Deuteration User Survey
Help us increase the availability of complex deuterated molecules to European neutron scatterers by telling us your demands through our survey.

DEUNET team at ILL
Contact Person: Rachel Morrison
Within the SINE2020 project we have setup an European Deuteration Network (DEUNET) that aims to increase the availability and accessibility of complex deuterated molecules to the European neutron scattering community. The existing capabilities of the laboratories at ISIS, ILL and FZJ which currently produce deuterated materials for neutron scattering will be complemented by an additional laboratory at ESS. Furthermore, the organisation of the facilities into a network leverages the unique specialisations of each of the laboratories.
Under this project we have prepared a short user survey to help us to get a better overview of your demands for deuterated materials. We hope you will participate in this survey.
If you have any questions or problems with the survey please contact
Thank you for your help.