50th Publication for SINE2020 in 2018!
SINE2020 and Grant agreement No 654000 has been acknowledged in its 50th journal paper for 2018, bringing the number of publications from the project up to 85 in total.

Since the beginning of the SINE2020 project in October 2015, we have been making an impact in the world of neutrons. This is evidenced by SINE2020's publication record. Within 2018 the project has topped 50 publications, making a total of 85 for the project as a whole.
The golden paper that took us over this number is From Initial Hit to Crystal Optimization with Microseeding of Human Carbonic Anhydrase IX—A Case Study for Neutron Protein Crystallography by Katarina Koruza, Bénédicte Lafumat, Maria Nyblom, Wolfgang Knecht and Zoë Fisher : Crystals 2018, 8(11), 434. This project was partly funded by SINE2020 as part of Work Package 6: Crystal Growth aiming to discover new and improved methods for growing crystals suitable for neutron studies. This particular research focuses on protein crystallisation and took place at Lund University and the European Spallation Source in Sweden.
SINE2020 and/or Grant agreement No 654000 has been acknowledged in publications all over Europe and the world with the list growing almost everyday. Of the 50 publications this year, over 10 have been direct output from SINE 2020 projects such as 10-Boron Resistive Plate Chambers, or DFT Calculations for muon spectroscopy. They have included projects from Germany, Portugal, France, Switzerland, Italy and the UK. Over 30 papers have acknowledged SasView code developed by SINE2020's Data Treatment Work Package. SasView is a open source software package for fitting and analysis of Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) data and is available to download.
Thank you to everyone for mentioning SINE2020. Let's see if we can make our total publications over 100 in the final 10 months!
N.B. If you have acknowledged the SINE2020 project in a publication and it is not listed in our publication list, please let us know so we can add it.