SINE2020 goes Toulouse

Science in the City Festival

The Olympic games of neutrons and photons

Toulouse hosts EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) and becomes European City of Science 2018!

SAVE THE DATE: July 7th – 15th, 2018

Interactive activities from 11 cutting-edge research facilities (ERF-AISBL) exploring the frontiers of physics on Earth and space. These large scale research facilities provide the equipment and scientific environment needed to analyse materials with neutrons, X-rays or synchrotron radiation in order to work on energy fusion or explore the universe. Using a range of interactive tools, we aim to enrich the Science and the City Festival in Toulouse with fun insights into physicists’ research to better understand the world around and above us. With games, a little olympiade, exhibits, and astonishing virtual reality tours, live link-ups to the different facilities in 18 European countries and beyond culminating in a physics show, we want to ensure that visitors have the opportunity to experience out-of-this-world as well as world-class physics.

*The ERF-AISBL Association has the not-for-profit purpose to promote the cooperation and the projects between european-level research infrastructures which are open, at international level, to external researchers. These Infrastructures include national infrastructures as well as european networks and consortia of research infrastructures.

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