
News and results from the e-tools WP

Improving the Bonner Sphere Spectrometer (BSS)

Improving the Bonner Sphere Spectrometer (BSS)


What have Switzerland been doing with the Boner Sphere Spectrometer on The Road to the ESS? read more

Polythene B4C concrete for novel shielding

Polythene B4C concrete for novel shielding


Researchers have been developing and testing novel concrete shielding for the ESS. read more

We have reached Denmark on The Road to the ESS

We have reached Denmark on The Road to the ESS


Today we find out about how DTU have been improving neutron simulations. read more

Compact instrumentation for Larmor Labelling applications for the ESS

Compact instrumentation for Larmor Labelling applications for the ESS


Find out what TU Delft have been recommending to the ESS. read more

SINE2020 E-tools work package is holding ECNS2019 satellite event

SINE2020 E-tools work package is holding ECNS2019 satellite event


SINE2020’s Work Package 8 are holding a satellite workshop just before the ECNS2019 conference in Russia. read more

Neutrons: Cradle to Grave workshop - slides and videos available

Neutrons: Cradle to Grave workshop - slides and videos available


Slides and videos of the talks given at the workshop are now available online. The workshop focused on requirements/developments for a (bidirectional) Monte Carlo variance reduction method applied to neutron beamline transport systems. read more