1st April 2019
Lyon, France
SYnchrotron and NEutron Research Go Industrial: SYNERGI is a one-day event that gives industrial companies an insight into neutron and synchrotron characterisation techniques for R&D, introducing techniques that allow materials and device investigation far beyond conventional laboratory capabilities.
SYNERGI 2019, organised by The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) and the European Synchrotron (ESRF) in Lyon, France on the 1st April, focused on the sectors of chemicals, biotechnologies and catalysts.

SYNERGI 2019 Participants
The programme included:
- testimonials from industrialists who are regular users of advanced characterisation techniques available at the facilities;
- flash-tutorials sessions;
- face-to-face meetings to discuss projects and techniques organised in advance by a specific software.
SYNERGI 2019 gathered 45 participants among which 47% were from Industry, 24% from the synchrotron or neutron facilities, 15% from academia and the remaining 15% are distributed among semi-public technology organisations, economic development agencies and learned societies. We could count more than 50 B2B meetings held during the afternoon. More than 95% of the participants evaluated SYNERGI 2019 positively.
Watch our synopsis video below to find out more.
You can also read about 2018's event SYNERGI2018.