WP8: E-tools meet in St Petersburg.

Participants of ISTSI2019
On Saturday June 29th the workshop “Innovative Simulation Tools, Shielding and Instrumentation 2019” (ISTSI2019) was held as a satellite of the ECNS conference in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The main results of the work done within SINE2020 were presented to an audience of other ECNS participants. The total workshop attendance was 20 participants that contributed and listened to a total of 13 presentations covering the progress in all of the WP tasks. Several of the non-SINE2020 participants explained that the presentations would be very useful in their own work on optimising instrumental shielding and signal-to-noise.
Most of the presentations are already available at the workshop website at http://istsi.essworkshop.org or http://ecns2019.essworkshop.org.