Post-doc position funded by SINE2020 offered at the University of Parma
The Uni. Parma is looking for a Post-Doc with experience in DFT simulations as well as attitude for experimental work at large scale facilities.

A Post-Doc position is offered at the University of Parma, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences.
The aims are to extend the predictions of atomistic ab-initio methods for the identification of the interstitial site occupied by positive muons implanted in crystalline materials of different types: metals, insulators, molecular crystals, etc. and to compare these predictions with results of ad hoc μSR experiments.
The ideal candidate has previous experience in DFT simulations as well as attitude for experimental work at large scale facilities.
The contract duration is 24 months, gross salary € 26572/year. The deadline for submission is 4 November 2015. Candidates should contact Prof. Roberto De Renzi well in advance of the deadline.
The project is funded by SINE2020 , Word class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe 2020, Joint Research Activity on Data Treatment.