Science & Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020

This website is no longer being updated as the project has come to an end. For up-to-date news, events and information, please visit

SINE2020, world-class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020, is a consortium of 18 partner institutions from 12 countries. It is funded by the European Union through the H2020 programme. Read more.

Latest news

2nd BornAgain School and User Meeting

2nd BornAgain School and User Meeting

19/12/2018 - 21/12/2018

30 researchers are meeting in Garching, Germany to learn how to use BornAgain, the open-source software package to simulate and fit neutron and x-ray small-angle scattering at grazing incidence. read more

Sample Environment team meet in Prague

Sample Environment team meet in Prague

22/11/2018 - 23/11/2018

Researchers from SINE2020’s Sample Environment work package reviewed their progress at a team meeting in Prague. read more

Matrac 2 School 2019: Registrations Open

Matrac 2 School 2019: Registrations Open

31/03/2019 - 05/04/2019

Registration for the Matrac 2 2019 School is open and will be held in Germany. This School is financially supported within the frame of the SINE2020 Neutron and Muon Advanced Schools. read more

Parr Reactor for Hydrothermal Deuteration Installed at ESS

Parr Reactor for Hydrothermal Deuteration Installed at ESS


ESS DEULAB installed its first Parr Reactor to aid the deuteration of compounds much needed by the neutron user community. This will help the SINE2020 Work Package: Chemical Deuteration with their work. read more

50th paper for SINE2020 in 2018

50th paper for SINE2020 in 2018


SINE2020 and Grant agreement No 654000 has been acknowledged in its 50th journal paper for 2018, bringing the number of publications from the project up to 85 in total. read more

The Olympic Games of neutrons and photons

The Olympic Games of neutrons and photons

10/07/2018 - 15/07/2018

SINE2020 participated in “The Olympic Games of neutron and photons” at the Science in the City event in Toulouse, France parallel to the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF).

Members of the Research Infrastructures Communications and Engagement (RICE) Working Group prepared a series of activities for visitors to enjoy around different science topics.

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Read all our news here.
