News, Calls & Schools Calendar

News related to the Education and Training WP and calendar of supported schools.




Watch our new video Introducing It will give you a summary of the great resources available on this interactive e-learning platform to teach users about neutrons. read more

Neutrons for Membrane Biophysics School

Neutrons for Membrane Biophysics School

16/09/2019 - 20/09/2019

Participants have arrived in Garching for the Neutrons for Membrane Biophysics school, supported by SINE2020. Welcome! read more



05/05/2019 - 10/05/2019

A successful 13th Central European Training School on Neutron Techniques run in Budapest, Hungary! read more

Matrac 2 School: article and video!

Matrac 2 School: article and video!

31/03/2019 - 05/04/2019

Read about Matrac 2 Neutron School held in Germany from 31st March – 5th April 2019 and watch our video! read more

Neutrons for Membrane Biophysics School announced

Neutrons for Membrane Biophysics School announced

15/07/2019 - 19/07/2019

A SINE2020 Supported School on Neutrons for Membrane Biophysics has been announced for July 2019 in Garching, Germany.

Registration opens on 1st April! read more

Joint French-Swedish school on X-rays and Neutrons techniques

Joint French-Swedish school on X-rays and Neutrons techniques


The Joint French-Swedish school on X-rays and Neutrons techniques for the study of functional materials for energy will be held in Lund, Sweden from 13th-17th May 2019.

This advanced school on X-rays and Neutrons techniques for the study of functional materials for energy is jointly organized by Swedish and French universities and research organisms. read more
