SINE2020 - A project dedicated to Education and Training

Scientist explaining an instrument to the students at the Fan du LLB school. © NMI3
SINE2020 will financially support a number of neutron scattering schools each year. Calls for schools which seek support will be launched every year for advanced schools and every second year for introductory schools.
Introductory schools
SINE2020 will support schools offering an introduction to neutron scattering. In these schools, students are given an overview of the relevant theoretical aspects of the techniques, as well as an opportunity to perform real experiments on state-of-the-art instruments from Europe's neutron facilities.
Advanced schools
Specialist neutron schools focusing on a specific neutron technique, analysis tool or scientific discipline are necessary for scientists looking for a more specific type of training.
Call for supporting schools
Neutron schools in Europe will be offered the opportunity to apply for funding. Further information on the requirements for applications will be available soon on this page. Please find below an indicative calendar of the calls. For further, detailed information go to news & calls.
- Evaluation made by the coordination committee
- Submission via email
- Announcement on the SINE2020 web page
Schools supported by SINE2020
Our Schools have trained over 1800 people in the neutron community. All resources from these Schools are available on our e-learning plaform
Introductory Schools
- JCNS Laboratory Course on Neutron Scattering: MLZ, Germany 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019
- Berlin School on Neutron Scattering: Berlin, Germany 2016, 2017 & 2018
- CETS, Central European Training School: Budapest, Hungary 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019
- Hercules: Grenoble, France 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019
- ISIS Muon Spectroscopy Training School: UK, 2016 & 2018
- Oxford School on Neutron Scattering: Oxford, UK, 2017 & 2019
- Giornate Didattiche: Italy, 2016 & 2017
- PSI Summer School: Switzerland, 2017
- SISN-Intro: Torino and Grenoble, 2018 & 2019
- Neutron Scattering and Imaging for Newcomers (Satellite to ECM32): Vienna, Austria 2019
Advanced Schools
- Joint French-Swedish school on X-rays and Neutrons techniques for the study of functional materials for energy: Lund, Sweden 13-17 May 2019 Website
- Evolving Soft Matter: Geilo, Norway 2019
- Matrac 2: with special focus on Fundamental Aspects of Materials, Germany, 2017 & 2019
- SoNS Erice: The neutron precession tecniques: Sicily, Italy 2017
- Matrac 1: Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiaion in Engineering Materials Science, Germany, 2018
- SISN: Neutron scattering data handling: Italy 2018
- Bombannes: Scattering methods applied to Soft Condensed Matter, 2016 & 2018
- FCMP 2018 Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics, Frascati, Italy 2018
- MacStas 2018: Instrumentation Simulation, Orotava, Spain 2018
- BioNeutrons 2018: Introduction to neutrons for biologists, Carqueiranne, France 2018
- Neils Bohr 2018: INS, NMR and molecular dynamics, Copenhagen, Denmark 2018
- Mdanse School: Tenerife, Spain, 2018
- 1st Bilbao Neutron School: Science and Instrumentation for Compact Accelerator-Driven Neutron Sources (CANS), Bilbao, Spain June 2019
- International Advanced School in Muon Spectroscopy: Harwell, UK August 2019
- SISN Advanced 2019: Neutrons and Muons for Magnetism, Ispra (Varese), Italy September 2019
- Neutrons for Membrane Biophysics, Garching, Germany September 2019