New Management team at ILL as of October 1, 2016

The ILL's two new directors, Helmut Schober (left) and Mark Johnson, together with the French Associate Director, Charles Simon (right). © Serge Claisse, ILL.
Helmut Schober became the new ILL Director, Mark Johnson the new Science Director and British Associate Director, and Alexandre Durand the new Head of Administration.
SINE2020, 11/10/2016
Source: ILL
On October 1, Helmut Schober became the new Director of the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL), taking over from Bill Stirling. Helmut is the former coordinator of the NMI3 project and is very much involved in SINE2020. ILL is our coordinator facility.
Mark Johnson is the new Science Director and British Associate Director of the ILL. Before taking up his new role, Mark has been the SINE2020 and NMI3 Coordinator.
Last but not least, Alexandre Durand has replaced Manuel Rodriguez as the new Head of Administration at the ILL. Mr Durand joins the ILL from the CEA, where he worked in the directorate of finance and programmes.
We wish them all the best!