Switzerland: Our partner - PSI

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland, conducting cutting-edge research in three main fields: matter and materials, energy and the environment and human health. It is a merger of the Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research (SIN) and the Federal Instituted for Reactor Research (EIR).
PSI develops, builds and operates complex large scientific research facilities including the SINQ neutron source and the SμS muon source.
The institute is named after Paul Scherrer who, together with his tutor, Peter Debye, developed the Debye-Scherrer powder method, a procedure using X-rays for the structural analysis of crystals – an important contribution to the development of scattering techniques still used today.
PSI are contributing to the SINE2020 work packages in the following ways:
- Their expertise on muons for learning resources (e-learning) and for piston cells and in-situ measurements for Sample Environment
- Working on the goniometer task (Sample Environment)
- Development of Silicon multipliers and Scintiallation detectors for Instrumentation: Detectors
- Experience with Monte Carlo simulations (McStas, MCNP) and with shielding for Instrumentation: E-tools
- Involvement in Mantid, SasView and atomistic modelling for Data Treatment
References :
Paul Scherrer Institute
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Other articles: PSI Hosted the High Pressure Cells kick-off meeting, Data Treatment's Workshop I, Improving a piston-cylinder pressure cell for μSR experiments, Thermally decoupling a goniometer, Making 2D position sensitive scintillation detectors for neutron measurements