The Road to the ESS
by Lucy Moorcraft, SINE2020 Information Manager
The last year of our four-year SINE2020 project is underway. We want to celebrate the work and achievements of the 12 participating countries by taking a road trip across Europe. Over the next 12 months we will look at how our consortium has paved the way to efficient, user-friendly neutron sources such as ILL (France), FRM II (Germany), SINQ (Switzerland), ISIS (UK), BNC (Hungary), NPI (Czech Rep) and of course the European Spallation Source (ESS) currently being constructed in Lund, Sweden; bringing industry, collaboration and innovation onboard en route.

We will explore the contribution of each country – Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom – not only to the SINE2020 project but to European neutron facilities and the world of neutrons too.
Every week we will post an item of interest, perhaps a recent research development or news story, related to our featured country, as we travel the road to the ESS.
We've been to Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Denmark and finally Sweden.

SINE2020 Partner: ESS
Scientist Spotlight: Lise Meitner
Industrial Case Studies: BUMAX, Sandvik
Contribution – E-tools A new polythene-B4C based concrete for shielding
Contribution – Crystal Growth Growing HCA Crystals
Contribution – Chemical Deuteration Deuteration of molecules using enzymes, DEUNET

SINE2020 Partners: UCPH and DTU
Scientist Spotlight: Neils Bohr
Industrial Case Studies: Caretag Surgical, Novozymes, Biomodics
Contribution – E-tools Improving neutron simulations
Contribution – Data Treatment Software, Interoperable Data Treatment Software: Part 1, Interoperable Data Treatment Software: Part 2
Contribution – e-learning Introducing, for Teachers and Supervisors.

The Netherlands
SINE2020 Partner: TUD
Scientist Spotlight: Hugo Rietveld
Contribution – E-tools Compact instrumentation for Larmor Labelling applications for the ESS

United Kingdom
SINE2020 Partner: STFC
Scientist Spotlight: James Chadwick
Contribution – Sample Environment Fast-cooling furnaces, An anvil cell for high pressure muon spectroscopy?, In-situ chemistry studies for µSR, Material measurements
Contribution – Chemical Deuteration Deuterated surfactants
Contribution – Detectors ZnS scintillation detector with WLS fibre readout

SINE2020 Partner: PSI
- Scientist Spotlight: Felix Bloch
Hosted Data Treatment's Workshop I in April 2016
Hosted the extended RTD meeting for Detectors in June 2017
Hosted Sample Environment's Kick-off meeting on High Pressure Cells in January 2016
Contribution – Sample Environment Improving a piston-cylinder pressure cell for μSR experiments, Thermally decoupling a goniometer
Contribution – Detectors Making 2D position sensitive scintillation detectors for neutron measurements
Contribution – E-tools Improving the Bonner Sphere Spectrometer, Developing special materials for fast neutron shielding

SINE2020 Partners: HZB, HZG, MLZ/TUM, FZJ,
Scientist Spotlight: Otto Hahn, Ida Noddack
Industrial Case Study: Haldor Topsøe
Contribution – Sample Environment High-pressure cell for in situ neutron scattering investigations of hydrogen storage materials, The Sample Environment Communication Protocol
Contribution – Schools Hosted Matrac 2 Neutron School one of the many neutron schools supported by SINE2020.
Contribution – Chemical Deuteration Deuterated polymers
Contribution – Data Treatment BornAgain
Contribution – Crystal Growth Phase Diagram crystal growth and the development of a Crystallization Chamber
German women in science: Regine von Klitzing and Margarita Russina

Czech Republic
SINE2020 Partner: NPI
Scientist Spotlight: George Placzek
Hosted the Sample Environment meeting in November 2018.
Contribution – E-tools A new interface for SIMRES

SINE2020 Partner: MTA EK
Scientist Spotlight: Leo Szilard
Industrial Case Studies Neutrons for building a car and Novozymes.
Contribution – Schools co-ordinating the Introductory Neutron Schools
Contribution – Industry including performing feasibility study measurements and helping at Industry events like the Automotive Expo
Contribution – E-tools Activation Studies

SINE2020 Partner: University of Parma
Scientist Spotlight: Enrico Fermi, Emilio Segre
Hosted the 2018 General Assembly in Parma
Hosted Data Treatment's Workshop III.
Contribution – Data Treatment Muon Spin Rotation and Relaxation Spectroscopy, Computational modeling for muon spectroscopy, Atomic Modelling for Data Treatment
Italian Women in Science: Laura Bassi and Giovanna Fragneto
SINE2020 Partners: ILL, CEA/LLB/CNRS
Scientist Spotlight: Irène Joliot-Curie
Hosted Data Treatment's Workshop II at ILL in Grenoble, 24-25 April 2017.
Hosted SYNERGI 2019 in Lyon on 1st April 2019.
Industrial Case Studies: EDF, DIAMONDE
Contribution – E-learning and Schools Advanced Neutron Schools
Contribution – Data Treatment Mantid at ILL
Contribution – Detectors Micromegas Detectors, Microstrip Gas Chambers
Contribution – Chemical Deuteration Deuteration of Biomolecules
Contribution – Crystal Growth Methods for large protein crystal growth for neutron protein crystallography, Using high magnetic fields
Contribution – Sample Environment Next-generation anvils for the PE cell, Improving the signal-to-background ratio, In-situ NMR
French Women in Science: Virginie Simonet and Marie Plazanet
SINE2020 Partners: ESS-Bilbao, ICMA
Scientist Spotlight: Blas Cabrera Felipe
Hosted our final General Assembly 2019 in Bilbao
Hosted SINE2020's Neutrons for the Biotech Industry event in Zaragoza.
Feasibility test with Spanish company Tryo Aerospace. Read all about the aims of SINE2020 and Industry.
Contribution – Sample Environment: MC Simulations at ICMA to improve simulation of the signal-to-background ratio.
Contribution – Instrumentation: E-tools: Simulating Laminate Shielding Concepts
Contribution – Detectors Single neutron counting based on scintillators and CMOS cameras
Spanish Women in Science: Arantxa Arbe, Estefanía Abad
SINE2020 Partner: LIP Coimbra
Scientist Spotlight: Egas Moniz
Hosted our first General Assembly in Coimbra
Hosted the Neutrons: Cradle to Grave workshop for E-tools, the work package looking at neutron experiment simulations.
Contribution – Detectors: Resistive Plate Chambers, RPCs – How they work, RPCs: Results so far
Portuguese Women in Science: Maria Paula Marques and Susana Teixeira