Registrations open for the JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering
Learn about neutron scattering and how you can benefit from using neutrons on 4 – 15 September 2017 in Jülich and Garching. Apply by May 24.

Participants at the JCNS Lab Course 2016.
Dates: September 4-15, 2017
Venue: Jülich and Garching, Germany
Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) is happy to announce that application is open for the 21st Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering taking place September 4-15, 2017 in Juelich and Garching/Munich, Germany.
The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one week of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ in Garching. It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific power.
Application and SINE2020 support
Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences are invited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee. Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS. Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits. Thanks to SINE2020 a number of European participants may receive support for their travel expenses (to be managed by the school organisers).
Deadline for application is May 14, 2017.
Views from 2013 participants
The former neutron and muon project NMI3 has been to the 2013 school edition and talked with the participants and organisers. To find out about the school participants experience watch the video!
For further information and to apply for participation please visit our website
The organisers are looking forward to welcoming you in Jülich and Garching!