2nd BornAgain School and User Meeting
19-21 December 2018

For three cold but festive days, 30 X-ray and neutron scattering researchers, mainly from Europe, are attending the 2nd BornAgain School and User Meeting. This is taking place in the Gate building on the Garching Research Campus near Munich in Germany. Many of the researchers have little or no experience using BornAgain software to perform their simulation and data analysis needs and have travelled to Garching to learn how to use it.
The School will consist of three days of tutorials and exercises on how to use BornAgain software. This software is open source, available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux and uses C++ and Python. It also has a Graphical User Interface which has been considerably improved over the last year. BornAgain is now on version 1.14 (released December 2018) and can be downloaded from the www.bornagainproject.org website.
Each participant has downloaded BornAgain onto their own computer and can gain hands-on experience in using it during the next three days – and also have access to one-to-one help from many of the BornAgain developers and experts if they need it.
Day 1 will consist of tutorials about the GUI, including how to set your instrument, sample and particle parameters. Day 2 will move onto reflectivity experiments and polarised neutrons while Day 3 will focus on complex samples and advanced geometry and simulations as well as introduction to gitHub.
BornAgain supports X-ray and neutron (polarised and non-polarised) experiments and forms a valuable simulation and fitting tools to obtain information on sample layers, interfaces, particles, nanoparticle assemblies, instrument effects and much more.
The BornAgain project is part of SINE2020's Data Treatment work package.