation, by looking at how academia can support companies in their innovation processes.
One of the initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region – and organiser of the conference – is Baltic TRAM (Transnational Research Access in the Macroregion) – an international project that aims to enhance innovation capacity and strengthen cooperation between analytical research institutes and companies, by providing industry with new ways of access to expertise, research facilities and open science and innovation cloud concepts. The project is led by DESY, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, in dialogue with fifteen project partners and five associated organisations from across the Baltic Sea Region.
OrganiserBaltic TRAM
Contact URL PrintHamburg, Germany
Contact URL
McStas school/workshop in Copenhagen, held in connection with the NOBUGS conference.
The event is a two-day school with this tentative program:
- Thursday morning: McStas for ?absolute beginners? – including intro talk and basic use of the package.
- Thursday afternoon: Overview of the most important optical components
- Friday morning: Samples and “complete instruments”
- Friday afternoon: Advanced McStas grammar, interfacing with other codes (including use of McStas with Mantid).
Please consult the NOBUGS conference website at for more information + registration.
OrganiserMAX IV Laboratory, ESS, University of Copenhagen
Contact NamePeter Willendrup
E-Mail URL Phone+45 2125 4612
AddressDepartment of Physics
Building 307
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby
Budapest, Hungary
The SINE2020 Industry Consultancy will attend the AutoMotive Expo together with MTA Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC).
You can find us at the joint MTA BNC & SINE2020 booth during the 3 days, and at a joint MTA BNC – SINE2020 talk entitled: Materials Research and Testing with Neutrons for Technological Developments in the Automotive Industry, on October 21, as a side event of the AUTOMOTIVE Expo.
Come talk with us to learn how neutrons can help you push forward your R&I.
Contact E-Mail URL
Freising near Munich
SoNDe is a project for the development and construction of a high-flux capable neutron detector funded by the European Union within the Horizon 2020 framework. The development focuses on the following specifications:
- high-flux capability, capable of handling the peak-flux of up-to-date spallation sources (gain factor of 20 over current detectors)
- high-resolution of 3 mm by single-pixel technique, below by interpolation
- high detection efficiency of 80 % or more
- no beam stop necessary, thus enabling investigations with direct beam intensity
- strategic independence of 3He
- time-of-flight (TOF) capability, necessary to exploit maximum flux, with a time resolution in the µs regime
- modularity, improving maintenance characteristics of today’s neutron detectors
This project includes partners from France (Laboratoire Léon-Brillouin), Norway (IDEAS) and Sweden (ESS and Lund University) and Germany (Forschungszentrum Jülich).
This workshop will be dedicated to making the new SoNDe detector concept known within its various user communities. These range from basic research facilities to industry and security applications, where the detection of neutrons or Xrays is needed. During the workshop there will be both presentations by the developers as well as users and a hands-on session, where a working prototype can be examined in working conditions.
Further information on the SoNDe project can be found at:
Jülich Centre for Neutron
Contact URL PrintLyon, FR
The Industry WP will be present with a stand. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Contact NameCaroline Boudou
E-Mail URL
Lyon, FR
The Industry WP will be present with a stand. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Contact E-Mail URL
Utrecht, NL
The Industry WP will be present with a stand. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Contact E-Mail URL
Tutzing, Germany
Modern Trends in Neutron Scattering from Magnetic Systems
Single-crystal Diffraction with Polarized Neutrons
Recent realizations of emergent quasi-particles such as skyrmions, magnetic monopoles and Weyl fermions in condensed matter have stimulated tremendous research interestsin fundamental studies of quantum materials and nanomagnetism, as well as in realizing their potential applications for future information technology. As unique probe for studying magnetism, neutron scattering matches the entire range of length- and time-scales relevant for many novel magnetic and electronic phenomena. In the present JCNS-Workshop, the current status and future trends in neutron scattering from magnetic systems will be discussed.
Single-crystal diffraction with polarized neutrons addresses challenging scientific problems related to magnetic ordering which are often intractable with other methods. The classical applications – spin density mapping, magnetic form factor determination, separation between different scattering contributions – are supplemented by topical studies: (i) direct discrimination between cycloidal, helical and amplitude modulated spin arrangements; (ii) interplay between crystal and magnetic chirality; (iii) short range magnetic/nuclear correlations in frustrated systems; (iv) local spin anisotropy at the unit cell level. Current trends and method developments will be in the focus of the FLIPPER workshop.
OrganiserJCNS at MLZ
Contact URL Phone+49-89-289-11664 and +49-89-289-10745
AddressOrganizing Committee
Jülich Centre for Neutron
Science at MLZ
Lichtenbergstr. 1
85747 Garching
Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam (STCA), Amsterdam
2016 is a special year for diffraction:
- 100 years ago Peter Debye performed the first powder diffraction experiment with Paul Scherrer.
- 50 years ago Hugo Rietveld introduced “Rietveld Refinement” for powder diffraction data.
When prof. Bill David so kindly pointed out these facts to us at the Delft PEARL opening workshop, he also suggested that, since both scientists are Dutch, it would be appropriate for ‘the Dutch’ to organize a celebration.
OrganiserBram Schierbeek, Céleste Reiss, Lambert van Eijck
Contact URL PrintSplit, Croatia
Industrial progress is closely connected with the development and application of new structural materials as well as new processing technologies, rational use of existing and developing new energy sources. Particular interest is also concentrated on organization of production processes, quality management and environmental protection. At the Conference, leading scientists and experts from Croatia and abroad will present their latest achievements in the areas of advanced mechanical technologies, energy engineering and new mechanical structures. The Conference will also provide an opportunity for collaboration and discussions among delegates which may form the basis of future cooperation among the scientific society and manufacturing businesses.
OrganiserCroatian Society for Mechanical Technologies in association with the Rogante Engineering Office and other Institutions
Contact E-Mail URL
Phone+385 21 305914, +385 21 305909
PrintESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands
The Industry WP will be present. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
ESA introduces the Industry Space Days The European Space Agency offers business opportunities to the medium and small business as well as other companies active in space development, production and research through the Industry Space Days (ISD).
Organised since 1999, the ISD meetings aims to bring potential partners closer through a series of twenty minutes pre-scheduled meetings.
European Space Agency
Contact NameCaroline Boudou
E-Mail URL
Grenoble, France
The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working in different areas covering topics from rheology of complex systems, structure of liquids at solid-liquid interfaces, structure and dynamics of confined fluids and polymers. Particular interest will be devoted to research on transient structural reorientation of complex fluids in conjunction with the transient rheological material functions. Examples are time resolved small- and large-amplitude oscillatory rheology (SAOS and LAOS, respectively), start-up of flow, flow reversal, stress relaxation following steady shear, jump strain.
Important dates
- 01/03/2016 Confirmation of Invited Speakers
- 21/03/2016 Open contributions Submission & Registration
- 21/05/2016 Deadline for contributions submission
- 21/06/2016 Communication of accepted contributions
- 05/07/2016 End of early bird registration
- 01/09/2016 End of registration
ILL, FZ Juelich ICS-3 and ETH-Zurich
Contact E-Mail URL PrintLiberty Mountain Resort in Gettysburg, PA, USA
Sample environment support is a vital element in the success of neutron scattering experiments. The 9th International Workshop on Sample Environment will bring together scientists, engineers and technicians, as well as leading suppliers, to exchange experience, form collaborations and discuss new ideas.
Abstract Submission Categories
1) Low temperature
2) Magnetic and electric fields
3) High pressure, gas systems and in-situ chemistry
4) Soft matter
5) Sample manipulation and control
6) High temperature
7) Scientific applications
8) Other
Garching/FRMII, D
DescriptionThe Industry WP will be present. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Contact E-Mail URL
Training Courses September 2016
Following the success of our previous sessions of these training courses we would like to offer them again in September 2016. These courses are open to both facility staff and any interested people from other institutions.
The following courses will be based at ISIS, RAL and are:
Wednesday 14th September 1-5pm: Mantid Introduction
An introduction to the Mantid interface, how to graph and visualize your data, manipulate it with the built in algorithms, together with an introduction to curve fitting and live data analysis.
Thursday 15th September 9-12am: Introduction to Python
This half day course will introduce you to the Python scripting language, no previous experience required, although some understanding of loops and conditional (if .. then) logic will be expected.
Thursday 15th September 1-5pm: Python in Mantid
This course concentrates on using Python to build analysis scripts within Mantid as well as controlling the Mantid GUI from python, and accessing the underlying data within Mantid workspaces.
Friday 16th September 9-5pm: Extending Mantid using Python
For the more adventurous among you this full day course will introduce you to the many ways you can use Python to extend the capabilities within Mantid adding Python Algorithms and curve fitting functions, as well as diving deeper into the structure of workspaces.
Booking a place:
If you are interested in any other these courses please send an email to letting me know which courses you wish to attend. For the courses we will supply PCs, so there is no need to bring a laptop unless you really want to. Spaces are limited to 14 people per course so please book early to avoid disappointment. If a course is over booked we will try to arrange another session in the future, so if you cannot make that specific date let me know and I’ll let you know about any subsequent courses.
I’ll send out calendar appointments to you once your place on the course is booked. However I have a two week holiday booked for the end of August, so replies may be delayed until I return.
Next run of these courses:
The specific dates of the next run has not been fixed yet, but we expect to run these courses again in roughly 6 months.
For visitors from UK academic institutions:
We are sometimes able to offer assistance with travel and lodging costs while attending the courses. Let me know when you are booking the courses and I’ll get back to you with details. If we are able to help, then you travel and hotel must be booked through the ISIS user office.
For visitors from elsewhere:
While we can offer this course for free, we cannot unfortunately offer any help with travel or subsistence costs. However please let me know that you will be visiting when you reply so that I can arrange site access.
Nick Draper, Mantid Project Manager
E-Mail URL
Phone+44 (0)1235 567212
PrintGrenoble, France
The 4th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC 2016) will be held at the Alpexpo Alpes Congrès in Grenoble, France from 12-16th September 2016. Three previous conferences were held in Aachen (2007), Granada (2010) and Rome (2013), and brought together up to 800 experimentalists and theorists working in the Soft Matter field. The conference covers both the fundamental and applied aspects of Soft Matter and Complex Systems. Local organisers of ISMC2016 include scientists from the large-scale facilities ILL and ESRF as well as from the Grenoble University and other research organisations such as CEA, CNRS, and INPG in Grenoble.
Further details are available at URL or can be obtained by e-mail:
Contact E-Mail URL PrintSep 8 in Potsdam and Sep 9 at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin / Germany
The 7th workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers WINS 2016 will be held on September 8, 2016 in Potsdam and on the 09.09.2016 at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin / Germany as a satellite of Quasielastic neutron scattering conference. Workshop series has been launched in 2004 in Tokai by the J-PARC team and was a continuing effort to further innovations in neutron spectrometer design. The workshop will cover innovative aspects of the instrument design as well as reports on progress of spectrometer projects. Special emphasis will be given development of sample characterization such as polarization, magnetic field, pressure. Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation will be also part of the agenda. Participation of the young scientist is particularly welcome.
Workshop topics:
- Compact Sources
- Status of instrument projects
- Development and design of new instruments, methods and components
- Software
Important dates:
Registration open: 15 January 2016
Deadline for submission: 30 April 2016
Abstract acceptance, Notification to authors: 15 June 2016
Early registration: 30 June 2016
Dr. Margarita Russina
E-Mail URL
Phone(030) 8062-43159
PrintDep. of Physics of the University of Coimbra, Portugal
Foreseen agenda:
- Wednesday 7th September 2016 : parallel WP meetings
- Thursday 8th September 2016 : General Assembly & Board meeting
LIP Coimbra
Dep. of Physics
University of Coimbra
A link for hotel reservation will be provided soon.
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadPrintRoom F42, LIP Coimbra, Department of Physics, University of Coimbra
Description- Requirements/Developments for a (bidirectional) Monte Carlo variance reduction method applied to neutron beamline transport systems.
The workshop is aimed at discussing how optimisation techniques, variance reduction schemes e.g. as implemented in CombLayer and RESTRAX can benefit other codes, e.g. McStas. Further, the collaboration aims to share code and know-how wherever possible, e.g. component models between RESTRAX and McStas.
OrganiserPeter Willendrup (Lead McStas developer and SINE2020 WP8 leader)
Contact NamePeter Willendrup
E-Mail DownloadPrintKutschstall (Le Manège) Potsdam, Am Neuen Markt 9, 14467 Potsdam, GERMANY
Established in Windsor in 1992 the conference series aims to bring together newcomers and experienced scientists to share the latest developments in the investigation of the dynamics phenomena in materials using quasi-elastic neutron scattering. Distinct strength of quasielastic neutron spectroscopy is the ability to deliver direct information in both space and time (10-12 – 10-6 s), while other spectroscopic probes are either local (such as hyperfine field methods) or macroscopic in the spatial dimension (such as light scattering). The high data rates and new instrumental capabilities of modern spectrometers open up new opportunities for systematic, in situ and kinematic investigations. Direct neutron spectroscopic measurements in the space and time domain allow us to benchmark and validate molecular dynamic model calculations forming a very powerful tool in exploring nanoscale dynamics and functionality. Modeling, either to deeper understanding of experimental data, or in the prediction of new materials and phenomena will be, therefore, part of the conference program
The topics of the conference will include dynamics phenomena in:
- Hydrogen and gas storage systems
- Batteries, supercapacitors, fast ionic conductors and electrolytes
- Catalyses
- Semiconductors
- Materials for solar cells
- Thermoelectrics
- Ionic liquids
- Water and liquids
- Ferrielectrics and ferroelectrics
- Quantum magnets
- Highly correlated electron system
- Superconductors
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
Contact NameDr. Margarita Russina
E-Mail URL PrintJuelich and Garching/Munich
Juelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) is happy to announce that application is open for the 20th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering taking place September 5-16, 2016 in Juelich and Garching/Munich, Germany.
The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one week of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ. It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific power.
Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences are invited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee. Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits.
Deadline for application is May 29, 2016.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich in cooperation with RWTH Aachen and WWU Münster
Contact E-Mail URL
Garching near Munich/Germany
50 years ago, in 1966 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz proposed the idea of neutron backscattering for achieving high energy resolution in neutron spectroscopy. The same year Bert Alefeld published his first experiments from a Silicon neutron backscattering setup at the ‘Atomic Egg’, the FRM reactor in Garching near Munich. These experiments did show for the first time that the energy resolution of neutron spectroscopy could be extended by two orders into the micro eV range.
This great improvement in energy resolution opened the door to previously unseen phenomena as well as the exploration of longer time scale molecular motions in a plethora of systems. Since first results, backscattering spectroscopy with neutrons has contributed to active fundamental research in the fields of life sciences, energy materials, complex systems. It has proved an essential tool to study dynamics in polymers and biological systems, near the glass transition of different types of glass formers, in confinement and near surfaces, of reorientational motions in crystals, of rotational tunnelling and of diffusion in metals and alloys or of spin excitations and nuclear hyperfine splitting.
The workshop will start with a historical view on the early times and places of neutron backscattering: the FRM I, Garching, the Dido reactor in Jülich, the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble (France) and the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source in Didcot (UK).
Looking ahead the workshops aims to showcase the importance of the neutron backscattering technique for scientific progress and the impact of key instrumentation advances, including innovative ideas for backscattering at pulsed neutron sources.
The workshop is a satellite meeting of QENS 2016 to be held in Berlin on the 5th-8th September 2016>. Munich offers excellent train and flight connections to Berlin and thus we hope to see many scientists who are interested in high energy resolution in Garching.
OrganiserWinfried Petry (FRM II/MLZ), Thomas Brückel (JCNS/MLZ) , Bernhard Frick (ILL), Victoria Garcia-Sakai (ISIS)
Contact URL PrintBasel, Switzerland
ECM-30 will be a four-day vibrant and intensive scientific meeting with many learning opportunities in every current aspect of crystallography. In addition, there will be a Young Crystallographers meeting, workshops and user meetings, lunch meetings, and a social programme, which will allow scientists from all over Europe and the world to meet, connect and exchange.
OrganiserEuropean Crystallography Association and Swiss Society for Crystallography
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+41 61 686 77 77
AddressECM 2016
c/o Congrex Switzerland Ltd.
Peter Merian-Strasse 80
4002 Basel / Switzerland
Grenoble, France
ECOSS-32 provides the occasion for European scientists to meet and discuss the latest advances, either experimental or theoretical, in surface physics and chemistry. The most recent technical developments are also presented.
Important Dates:
15 February Call for papers
18 March Opening of the registrations
01 May Extended deadline for abstract submission
03 June Authors notifications & online program
30 June Deadline for early bird registration
15 August Extra cost for late registration
26 August Closing of the registrations
Berlin, Germany
Energy research is an important scientific area today and hydrogen is one of the most promising sources of energy due to its highest energy density by weight. The effi cient hydrogen storage depends on development of the new materials. Neutron scattering and -diffraction are powerful, non-destructive tool for the analysis of structure and dynamics in matter in a broad space and time domain.
High sensitivity to hydrogen makes neutron scattering techniques ideally suitable to study the process in hydrogen storage systems. The goal of this school is to introduce participants to basics of neutron scattering techniques and show how these techniques can be applied for exploration of hydrogen storage materials.
The lectures and practical exercises will give basics to:
- Hydrogen economy and hydrogen storage technologies
- Fundamentals of the gas storage
- Basics of neutron scattering and in particular in-situ neutron diff raction
- Characterizing sorption behavior of porous materials by ab-initio and crystal structure refi nements
HZB, University of Tartu and University of Potsdam
Contact NameDr. Margarita Russina
E-Mail URL
Phone(030) 8062-43159
PrintRepino, Russia
The novel format of the RACIRI Summer School is driven by scientific frontier themes and challenges in the field of materials sciences with a strong connection to the superb analytical potential at current and future research infrastructures (synchrotron radiation, X-rays and neutrons) in the Baltic region.
The RACIRI Summer School is held every year under a special focus theme. Its venue rotates annually among the three partnering countries.
The first RACIRI Summer School was organized 2013 in Petergof, Russia. Focus theme: “Soft Matter and Nano Composites”.
The second RACIRI Summer School was held from 24-31 August 2014 in the Stockholm area, Sweden, under the focus theme “Imaging with X-rays and Neutrons in Life and Materials Sciences”.
The third RACIRI Summer School was held during 22-29 August 2015 in Sellin, Island of Rügen, Germany. Its focus theme: “Time-resolved and In-situ Studies of Materials: Basics and Applications”.
Currently, the fourth RACIRI Summer School is being prepared. RACIRI 2016 will take place in Repino near Saint Petersburg, during 21-28 August 2016. You will find more information on RACIRI 2016 soon on this website. This year´s focus theme: “Convergent Sciences and Technology for the Society”.
New deadline for application: 15 June 2015 (German institutions).
Call for application for participants from German institutions.
E-Mail URL Phone+49 40 8998 4172
AddressNotkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
Bielefeld University, Germany
Bunsen Discussion Meeting on
Neutrons in Chemistry
at Bielefeld University 2016
25.07. – 27.07.2016
More on the website.
Contact URL PrintGarching near Munich, Germany
This summer school invites Master students and PhD students to join with their own thin film samples suitable for grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering (GISAXS) and grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering (GISANS) measurements. The unique program will consist of lectures on experiment design and scattering theory, necessary to understand the method and to choose experimental parameters. The x-ray experiments will be carried out remotely at the ALS, Berkeley, USA, while the neutron experiments will take place at the FRM II on site. Furthermore there will be practical sessions with introduction to data analysis tools (HipGISAXS and BornAgain) and tutorials in applying them, where each student will work on their own data. Overall, this summer school will prepare students to carry out grazing incidence experiments at large scale facilities including the relevant data analysis.
Novel, smart thin film materials are the focus of many research projects ranging from sensing to displays and from wireless communication to energy conversion and energy storage. These are all active research fields where understanding of material properties will lead to innovation. Although the list of resulting applications is very wide, all these novel materials have something important in common: the physical properties, and therefore the industrial usefulness, is closely related to the molecular and nano-morphology of these materials.
Therefore, methods of characterizing such thin film materials are needed. Grazing incidence scattering techniques have proven here to be very successful. With this method the morphology inside thin films can be probed on the nanometer scale – not just on small micron spots – but on macroscopic areas of the sample, yielding industrially relevant information.
To aid students to carry out successful grazing incidence scattering measurements this summer school will kick-start beginners and introduce new data analysis tools for students with scattering experience.
The course is an on-site course only, that means accommodation is not included in the workshop fee. On the left you find suggestions for accommodation in the area. The school takes place at the TUM Garching Campus and can be easily reached using public transport (U6 Garching Forschungszentrum).This a joint effort from the Graduate Center of the Munich School of Engineering, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science and the Advanced Light Source.
OrganiserDr. Eva M. Herzig (MSE, TUM), Dr. Sebastian Jaksch (JCNS), Dr. Alex Hexemer (LBNL)
Contact NameDr. Eva M. Herzig
E-Mail URL AddressLichtenbergstr. 4
85748 Garching
Hamburg, Germany
The Industry WP will be present with a stand and presentation. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Der Workshop umfasst etwa 15 Redebeiträge, jeder 20 min lang. Anschließend werden 10 min Zeit für intensive Diskussionen sein.
Es wird Vorträge zu den Themenfeldern CT, MRT, PET, optische Verfahren, magnetische Verfahren und Proteomics geben.
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Contact E-Mail URL

Munich (Freising), Germany
PNCMI is the most comprehensive conference on the latest scientific research using polarised neutrons and on related instrumentation development. The topics will include:
- Multiferroic and chirality
- Strongly correlated electron systems, including superconductors
- Frustrated and disordered systems
- Magnetic nanomaterials
- Molecular magnetism
- Thin films and multilayers
- Soft matter and biology
- Imaging
- Polarized neutron instrumentation
- Polarized neutron techniques and methods, including nuclear polarisation, Larmor techniques, and depolarisation methods
- Complementary techniques (NMR, XMCD, …)
- Neutron scattering facilities
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich
Contact NameThomas Gutberlet
E-Mail URL PrintSydney, Australia
ICRS-10 (2016) continues a series of essential conferences on the prediction, evaluation and control of residual stresses in materials. Equal emphasis is given to the measurement, modelling and application of residual stress data.
Both engineering and scientific aspects of residual stress are considered, including: the influence of residuals stress on the physical and mechanical properties of materials; complementary techniques for residual stress measurement; stress-induced damage evaluation; and numerical techniques for the prediction of residual stress development in components.
The key ICRS-10 dates are:
Abstract submission: 1 March 2016
Abstract acceptance: 15 March 2016
Early registration: 1 April 2016
Full registration: 1 June 2016
Manuscript submission: 1 July 2016.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintETH Zurich, Switzerland
The Industry WP will be present with a stand. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
This international conference will bring together scientists from all over the world, working in fields involving electromagnetic radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), soft X-ray and hard X-ray spectral regions generated by synchrotron, laser, or plasma based sources. Topics to be covered range from instrumentation and methods development to applications in a variety of fields.
- New Sources: diffraction limited storage rings, Free Electron Lasers, ultrashort pulse XUV lasers and X-ray tabletop sources
- Resonant elastic and inelastic X-ray Scattering
- X-ray absorption spectroscopy incl. linear, circular and magnetic dichroism spectroscopy
- Photoemission (angle/spin/time resolved, soft X-ray, hard X-ray, resonant, etc.)
- Imaging with nanoscale resolution: X-ray microscopy, coherent diffraction imaging, scanning small angle X-ray scattering etc.
- Coincidence spectroscopy
- Theory of X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction
- Advanced data analysis methods
- Time-resolved spectroscopy
- In-situ and operando applications
Applications of the above to:
- atoms
- molecules
- ions
- liquids
- surfaces/interfaces
- nanostructures
- clusters and nanoparticles
- catalysts
- environmentally relevant problems
- novel and complex materials
- strongly correlated and magnetic materials
- biological systems
- industrial analytical problems
Paul Scherrer Instituts (PSI)
Contact URL
Praha, Czech Republic
Main topics:
- Biomedicine crystallography
- Nanocrystallography
- Membrane protein crystallization
- Advanced crystallization
- Crystallization in education
Early-bird registration deadline on May 2
Contact URL PrintGrenoble, France
OrganiserAssociation Française pour l’Hydrogène et les Piles à Combustible
Contact URL PrintRadisson Blu Resort Split, Croatia
The DSL conference has as its aim to create a binding platform for scientists, researchers, those in industry, laboratories as well as students to network, learn more and share their knowledge. Furthermore, it will provide new insights in overcoming the current challenges which are faced by academics and industrialists related to diffusion in its many areas.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintAmsterdam, NL
DescriptionThe Industry WP will be present with a presentation. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Largest networking conference
Welcome to the largest networking conference in the field of new production technologies, materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and digitalisation in Europe, with more than 1.250 high level delegates. Industrial Technologies 2016 is a three days conference with a wide variety of plenary and interactive sessions, inspiring keynote speakers, case studies, eye-opening site visits and numerous opportunities to get in contact with new business partners.
The conference that brings together research, industry, education, finance and policy from manufacturing and process industry and technology domains from all over Europe to identify priorities that are crucial to strengthen the European industrial innovation ecosystem.
Industrial Technologies 2016 – Creating a Smart Europe is organized as an associated event of the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2016.
Contact E-Mail URL
Lund, Sweden
The Bridge is about building a platform where science and business can meet and prosperous relationships grow. It is about connecting entrepreneurs, opinion leaders and investors with today’s most influential minds within life science and materials science. Our goal is to help solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges.
The Bridge is initiated by Invest in Skåne and Medicon Village in close collaboration with the two state-of-the-art research facilities MAXIV and ESS, and with the support of dedicated regional and international companies and organisations. Let’s shape our future together.
Contact NameProject Manager Yasemin Arhan
E-Mail URL Phone+46(0) 709 928 048
PrintVacation Centre “Les Bruyères”, Carcans-Maubuisson, Gironde, France
The Bombannes summer school is devoted to the practical «state-of-art» approach to scattering methods, using neutrons, as well as X-ray and light sources – today’s key techniques to study structure and dynamics in systems containing colloids, polymers, surfactants and biological macromolecules. Since 1990 the Bombannes school series introduces, on a fundamental level, the current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques and their applicaiton to soft matter systems. It provides with a period of 2 years advanced training for young researchers with a working place in European laboratories at post-graduate and post-doctoral level.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintPushchino, Russia
This Meeting will be a great occasion for discussions of previous, present, and future research on photosynthesis, from molecular to global, and will provide an exciting scientific program, which will cover the breadth and depth of photosynthesis, and to meet researchers of Photosynthesis from around the world. This meeting will provide a forum for students, postdoctoral fellows and scientists from different countries to deepen their knowledge and understanding, widen professional contact, to create new opportunities and establish new collaborations.
The meeting will cover the following topics:
1. Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability
2. Hydrogen Energy for Sustainability
James Barber (UK), Richard Cogdell (President of ISPR, UK), Debabrata Das (IAHE Int. Advisory Board Member, India), Debabrata Das (IAHE Int. Advisory Board Member, India), Anatoly A. Tsygankov (Russia), Tatsuya Tomo (Japan)
Contact URL PrintMunich, D
DescriptionThe Industry WP will be present as a visitor. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
The conference’s focus is primarily practical.
The papers will communicate recent developments within individual NDT sectors in a wide range of industries and contribute to enhanced development of further applications.
More than 670 lectures, 180 posters and 2000 participants await you.
Contact E-Mail URL
Bari, Italy
Started in 1991, EPDIC is the only European Conference completely dedicated to all aspects of the analysis of polycrystalline materials by diffraction methods.
The aim of the Conference is to highlight the latest developments and achievements in the methodological, applicative and instrumental fields of powder diffraction.
EPDIC15 will be a great forum that brings together scientists and instrumentation companies to discuss about progress in academic and industrial research related to powder diffraction.
OrganiserInstitute of Crystallography-CNR of Bari
Contact NameInstitute of Crystallography-CNR of Bari
E-Mail URL PrintSan Giovanni in Valle Aurina (Bz), Grenoble (Francia)
Le Giornate Didattiche della Società Italiana di Spettroscopia Neutronica sono rivolte a studenti delle lauree triennali e magistrali, dottorandi e giovani ricercatori interessati ad acquisire i principali elementi della spettroscopia neutronica con lo scopo di comprenderne i vantaggi e le potenzialità e di applicarla praticamente alla loro ricerca.
Le Giornate si articoleranno in due sessioni. Nella prima, che si svolgerà a San Giovanni in Valle Aurina (Bz), saranno discussi i fondamenti della spettroscopia neutronica e i principi dell’analisi dei dati. A lezioni frontali sugli argomenti di base saranno affiancate ore di esercitazioni guidate. Durante la seconda sessione, di carattere sperimentale, gli studenti condurranno in prima persona esperimenti di diffusione di neutroni presso il reattore ad alto flusso dell’Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) di Grenoble, struttura leader nel mondo per la spettroscopia neutronica.
La deadline per le iscrizioni è il 30 aprile 2016.
dr. Eleonora Guarini,, dr. Andrea Piovano,
Contact URL
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK
DescriptionNEUWAVE-8 will provide a forum to discuss the latest scientific, technological, and instrumental advances in energy-selective neutron imaging.
The workshop will include the following topics:
- Wavelength-selective and wavelength-dispersive neutron imaging principles and experimental techniques at steady state and pulsed sources
- Design, construction and operation of energy-selective neutron imaging set-ups at continuous beam and pulsed sources
- Detection systems
- Data analysis and software developments in energy-selective neutron imaging
- Correction and/or exploitation of energy dependent effects in neutron imaging
- Applications of energy-dependent and energy-selective neutron imaging.
NEUWAVE-8 is a workshop to present and discuss new developments, techniques, further innovations, challenges and applications in an open forum with all participants. Following the tradition of the NEUWAVE workshop series, and in the spirit of the first NEUWAVE meeting held in Garching in 2008, NEUWAVE-8 will try encouraging plenty of interactions and discussions between participants. The workshop will therefore start on Sunday 12 July with the traditional hike giving participants opportunities to get to know each other and to hear from each other’s work ahead of the more formal programme. As for the workshop sessions, we will ask for short presentations and allow ample time for discussions.
On the last day of the workshop there will be a tour of the nearby facilities of the ISIS pulsed spallation neutron source on the Harwell Campus.
OrganiserISIS, STFC
Contact URL
PrintDolní B?ežany, Czech Republic
DescriptionHigh time for beam time – Access to world class large scale research infrastructures for V4 countries
We would like to invite you to attend a national information meeting which will mark the launch of the High Time for Beam Time pilot call for proposals.
The pilot call for proposals will give a limited number of companies from the Visegrad region, including the Czech Republic, the opportunity to carry out hasie research of industrial value at one of the large scale research infrastructures participating in the Science Link Network.
The event takes place on 7 June 2016 at ELI Beamlines, Za Radnicí 835, Dolní B?ežany.
Registration deadline: May 31, 2016
Contact URL PrintSzeged, Hungary
DescriptionOn behalf of the Foundation of Innovative Initiatives and in cooperation with ELI-HU Non-Profit Ltd., we are very pleased to invite you to attend a national information meeting which will mark the launch of the High Time for Beam Time pilot call for proposals.
Contact URL PrintLund, Sweden
Following the success of the previous meetings in Sydney, Delft and Paris, the fourth Neutrons & Food meeting will be held in Lund, Sweden from 31st May to 2nd June 2016.
The call for abstracts is now open! Please submit your abstracts at
Important Dates:
- Abstract Submission Deadline : April 29th 2016
- Registration Opens : March 15th 2016
- Registration Closes : May 15th 2016
This biennial series of meetings aims to bring together scientists and technologists from the food science community with those expert in the application of scattering methods. Since the first meeting in Sydney, the subject matter has expanded beyond neutron scattering to include other scattering and radiographic methods. This year we will be incorporating a session dedicated to the final meeting of the project “New X-ray Imaging Modalities for High Quality and Safe Food lead by Robert Karup Feidenhans’l from Copenhagen University.
We welcome participants and contributions from the wider community of food science and product development, food packaging, and nutrition, as well as scattering.
The construction of two new large scale facilities in Lund – namely MaxIV Laboratory and the European Spallation Source – will open new opportunities for application of synchrotron and neutron techniques in food science.
This year’s meeting is also held in conjunction with the Swedish Neutron Scattering Society meeting (30th – 31st May) and we have a joint keynote speaker – Prof. John White from ANU – on the morning of the 31st May.
There will be a tour of the MaxIV Laboratory – due to have first light in June this year – and the ESS construction site on the afternoon of the 31st May.
OrganiserNylander, Jackson, Feidenhans’l, Loren, Heyles
Contact URL PrintBordeaux, France
The first edition of the Sustainable Energies and Neutron Scattering – SENS2016 – will be organized at Bordeaux from the 30th of May to the 1st of June. SENS2016 conference aims at highlighting topical scientific activities in the investigation of energy relevant systems using neutron scattering and to generate new applications. The SENS conference will give the opportunity for reinforcing the bridges between the neutron experts and the energy communities.
The conference programme will include 5 main topics : Fuel cell and electrolysers, Gas storage, Bioenergy, Solar energy, Batteries.
You are very welcome to submit your abstract via
DEADLINE: March 14th, 2016
Contact E-Mail URL PrintLund, Sweden
This year’s annual meeting of the Swedish Neutron Scattering Society, SNSS will be held in Lund on 30th – 31st May.
The Swedish Neutron Scattering Society ( is a voluntary, non-profit organization of scientists working with neutron scattering and with the aim to promote and enlarge the community in particular in new areas of science. The ongoing construction of two major research facilities in Lund European Spallation Source (ESS) and the Max IV synchrotron are both central for advancing several scientific fields and also open up new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.
Speakers & Programme
Confirmed keynote speakers :
- Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Birmingham University
- Prof. Matt Helgeson, UC Santa Barbara
- Prof. John White, The Australian National University
The preliminary programme can be found here. The sessions in the final programme will reflect the topical areas of the contributed talk submissions received.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline : April 29th 2016
Registration Opens : March 15th 2016
Registration Closes : May 15th 2016
The registration fee is 60€ and includes lunch on 30th and 31st and dinner on the 30th.
Neutrons & Food 2016
The meeting is planned as a lunch-to-lunch meeting, organised back-to-back with the Neutrons and Food 2016 Conference. On the afternoon of 31st May the two meetings will be bridged with a tour of the ESS site and a Max IV visit. The goal is to encourage further engagement of the Swedish scattering community with the food science community and we encourage you to join use for the following meeting.
You can find out more about the Neutrons and Food 2016 Conference on the Indico page here.
OrganiserAndrew Jackson (ESS & Lund University), Tommy Nylander (Lund University)
PrintIstanbul, TURKEY
The purpose of the workshop is to provide a public forum for researchers
from academia, defence, government and industry to present, exchange ideas and discuss developments in Theoretical and Applied Physics.
Ostrava, CZ
DescriptionThe Industry WP will be present as a visitor with a poster. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Contact E-Mail URL

Lübeck, Germany
DescriptionThe Industry WP will be present as a visitor. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Matchmaking event for industry and research organisations in the BioTec and MedTec sectors in the Fehmarnbelt-Öresung region (Hamburg, Lübeck, Copenhagen, Malmö, Lund) – and beyond.
Contact NameMarc Thiry
E-Mail URL
Millennium Point, Birmingham, UK
This annual conference has been established to provide a platform for fuel cell and hydrogen researchers and industry to meet and discuss new developments, trends and deployment issues.
OrganiserUniversity of Birmingham
Contact E-Mail URL
Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France
Scientific scope:
FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite. The 9th FPSchool session will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble from 9 to 14 May 2016(*). The lectures and tutorials will give the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at intermediate level. In addition to the overview of general applications (indexing, Rietveld refinements), magnetic structure determination and refinement will specifically be addressed along the school.
The school lasts 4.5 days: 2 days dedicated to have a general overview of FullProf Suite as well as to general applications, plus 2 days dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data. For the practical sessions, participants should bring their own computers with FullProf Suite already installed.
The school is aimed at PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves as beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even try to follow any of the online tutorials.
The maximum number of participants is limited to 30, which ensures the quality of the given training. The selection of candidates is based on the motivation letter and CV (plus a recommendation letter from the thesis supervisor for PhD students). If necessary, a criterion of balance between laboratories and countries is applied. For information, the acceptance rate is about 1:3.
(*) Note that there is an optional excursion organised on Saturday 14th May, so you may need to do your travel arrangements in order to stay an extra day.
Important deadlines:
- 01/03/2016 Opening online application
- 27/03/2016 Deadline for application
- 04/04/2016 Decision for accepted participants
- 25/04/2016 Deadline for registration
Institute Laue-Langevin
Contact E-Mail URL PrintMuseum of the Great Western Railway, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
DescriptionA 1-day meeting that will focus on state-of-the-art applications of SANS across a range of Soft Matter systems, and the future scientific opportunities that will come from new facilities, new instruments, and technical advances.
The meeting will also celebrate the retirement of Dr Richard K Heenan, principal scientist in SANS at ISIS and author of the FISH model-fitting software.
OrganiserSociety of the Chemical Industry and the Royal Society of Chemistry, with support from the Institute of Physics and the STFC ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source
Contact URL PrintRostock, D
DescriptionThe Industry WP will be present with a stand. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Main Topic: Basic Mechanisms of Energy Conversion Public
Opening Lecture: Mesoscopic photosystems for the solar generation of electricity and fuels
Industrial Symposium: Solvation Science in Industry and Industrial Exhibition

Lille, France
The symposium aims at presenting and discussing the state of the art materials science investigations at the nanoscale on timely topics with a particular emphasis on the contribution of large scale facilities including synchrotrons, neutron sources and free electron lasers. Studies considering oxides will be particularly welcome. Additional attention will be given to the role of techniques in the study of materials issues in the field of energy and environment.
This meeting will be devoted to recent advances in materials studies realized at large scale facilities. In addition to the invited lectures additional extended oral presentations will be selected from outstanding submitted oral contributions.
We are delighted to invite you to submit your abstract (deadline January 15th) and start planning your venue in France.
OrganiserDESY, CEA, SRRS
Contact URL PrintCarqueiranne (Var, France)
The French Neutron Society (SFN) organises with the Institut Laue Langevin and the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin neutron facilities the 24th “Neutron Diffusion Meeting”.
This multidisciplinary workshop (traditionnally entitled “Rencontres Rossat-Mignod”) will be dedicated to new results, obtained using neutron scattering techniques, in various scientific domains representative of the whole neutron users community.
Four sessions will be organised, in Magnetism, Soft Matter and Environment, Condensed Matter, and Biology. Each session will be introduced by an invited talk, which will be followed by a series of shorter oral communications. A Poster session, encompassing all the scientific topics cited above, and an Instrumentation session, will also take place.
Abstracts for oral presentations should be sent by e-mail before March 2nd, 2016.
OrganiserSFN and ILL
Contact NameFrancoise Damay, Emmanuelle Dubois, Peter Fouquet, Nicolas Jouault, Marie Plazanet
E-Mail URL PrintBudapest KFKI Campus of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Application deadline: 20th March
We are welcoming PhD and master students, post-doc scientists as well as newcomers to the neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology, material science etc.
The training consists of 5 days of lectures and experimental works.
Available instruments:
Small Angle Neutron Scattering (YS)
Reflectometer (GINA)
Triple Axis Spectrometer (TAS)
Neutron Diffractometer (ND)
Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis and Neutron Induced Prompt Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Station (PGAA/NIPS-NORMA)
Grants are available.
OrganiserBudapest Neutron Centre
Contact NameAdél Len
Fethiye-Ölüdeniz (Blue Lagoon), Turkey
ICSM2016 is now accepting abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations. The deadline is November 27, 2015.
This is the fifth edition of the international series of foremost and unique conferences. ICSM2016 will be an interdisciplinary forum for fruitful exchange of knowledge on the latest experimental results and theoretical advances in superconductivity. Magnetism, innovative advanced materials, their applications incorporating related technologies.
Very distinctive and high profile invited speakers including potential Nobel laureates will participate at the conference and deliver talks on their most recent research advancements.
ICSM2016 offers a unique traditional hospitality and a renewed enthusiasm for the profession, which will envelope you throughout your stay in a truly world-class scientific event. You may keep updated at the website for further information on the conference.
Contact NameDr. Ali Bozbey
E-Mail URL PrintMadrid, Spain
The design, buildup, operation and maintenance of new and existing European Research Infrastructures (RIs) has been established as essential for the completion of the European Research Area (ERA). Research Infrastructures (RIs), along with the human capital concentrated around them, are recognized as a prerequisite for excellence in science, an enabler for industrial application of scientific results and a way to address the weaknesses in science and innovation policy coordination and networking at the European and region level. Nevertheless, there is an imbalance when it comes to the understanding of the investment needed in these RIs and more concretely, to which financial instrument could be considered depending of the RIs developing phase and the specific expenses needs.
The ultimate goal of the “Symposium on European Funding Instruments for the development of Research Infrastructures” is to provide a comprehensive view of the financial possibilities that the European RIs can consider in order to fully exploit their research capacities and services.With this activity the RICH project aims to facilitate information on the different funding instruments available and their connection to the RIs ecosystem, in particular the use of Structural Funds as well as EFSI, InnovFin and its synergies with H2020 funding, offering this way a complete view of how RIs can be managed and funded at global, EU, national and regional level.
The symposium will be web-streamed at:
OrganiserRICH, the network of National Contact Points for Research Infrastructures
Contact URL PrintUK
Mantid Training Courses April 2016
Following the success of our previous sessions of these training courses we would like to offer them again in April 2016. These courses are open to both facility staff and any interested people from other institutions.
The following courses will be based at ISIS, RAL and are:
Wednesday 6th April 1-5pm: Mantid Introduction
An introduction to the Mantid interface, how to graph and visualize your data, manipulate it with the built in algorithms, together with an introduction to curve fitting and live data analysis.
Thursday 7th April 9-12am: Introduction to Python
This half day course will introduce you to the Python scripting language, no previous experience required, although some understanding of loops and conditional (if .. then) logic will be expected.
Thursday 7th September 1-5pm: Python in Mantid
This course concentrates on using Python to build analysis scripts within Mantid as well as controlling the Mantid GUI from python, and accessing the underlying data within Mantid workspaces.
Friday 8th September 9-5pm: Extending Mantid using Python
For the more adventurous among you this full day course will introduce you to the many ways you can use Python to extend the capabilities within Mantid adding Python Algorithms and curve fitting functions, as well as diving deeper into the structure of workspaces.
Booking a place
If you are interested in any other these courses please send an email to letting me know which courses you wish to attend. For the courses we will supply PCs, so there is no need to bring a laptop unless you really want to. Spaces are limited to 20 people per course so please book early to avoid disappointment. If a course is over booked we will try to arrange another session in the future, so if you cannot make that specific date let me know and I’ll let you know about any subsequent courses.
I’ll send out calendar appointments to you once your place on the course is booked.
Next run of these courses
The specific dates of the next run has not been fixed yet, but we expect to run these courses again in roughly 6 months.
For visitors from UK academic institutions:
We are sometimes able to offer assistance with travel and lodging costs while attending the courses. Let me know when you are booking the courses and I’ll get back to you with details. If we are able to help, then you travel and hotel must be booked through the ISIS user office.
For visitors from elsewhere:
While we can offer this course for free, we cannot unfortunately offer any help with travel or subsistence costs. However please let me know that you will be visiting when you reply so that I can arrange site access.
Contact NameNick Draper, Mantid Project Manager
E-Mail URL
PhoneTel: +44 (0)1235 567212
PrintHamburg, Germany
DescriptionThe 2nd Meeting of the European User Offices will be held in Hamburg on 5-6 April 2016. The meeting will be co-hosted by the User Offices of DESY Photon Science, EMBL Hamburg and European XFEL. In recent times, the user research administration landscape in Europe has been evolving very quickly, in a very complex funding situation. In addition, new facilities are under construction or coming into operation and a number of established facilities have gone or are going through upgrade programmes. Due to the increasing number of users of large-scale research facilities, all this has potentially a large impact on photon and neutron science output in Europe. In this framework, a strong network among User Offices can be very productive for all participants. After a successful first meeting at ALBA in Barcelona in November 2014, the 2nd Meeting of the European User Offices will be another useful opportunity for exchanging information and experiences on present and upcoming common challenges relevant to user operation at large-scale synchrotron, FEL and neutron facilities.
OrganiserEuropean XFEL, Hamburg, Germany
Contact URL
Second meeting of the SINE2020 WP10 Data Treatment RTD.
Please note that the dates are merely indicative. The precise dates are still to be decided.
Contact NameAnders Kaestner
PrintSheffield, UK
Abstract submission for Magnetism 2016 is now open. Abstracts of up to 200 words and one figure will be accepted until the (extended) deadline of Friday 22nd January 2016.
A mixture of invited talks and submitted contributions will allow the breadth of magnetism research in the UK and RoI to be presented. Participation from outside UK/RoI and from industry is also encouraged. The conference has previously included oral sessions on a range of subjects including spintronics, domain walls, dynamics, vortices, skyrmions and topological systems, spin ice, biological and organic magnetism, superconductors, magnetocalorics and ab initio theory.
We are encouraging abstracts submitted in the areas of Thin films and nanostructures, Correlated electrons, Biological and organic materials, Computational magnetism and General magnetism.
Key dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 22 January 2016
Early registration deadline: 3 March 2016
Accommodation deadline: 21 March 2016
Registration deadline: 24 March 2016
IOP Magnetism Group
Contact URL PrintRegensburg, Germany
The workshop is designed for motivated PhD students and Post-doc in the field of Colloid and Interface science. The major objective is to discuss modern surface analytical tools that increased our understanding of fluid interfaces. Selected surface analytical tools are presented in tutorial review style by scientists using these techniques in their daily research. The information is then discussed and deepened in small workgroups on the basis of problem sheets. The interaction and active discussion of the participants is a crucial element of our workshop.
OrganiserUniversity of Regensburg
Contact URL
AddressInstitute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Universtitätsstrasse 31
University of Regensburg
93040 Regensburg
Erice (Italy)
ERICE School “Neutron Science and Instrumentation” 2nd Course
XIV School of Neutron Scattering (SoNS) “Francesco Paolo Ricci”
Designing and Building a Neutron Instrument
Application is now open for “Designing and Building a Neutron Instrument” – the 2nd Course within the Erice School “Neutron Science and Instrumentation” and the XIV School of Neutron Scattering (SoNS) “Francesco Paolo Ricci”. Application deadline: 1 March 2016
The School is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply early, as late applications will not be accepted. The 2016 Course focuses on the design and construction of neutron instruments for large-scale facilities. In addition to lectures on theory, sources, and neutron instrumentation, students will be tutored by world leading experts in the various neutron scattering techniques. Students will be organized into groups which will design and “build” a neutron instrument during the week. The course thus includes instrument design, as well as instrument project management activities, at the end of which each student will have an overview of the process of designing and building a neutron instrument. Students are selected for the course based on their need to utilize neutron instrument design and construction project techniques as part of their present and/or future research activities.
The school is aimed at young instrument and development scientists, engineers, and designers at international and national neutron facilities, although graduate students or postdocs at universities with an interest in neutron instrument projects would also be welcomed.
OrganiserEttore Majorana Foundation
Contact NameDr. Ken Andersen (ESS) and Dr. Kenneth W Herwig (ORNL)
E-Mail URL PrintPolygone Scientifique Louis Néel, Grenoble
Neutrons & Synchrotron Radiation for Science:
This 1-month school, established in 1991, provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications).
It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities: ESRF, ILL in Grenoble, Soleil and LLB in Paris-Saclay, SLS/PSI in Villigen, and new in 2016: DESY and European XFEL in Hamburg and ELETTRA and FERMI in Trieste !
Contact URL
The Hague, NL
The Industry WP will be present as a visitor. Don’t hesitate to come talk to us!
Nanotechnologies & Advanced Materials (N&M) is part of Horizon 2020, addressing innovations across a range of sectors. Recently, the work program NMBP 2016-2017 is published, with wide variety of topics covering the area’s listed above. The goal is to facilitate Research and Innovation to strengthen Europe’s industrial capacities and business perspectives, including Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). International cooperation and collaboration with the right partner is key to success.
Contact E-Mail URL
ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
ISIS runs training schools on how to use muons as a research tool. These include a variety of lectures and workshops on the muon technique given by experienced researchers, and also the chance to perform muon experiments.
The next ISIS Muon Spectroscopy Training School will run 14th – 18th March 2016.
Registrations for the 2016 school closed on January 6th and applicants have been informed of their results. Materials from the school will be available online as soon as possible after the school finishes.
Muons are a valuable and versatile probe of condensed matter. The µSR (muon spin rotation / relaxation / resonance) spectroscopic techniques are used to investigate magnetic, superconducting, semiconducting, molecular, ionic and metallic systems.
The aim of the Muon Spectroscopy Training School is to provide a practical training course for Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers on the use of muons in condensed matter research.
Contact URL
Lund, Sweden
On March 7th, a joint communications meeting between the communications officers of BrightnESS and SINE 2020 will take place at ESS in Lund.
Contact E-Mail Print
The school program consists of three days of lectures giving a theoretical introduction to the fundamentals of neutron scattering and the principles of various neutron scattering techniques. After the lectures, there will be three and a half days of hands-on experiments on seven different neutron scattering instruments. The students will be divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and will do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of experienced scientists. Furthermore, there will be a students’ poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss with the HZB scientists how neutron scattering could benefit the
ir research. – The school will finish with lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in the areas of biology, chemistry, engineering and physics etc. This course is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the Technical University Berlin.
Contact NameProf Bella Lake
E-Mail URL AddressHelmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1
14109 Berlin

FZ Auditorium, Forschungszentrum Jülich
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), ceremonial addresses and a scientific lecture will be held on Wednesday, 17th February, 2016. Friends and associates of the JCNS are cordially invited to attend this event.
Neutron physics has continued to play an important role in Jülich ever since the foundation of the former nuclear research centre 60 years ago. Prior to the shut-down of the Jülich research reactor FRJ-2 (“DIDO”), the JCNS was founded in February 2006 as a distributed neutron research centre without its own neutron source. For the last ten years, JCNS has successfully developed and operated world-class neutron scattering instruments at the best neutron sources worldwide, thus providing access to state-of-the-art experimental facilities in neutron science for both German and international user communities.
JCNS in-house research focuses on correlated electron systems and nanomagnetism as well as soft matter and biophysics. Neutrons for energy is soon to become a third pillar of research. In these areas of expertise, JCNS offers external users expert support on world-class instruments with a specialized sample environment and ancillary laboratory access.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich
Contact NameMs. Saida Oubenkhir
E-Mail URL
PrintLindner Congress Hotel Düsseldorf and Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
The IKON meetings are a regular forum centered around the design and construction of the ESS neutron instruments and their associated support facilities.
By bringing together current and future partners, the meetings aim to provide an overview on the various activities and fertilise exchange that is vital to our success.
Scientists from ESS member countries currently not engaged in in-kind activities but interested in joining are encouraged to participate.
Contact URL PrintCosener’s House, Abingdon, UK
Second meeting of the SINE2020 WP9 Detectors RTD.
Contact NameNigel Rhodes
E-Mail PrintLaboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA Saclay, France
NB: Lectures delivered in French.
Registration opens: 19 September
Registration deadline: 18 October
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB/Orphée)
Contact E-Mail URL AddressLaboratoire Léon Brillouin
Secrétariat Scientifique
CEA Saclay 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
The fifth workshop and school on ESS Science will focus on the use of sophisticated data analysis methods along with extensive computational modeling to extract as much information as possible from the experimental observations and thereby gain profound scientific insights from scattering experiments.
The future is now. New intense neutron sources and advanced instrumentation will revolutionize the use of neutrons for a wide range of investigations in materials, macromolecules, surface phenomena, condensed matter, and many other systems of significant interest. Both the improved quality of the data collected and the increasing complexity of the materials under study pose a challenge for the optimum extraction of information from these experiments. To reliably and fully interpret the data will require the use of advanced software in data analysis, modeling and close collaboration between experimentalists and theoreticians.
The goal of this workshop-school is to describe the manner in which static and dynamic processes in materials give rise to their neutron scattering profiles. The school will demonstrate how current data treatment and computational analysis can effectively be used to improve the scientific understanding derived from data obtained on current and next generation of neutron scattering instruments.
OrganiserHeloisa N. Bordallo (, Pascale P. Deen ( and Juergen Eckert (
Contact URL
PrintCopenhagen University
Wednesday 14th October
- WP meetings (WP5, 17, 18, 19, 20)
- Foresight meeting for the future of I3 projects (Board members only)
Thursday 15th October
- General Assembly with invited speakers and WP presentations
- Evening: social dinner
Friday 16th October
- SINE2020 Kick-off meeting
- WP meetings
For further information please go to the event website and download the agenda.
OrganiserCopenhagen University / NMI3
Contact E-Mail URL
PDF not found.
If you would like to add your event to this calendar please contact
For neutron-related events taking place across the world please visit the Neutronsources calendar.