France: Our partner - ILL

Founded in 1967, The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is an international research centre with a high flux neutron source for neutron science and technology. Its expertise and facilities, including 40 state-of-the-art instruments, are available to visiting scientists and industry.
The centre is funded and managed by France, Germany and the United Kingdom (from 1974) and in association with ten other Scientific Member countries. The institute's name honours the German physicist Max von Laue and French physicist Paul Langevin.
ILL are contributing to the SINE2020 work packages in the following ways:
- Management and Co-ordination: Both SINE2020's Project Manager and Project Co-ordinator are based at the ILL.
- Work Package Leaders of Crystal Growth and Sample Environment
- Deuteration tasks
- MSGC Detectors in Instrumentation: Detectors
- Contributions (Mantid, atomistic modelling) to Data Treatment
- High-energy neutron transport codes in Instrumentation: E-tools
References :
Institut Laue-Langevin
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Other articles: Mantid at ILL, CEA/LLB/CNRS, Deuteration of Biomolecules, Data Treatment's Workshop II, Novel MSGC Detector Hardware, Methods for large protein crystal growth for neutron protein crystallography, The use of high magnetic fields for large neutron-sized sample production, Next-generation anvils for the Paris-Edinburgh cell, Improving the signal-to-background ratio